Wednesday, July 30, 2008


How badly can these people misjudge others? Let’s see:

1. Watergate: how does Bush or Clinton reverse Watergate: merge
2. Reagan wanted free trade and fall of communism: merge and jump on board
3. Good news: we misjudged you also
4. Two options: grow out or collapse (both want grow out)
5. Reagan Iran Contra: what was this about? (Look what you did)

• Vietnam (who, what, where, when and oh how to win Vietnam)
• Communist advance: merger also ace: liberalism
• Democracy
• Human rights: merger
• Death Penalty: merger
• Generals
• Conspiracy
• Conservative
• Government: merger, got hijacked cannot collapse it (says political will is the problem and Reagan made a mess)
• Terrorism (Special Ops operations): merger
• The football (carry the torch and shoot down who has it)
• Other poser Vietnam and “Civil Wars”: merger
• Domestic 1960s: merger
• Foreign and military aid
• Control banking system
• Use debt and banks to finance war and communism
• Make the left work again and reclaim power

Now mix and match those letters and it should be a clue (V, C, D, H, D, G, C, C, G, and F). Only Reagan’s top Generals at the top had the football for the above. Reagan left the liberals only two options, separate or merges, wrong about you or not, grow out or collapse the system, expand government or collapse it, cut spending or collapse it, truth or liars, and thugs or thieves. Reagan did not leave much to the imagination but he did seek Victory; look what you did.

The next issue is who Fem.’s Reagan and his revolution. In other words, we have his football and the football he was carrying because his top Generals passed it along to the recipient or the people they chose. Who Fem.’s it? Was it only the Clinton’s or both the Bush’s and the Clinton’s? It was both; a merger arose to hijack it. Why? The police are only looking for “one” suspects not three or four or more. They are surrounded and attacked from within to grow outwards, not collapse. Why? Liberalism is a stronger and higher drug than socialism or communism. Do not panic, we have it under control. Whomever FEMA’d the Reagan revolution, Bush or Clinton, (WORK HARDER) begin to step down or address it? They FEMA’d all the Generals and used Al Qu’’Ida as a hit squad. Welcome to the 1960s and the return to the revolution of the people.

There is a plot hatched by the liberals which enthralls the nation into the Middle East. It has to do with religion and warfare. This botched plan uses Barrack Obama as a liberal envoy to address the relation between Cold Warriors and Barrack Obama. They have used this for some time and it is powerful, it plays on the angry white male game. This also is the Al Qu’’Ida plot which has been broken. Someone tried to FEMA the attempt to investigate it and see where it led. Why? Al Qu’’Ida was another plot by revolutionary guards in the police forces. This is the same plot used over and over in the Middle East and it is one of their best tactics. Grow it out and do not collapse it, they can do no wrong. Until the collapse of the Soviet and global free trade, this just Fem.’s them and got them totally lost. They were wrong about us and everything, but how wrong can we be about them? They are FEMA’d by this face off and cloning of posers. Look what they did, they FEMA’d this nation and the world.

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About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.