Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Executive Order 9066 was a class project in 1984 while in 9th grade. Although a high school class project, it was taken up with furious excitement. Other previous projects were the 1920s and the boxer Jack Dempsey, race relations in Hollywood, and various tumultuous issues at the turn of the century.

There are two camps in the American culture. One camp is severely hateful for anything Japanese because it is overlooked as a catalyst of job loss. Jap is American lingo means World War II and a bad memory of events in the 1980s when Japanese businesses invaded every sector of American culture.

The Japanese are considered number two on the list of global engineers, Singapore takes up the number one position. However, number two is not a damnation to poor-dam or pardon. Japan is plagued with war and the rise of the samurai class because of the warring clans and families. All societies who undergo a period of feudal development and landed gentries go through this powerful surge of agrarian warfare. The formal name in the college textbooks for this period of militancy in Japanese history is uniquely dominated only by the Japanese history. Historians call it the period of “internecine warfare” or constant nonstop warfare.

Out of this rose the elite samurai class and the tradition of military elites. Japanese society was ruled by the Shogun and samurai system and some historians attribute this elite class of warriors to World War II. The historians see it as a process of imperialism and also the alliance system which pulled nations into axis powers. Japan has fought with her neighbors and even the Soviets. Japan had fought the British much similar to the Chinese who fought both. The British and the Chinese are closer allies than the Japanese with either.

That is not all there is but just a taste of Asian history. We can go into Daoism, deities, Shintoism, Zen, and even Buddhism. We can go into the various martial arts, the styles, and purity of them and weapons. We can go into a lot of things but right now we need to discuss Executive Order 9066 and the forced Internment of the Japanese during World War II.

The internment of the Japanese was fueled by the attack on Pearl Harbor and the American public’s quick temper to condemn minorities. In this particular case which should not be confused with any other case, the internment of the Japanese had no factual or scientific proof. The only proof which is based on Army history is the deciphering of the German and Japanese communication system. The only bases which can be logically viewed outside of a “witch-hunt” or “anger” or “widespread paranoia” is the fact there were a handful of spies working out of Honolulu, HI and calling in artillery and bombing runs. Beyond this there are and no cases of any Japanese Americans ever involved in espionage or usurping the government.

The two most successful groups in the history of America are the Germans and probably the Japanese. Those two are considered very successful regardless of the opinions of others or their preferences. The Germans and the Japanese are not viewed with a peculiarity that stands out like a sore thumb. However, during this period there were other radicals and immigrants who should be viewed with suspicious detail. You have other cases during this time with other immigrants who were flooding to America to escape the persecution and storm in Europe.

In order to understand what happened and how it happened, you have to go and sit down or talk to the Kobayashi’s, Yammaguchi’s, Yammato’s, etc… These are people who really did not object to what occurred and felt it was part of their loyalty to their nation and it would pass. When you see the family pictures they have and took while in the camps for two, three, or four years; you begin to see how life just stopped. There is no way to defend it or what happened.

Primarily, the problem was how most of the Japanese Americans were very successful. When their internment was signed by FDR, they left businesses, houses, and large amounts of property to dilapidate or completely lost when they returned. In no way are these poor people or desperate people. They should be recognized and not hated or punished for these accomplishments.

Like other fads, trends, and cultural deviances; society sometimes forms opinions and peculiarities that spread like wildfire. Most people did not know about the Japanese Americans. All they know was they were there one day and gone the next. When they finally returned home, they lost everything while the war was in full swing.

Most Japanese Americans hold it as a badge of honor. They do not feel resentment or express resentment because America, like the Germans and other groups, had given back to them in a very rich and rewarding way. Surely, it was the work of a few mad individuals and summarily the sole work of liberals. This has liberals written all over it. The Japanese Americans viewed it as terrible but it equalized by their American experience which was also shared by the Germans and also other groups.

It is the people who are infinitely embarrassed and constantly trying to defend their wrong actions or their ability to falsely demonize or see enemies behind every corner without the hindsight of science or decency; which brings us to the outrageous calm we sometimes see. Again, the mark of the liberals, who are incessantly scraping the bottom, is the conflict of class when the bottom and the top are always an antagonist to the other. The way to liberalism is not easy and must be forced if true change is needed.

If the internment of the Japanese is viewed as conservatism, then it is a false or loose conservatism. It is the same process which liberals use to retaliate and make others an example. Liberals are in government to expand it and to create this “good feeling” they are for welfare. Their sole purpose in public service is to create a shadow of moral rejection for anti-communism or perfection. Judging others can never occur while domination is the rule of day by appealing to everyone.

If you get caught in the liberal storm, then you will feel the lunatic fringe or the criminal insanity. The Japanese Americans are a prime example of this. When you formulate a check list of characteristics, profiles, behavior, intelligence, and genetic quality which causes others to be authoritarian, aggressive, savages, liars, or ridiculous clowns; there are certain groups who rank in the top five over and over. There are certain groups who are always the usual suspects. This list when you compare to the Japanese Americans and their internment is not relevant. It is like punishing the smartest in the class because the worst are not able and fit to keep up. It is a marketing trick and an advertising scam.

The best way to understand the internment of the Japanese is to understand the liberals. The check list is never accountable when you compare the list of offenses to the “friend of the court” status the liberals repugnantly claim. Circumspectly sniggering at others because of a lack of human quality and spirit to judge properly or understand how the checklist is minimal with certain groups and misjudged with the bareness of others. The enemy combatants to the United States are the liberals. To defend this is an act of treason. To discount the check list which presupposes that certain people are more likely than others is the predisposition which acknowledges how certain groups do better than other groups but can be and are hated for this.

Until the summer of 2004 Michelle Malkin might have been considered Ann Coulter's understudy, learning to sneer, snarl, attack and blow-dry hair. That changed with the publication of Malkin's second book In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery, August 2004) The book's central argument did more than voice a belief that even the most rabid right-winger didn't like to utter on record. It turned Malkin into a sociological phenomenon.

Had Internment been written by a white woman, it would have been studiously ignored as racist extremism — even if it offered up stronger evidence than does Malkin. But the titillation and political cover offered by an Asian female author was too good to ignore, even though the evidence Malkin offers had long been dismissed, by military as well as civilian experts, as too inchoate to justify the mass incarceration of 110,000 west-coast Japanese Americans. The decoded military intelligence intercepts (MAGIC) cited by Malkin's book proves that the Japanese military hoped to turn a number of connections with Japanese American business and cultural societies into espionage links. In fact, however, they never amounted to the basis for even one concrete espionage prosecution. The strongest evidence Malkin provides is the account of the help rendered a downed Zero pilot by a Japanese couple on the remote Hawaiian island of Niihau. None of it was new, but it was just enough fodder with which Malkin could make a publishing splash. The real attraction was the sideshow factor: why is this Asian American woman trying to justify Japanese American internment?

Whatever may be the ultimate judgment passed on Malkin's motives, as of late September of 2004 Internment seemed unlikely to reprise the success of her first. The book's media tour accomplished something that may be just as profitable — quadruple the traffic to Malkin's website, catapulting it past Ann Coulter's. No doubt part of that jump is from curiosity seekers who are aghast at Malkin's political views. Yet they will be surprised to find that Malkin's output shows a hard-working writer who makes more than occasional sense but undercuts herself with the unrelenting quality of her free-floating hatred and scorn. To hear Malkin tell it, the world swarms with evil people out to do in the American way of life and, what's more, Americans are too dumb to see it.

- By H Y Nahm, "Michelle Malkin: The Radical Right's Asian Pitbull" -

At this time, the premise of Executive Order 9066 is the best weapon against the liberals and terrorism. We can reproduce the court trial and the evidence which supported the claims for the internment of the Japanese Americans and apply the same standards with ten times the validity and certainty. Therefore, while liberals who support FDR and other legacies of liberals discount how the Japanese were the wartime enemies, they must be able to also judge Americans with equal standards and if they cannot, then to cease the effort or the claim. That is the long enduring history with the liberals and their inability to judge, their refusal to judge, and their inability to recognize their fellow citizens. The standards and quality do not apply to them because they cannot pass. Similarly and hesitantly, when liberals are incapable of and abandon the judgment process or debate, they loose their ability and stature to call themselves fellow citizens no matter how proud the act is.

The problem with liberalism is the socialist element. Sanctimoniously, liberals have seized the entire political landscape and shut every other movement or dissent out. The reason is the degree of uncertainty and the near emergency with the future. The entire left wing is suspended in an animated flux where they have no ideological pointer to give them a feel of the dark. The only thing they can use is the back of another human being at this time and those who are not blinded. How they do that is part of this book. Hesitantly and niggardly, the real danger and threat is the effort to reorganize and determine if communism will be allowed and have any future in the next century. To do this, the banking system must adopt and perpetuate the debt spending and fiscal maniacal wreck socialism and communism espouses. The experiment cannot be disturbed while their scientists work officiously to repair and to superimpose rivalry onto the capitalist and free market system. That is the only way to receive aid and to keep the religion alive. That is the only way to say this is a real church or a benevolent devil who is the victim of the free market or some vast right wing conspiracy. Liberals sometimes take up conservative views and positions to torment them and push them into debunking why they hate themselves and wish suicide. It is their way of declaring themselves superior or unavoidable.

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About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.