Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Let’s see if we cannot form a checklist and create a character profile on who or what we are dealing with. I think the head of the department of defense convoy ran smack into them.

Images, characteristics, and suspicions:

• Chicago
• Midwest
• Kansas and Missouri (money and companies from there recruiting)
• Georgia
• Black and white
• Federal government
• Free trade and free global movement
• Anti military and anti “oppression”
• Shameless greed
• Shameless acts
• Bizarre justifications (family, future, children, etc)
• Incredible planning skills
• Incredible secrecy
• Refuses to give up or stop
• Prejudges people and is quiet about this
• Enjoys killing innocent people
• Enjoys attacking innocent people for no reason
• Rag tag gang of thieves or losers
• Drives people crazy
• Almost retarded and stupid
• Feel somewhat hurt
• Trying to recruit you and prove some hero
• Having fun or enjoying life is a crime
• Follows others to bars or nightclubs
• Refuses to share information or
• Objective is to promote civil war in Middle East
• Anti imperialism or some type of federalism
• Stalks and watches people while they have fun or vacations
• 1960s
• Flash memory suspicion (not immediate but years later suspicion and long pattern of inconsistency)
• Bad timing, shows up at most inopportune and weakest or happiest moment
• Innocent appearance and demeanor, maybe quiet, but recruiters are very popular or famous, a hero or an angelic messiah
• Want to catch you doing something constantly even if they are shameless
• Stupid and drives you crazy
• They make you sicker and sicker instead of better
• Feeling of stuck with them or helplessness
• Want some reaction – to money, to friendship, almost like studying you to judge or punish you for their shameless life
• Sense of arrogance or superiority, something is wrong, too quiet of a disposition, will not go away
• Like a dog who rolls over and play dead then wants something big as reward
• Do not care who they injure or how much they wreck the life of others
• Wish to instill others with a fear of “unstoppable” and incredible planning skills
• Always tries to get close or become friends (how many people have you met from Chicago and then bad things happen constantly after; note: all fit a type of race, mindset, or political underground)
• Idea and mindset that you cannot get rid of them or escape but have to give them things or say you are not as superior
• Do not tell you things which are very important or can avert disaster, maybe even avoid this or that person
• Idea of a hero and hero of weak people who are secretive
• Everything they do they cannot seem to get it right or refuse to do a good job and expect a perfect response

• Extreme pride or very strong proudest, no matter how hard you try and are perfect, it is not good enough to be perfect; a sense you are locked out regardless of who you are and what you do. It is like they own you and are entitled to everything you have.
• Hated Reagan or British etiquette (sense of civility or a strong conviction for individual strength); they seek to test how you react or how close they can get to your family, friends, and how much control over your life you can give them before they take and seize the whole thing.
• Like a parade of arms or display then some charity platter afterwards. All began after 1988, 1989, and 1990 or around then. The whole idea is what you can give them or what they can give you but you do not want it and do not want to talk to them. They are very careful not to reveal themselves but want to make sure you know or understand how superior and secret they are.
• When they attack or make an approach, it is usually a very mean but “pretty” female and a very nice and giving black person. Attempts before this is with very bizarre and unattractive women who feel connected to you but are very insecure or uncomfortable. Hate talent or people who are very talented, when they see this displayed weird things happen. The goal is to make you feel uncomfortable. These are not your childhood friends or anyone you know prior to 1988 and all the sudden they show up and life is very uncomfortable and miserable. You have to give them something or surrender your ideas – projects.
• “Go home”, very embarrassing comments from nowhere, a quick phantom “throw you off” comment, some type of harassment to drive you off, some type of pressure tactic aimed at military personnel or the military, some scare tactic on the military, something to do with Vietnam or policy evolvement? A degrading comment to make you feel inferior then persistence in contacting or trying to be your friend, how close to get to your family, friends, etc. Almost like a stalker or someone casing you, they want something. They make you feel or think they are all encompassing or the law, like God.

This is the phantom and who is a primary suspect. At first all of it is kept hidden until you trip over a body and are shocked to find out what happened. Then the image is imprinted on the mind and why they are trying to contact you, prove something, recruit you, seek some help, kidnap you, inflict harm, blame and scold you, oppress or become some type of torturer, stalk and watch you without identifying themselves, they idea is how they drive you crazy and never stop or give up. Some rag tag army who wants to show off or display how cruel they are. It is believed we inadvertently ran into something “big” and something they have brewing and it began in Washington D.C. or around there which had very big political consequences, i.e.: ran smack into or tripped over a conspiracy and they were blaming the same around the mid 1990s. At the time, nothing was said and it was ignored until it became almost impossible to ignore and felt like a full attack on the nation. Kept on picking up, then subsiding then picked up again which was very weird. Almost like a puppet master but never knew who it was or what they wanted.

Mostly it is a game to blame and then sit back and waits for a response or form of charity. Then it is some attempt to drive you crazy or drive you off. Some type of protector or hero, a big brother trying to contact you whom you do not like or do not like the way they approach you. Everything has to do with race relationship and being some protector, arrogance, or never allowing your side of the story; some prejudgments and suspicious quietness. Very bizarre behavior of being tricked or a very uncomfortable feeling of helplessness while being invaded; race is a very big factor for some reason and protection to go with it. Some type of upper hand or hand of God. The key component is race and unspoken protection but also some form of thievery, a high level and high class thief who had a lot of pride. It is believed that we ran smack into this in the mid 1990s and that leadership is also behind a lot of terrorism (both domestic and foreign) and attacks on the nation. Some type of invisible hero striking at a symbol of evil or injustice relating to Vietnam or the Cold War; some type of power shift or massive panic using tremendous pressure around the 1990s; literally had to stay home or be very careful after 1988; this big monster tripped over that other big monster and it was mad as hell. It wanted blood, the level of meanness was incredible, and it was not going to stop whatsoever. We are talking meanness off the richer Richter scales.

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About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.