Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It is very hard to investigate and avoid being hit by this liberal machinery which is under complete secrecy. Moreover, there is an undercurrent of privatization which complicates the ability to seek the necessary information, data, and truths to piece this together; mostly it is automatic and the defense is to hold back anyone from the core so that the maturation and combustion can occur. The other problem is the cross culture or the involvement of more than one nation. They are not going to give up secrets which threaten their own existence or reveal they are the opponent and the enemy. If a foreign nation is active in espionage or recruitment of saboteurs and misfits, then they are not going to provide any information which will threaten or shut down their operation.

There is a backup plan and this is insurance related. This insurance is backed up by federal guarantees, thus the widespread abuses of speculation and mismanagement. Some analysts even consider it looting the government in times of crisis. Others say it is refusal to aid socialist and communist political forces who are acting secretively to overthrow the nation. However, the privatization issue is insurance related and a compulsory insurance policy which encourages bad speculation by banks, looting, corruption, embezzlement, earmarks and pork, and a host of other financial grievances. The perpetrators are bipartisan and inclusive in political parties who have no exclusionary factors. All we know is how these legislators and politicians know much more than they are saying while they are kidnapping or placing others under surveillance asking the same. They are trying to reverse the years of Ronald Reagan; we are trying to understand it and all of those involved.

The reason why investigators and Cold Warriors are upset is because they shake their goods and taunt the defense forces indicating there is no way possible to catch them or bring them to justice. That is the audacity of liberalism; it has the confidence and boldness to be unstoppable. They ridicule others with lies and venomous scolding while telling them how they are on the verge of loosing their minds and in dire need of medication and medical attention. Medical attention is the result of injuries and getting hit with everything they have. These are thugs and criminal elements who feel they cannot be caught or captured. There is a sense of arrogance, conviction, and ignorance to them which is not as subtle as their political leaders. Simply put, they are lunatics and the closest representation to the devil this world has seen. This matter is insurance related and about insurance fraud which encourages a drift to utter failure.

Although we grieve about how turbulent history is and how it has erupted in certain periods of time, nobody would imagine the political forces on the left wing or liberalism to be using this turbulent history as a shield to promote socialism and communism. We agree to the word stop but they are not actually fighting for these causes, they are seeking the overthrow of the government based on economic motives or ideologies. They do not feel safe and feel threatened by capitalism, thus this shield of protection and safety net. This complacency makes it easy to manipulate the political system and those who are mentally ill or desperate for change in their life. These are not the leaders of the free world and they do not stand for freedom regardless of the political act they portray.

Part of the problem and the reason why the center of attention is directly nailed at the Reagan Administration has to do with the world’s policemen. Who are the world’s policemen and is there any agreement or sabotage? The liberals say it is them. The conservatives say it is them. Primarily, it is the goal of the left wing to reverse globalization and free trade because it encourages a higher order to govern this free trade and agreements. It forces nation states to behave and is able to disavow bad ones or rid them. So why the left wing is so angry about it or using it to sabotage and form more spy networks or rogue elements? This was the period after the Reagan era and it stressed militarism for good and bad. Liberals wish to be integrated. They have imploded and must have a second level in order to reintegrate. In other words, they have been exposed and a cause of tremendous suspicions; this must be neutralized or equalized somehow.

Warfare is becoming easier and high tech. Liberalism is beginning to dilute; hence the reliance on government is notwithstanding. How do you integrate and how do you promote liberalism in this type of political climate? The world’s police force is a good way and the best terrorist force is also a good way, advance the police state. Advance the idea of attacking others in the name of peace and progress for liberalism and left wing preservation. The only way to keep up with warfare or the Reagan Generals is to capture them, study them, clone them, and duplicate their operation. Of course it is fake and total phony, but this is about global domination, not the truth. They will not stop and do not have a choice to stop; they seek the overthrow of government and security for liberalism. That sense of peace and love which drives them to live in communes and study socialism or communism.

There is a problem with the left and that problem is they are dying. The resources and the means to support their political structure have exceeded the earth’s capacity to fulfill this promise of their politicians. Now they make terrible citizens, soldiers, and politicians because they are imploding and attacking because they have no other choice. If the liberals cannot do this nonviolently, then they will resort to force and violence much like the 1960s. We are seeing this and a merge with terrorism international. Terrorism international has always been a club of Europeans who are categorized as hit men rather than political terrorists. They are militant political groups who are for sale or solicit political business through shady or secretive operations to overthrow a legal order. When you cut the funds off or disrupt the budgets of these groups, their entire liberal political base is in a flux and scrambling to patch it. Over the course of three decades, we can analyze and determine what they are up to and what they have been doing; on the political level and how they are hitting federal forces to drive them back.

The earth’s capacity to support its population is in crisis. There are not enough jobs, food, oil, and other natural resources to go around. Governments are deep in dept and trying to militarize in order to either prevent invasion or invade. There is ideology to cope with this problem and many people are resorting to it rather than conservatism or right wing politics. Therefore, there is an effort to seek cooperation and a sense of being proud to be part of socialism or communism. Usually, this is some form of gift or payment; maybe even escape from capture or torture. The left has a militant wing and a peaceful wing; all work in unison to integrate and further this integration. However, mistakes at the highest levels are deadly as we are finding out. If there is any other symbol of the left and liberalism, it is failure and being total losers who some feel are brain dead or utterly flawed. Their appearance fluctuates according to these environmental changes and looks can be very deceiving. Mistakes at the highest levels are deadly but they will not turn on these problems or problematic groups. They are working on integrating them or advancing the cause.

The best way to describe the years following the rule of Ronald Reagan and the total collapse of the socialist and communist forces is vigilance and defiance. It is a period of obstructionism and advancing the idea of reintegration. It was believed a conspiracy was at work and therefore, the only way to reintegrate was to identify the conspiracy and eradicate it. It was considered a terrorist plot against the peace movement and the liberal elites. So this period of defiance was obstructionism, rebellions, conspiracy, re-arming, and reinvigorating for a show down. Those goals are intended to make it hard for any legal action or otherwise. It is harder to get in the way, snake up, pressure, obstruct, expose, tell the truth, and harder to fight this ad homonym reaction. This defiance will do whatever to push back the truth and the plot to expose them. If they are exposed they will be evicted from government and also security forces, they are not trusted and suspected of various suspicions. They claim they are terrified but hit federal forces like a ton of bricks; these are the same characteristics of union thugs and labor disputes.

Liberalism and laissez faire politics create reactionary movements. Some of the reactionary movements are terrorist related but it is difficult to determine who is doing what because the pursuit of truth or truth seeking is not present. It could be the devil itself up to the usual deceptions and lies. It might be some diabolic plot to blow up the world or kill as many innocent people as possible, nobody is certain. The liberals and the left wing are hanging on and defiant to the end. There is a greater struggle and a much more powerful ideology one step beyond socialism and communism and this is what the former Soviet premier described as Perestroika and Glasnost; it is liberalism and the populist movement. Many conservative experts have surmised it is a religion and not an ideological bearing. The question is how to legitimize, authorize, and legalize it when nobody wants it.

The best way to quell resistance or opposition is to form some relationship or vehicle to integrate and dilute the left wing and the right wing. Then the binds are strong enough, the entire monster can be allowed to drift. Free trade prevents this drift as people become more and more lazy. Liberals cannot compete in this world because of this drift and economic policy. They simply cannot compete and are hurt to the point of extreme violence. To them it is an insult, humiliation, racial supremacy, and an act of war. It is either that or admit they cannot compete or inferior. These are not the brightest human beings walking this earth nor are they the most peaceful regardless of what they claim.

When they began to push the idea of objectivism and objectivity, an unbiased or bipartisan idea, for liars or weakness; they stepped over the line with liars. From there on, the archaic structure is built around liberalism and enduring lies which are continuous. There is a brutality to the truth which liberals hate and a sense of ugliness they are unwilling to adopt. That brutality of truth forces them to be or trick others to become liars and thugs. It is a crazy quiet solitude while the militant wing riots and destroys. It is not just one or two groups; it is a huge conglomeration of them, a monopoly of wealthy elites. In seeking the integration of liars and thieves, the liberals were able to force the hand of Cold Warriors. This integration forced the admission of weakness or the inability to compete; either one competes or separate. When you admire liberal economic policy, it is inescapable and impossible to compete yet the mindset is tricked, geared, brainwashed, and lied to about being superior. It is insanity and lunacy packaged so that the public can readily adopt and be put asleep while the militant arm maneuvers and positions itself to overthrow the state. To overthrow the state, they must hit and hit like a ton of bricks the Reagan Generals and the best forces on earth with the hope they are too scared or will retreat too injured to return. It is the same strategic goals as union thuggery for the past one hundred years.

“Instead of operating within rules and law, we have been supplying lethal weapons to terrorist nations, trading arms for hostages, involving the U.S. government in military activity in direct contravention of the law, diverting public funds into private pockets and secret unofficial activities, selling access to the President for thousands of dollars, dispensing cash and foreign money orders out of a White House safe, accepting gifts and falsifying papers to cover it up, altering and shredding national security documents, lying the Congress. Now, I believe that the American people understand that democracy cannot withstand that kind of abuse.” - Representative Jack Brooks (D-Texas) investigating the Iran Contra hearings and oversight -

"When you got back to examining what they had done, they systematically destroyed and shredded all of the documentation, as much as they can get, hours of shredding, altering some of the documents that have remained, stole what they couldn't shred; now this gives you an indication that there maybe a few things that they didn't want the public to know." - Representative Jack Brooks (D-Texas) investigating the Iran Contra hearings and oversight –

Keep in mind, people were shocked and did not know what was going on when Iran Contra was blown apart. All they knew was these were Generals and Vietnam was elites, deep hard line Cold Warriors. Some feel Iran Contra was a set up to determine how strong the reaction would be and who the left would send. They were on the verge of being exposed and if they did not act, they would be dead. So the public was shocked to hear this and federal authorities felt betrayed by the right wing and most especially the conservatives.

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About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.