Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If it is not so obvious how toxic and pollutant the liberals and the left wing is; then there is another facet which they are not telling others. These people are nothing more than a pure unadulterated swine and communist. They know how the exposure to them is so debilitating to the human soul and how paralyzing depressing their presence is. Now amplify this over and over in a thunderous bolt of ambition and political conquest. The former communist forces do not see these changes and spending cuts as change or a new peace, they see it as a simple disagreement. They do not see their dependency and vicious barbaric attacks as a problem, they see it as only a disagreement and a mutual benefit.

They do not see liberals and left wing politics as incompatible to conservatives or freedom; they feel both sides are guilty but the other side is guiltier. We do not know what they will or will not agree or disagree with, they simply wish control and made it clear they are in control; we do not know what will make them pass the needed legislation to begin internment (much like the Japanese internment during World War II) and the removal of the liberals and the left wing; we do not know how far they want to take this or will take this or what they are up to. These are people who are incompatible to life, freedom, conservatives, angry, upset, and the most powerful and gigantic spy ring anyone has ever witness or were attacked by.

The liberals and the left wing know how to split the human being into two pieces. It is a psychological warfare developed by the former Soviet Union to torture and to increase the propensity for conformity and benevolence. This can also be scientifically proven because if you have ever been exposed to the left wing and their vicious attacks, then you will know and feel the transformation. This is not the problem or the real problem.

The real problem is when they call in crack teams and special spy ring leaders to become handlers and puppet masters. They split the human soul in two and if you are not aware or prepared, they will split you in half. You will begin to hate yourself because everything you do and say will be held against you. Regardless of the substance or truth, regardless of the lack of any mistruth, regardless of any plea for mercy; they are beyond vicious and beyond barbaric.

These are part of their face off and stand off, to produce an alter ego. When they have their presence inside someone it grows and they can begin to grow it. The minute the alter ego takes over and goes on a lunatic fringe, it begins to overpower the weaker or the less violence. That in itself is the entire backbone of the communist revolution; it is also the backbone of the liberal revolution. They choose people based on their resumes and their ability to fit into the party agenda. This is by far, the largest and most ostensible spy ring in the history of mankind and to distance the knowledge by describing them as “huge” is an understatement. They are beyond huge and what their goal is, to equal the military power and to stay competitive with the conservatives and right wing. They are vulnerable to attack and toppling their power is at a whim unless they can shore up this divide. The gap is also tremendous; however, when they concentrate all their resources on only a few targets, it gives the appearance of invincible might.

At this time, the liberals and the left wing are desperate for government aid and funds. The end of communism has drained them of all funding and resources which has left them vulnerable to attack. They must get military aid to prevent either mutiny or toppling in their hierarchy. Insofar as the use of the terrorism card, Al Qaeda will do things and be able to keep it continuous due to their political reach and political influence. They are present and in charge in both party systems and claim they can also be right wing leaders. It is the most deceptive spies and spy ring we have ever witnessed, stared down, or fought. From 1995 and even during the 1980s, we believe they had sat in waiting for the opportunity to contact and communicate to us. From 1995 to 2008 they put us under attack and kept this up to the maximum degree until 2008 and ongoing. This is how powerful and how much presence they have.

What they do not know or understand was the idea that in a post communist world, we also had to determine what they are up to. We never went to them; they came to us looking for inclusion into the political circle. They also say how mutual the situation is and begin to advance the idea of massive funding and aid for their forces. This is when they are the most dangerous and most lethal. If you resist, then you will have the collapsing effect of one of the most ostensible and large spy networks ever. They have seized massive portions of the police state and use what they control back onto the resistance to level and flatten them. It feels like a nuclear bomb underneath you which lifts you up and throws you onto another area of earth.

The communist forces do not feel the end of communism must necessarily mean the end to their funds. They are angry with the decision. Due to the total lack of security, massive foreign and military aid had flowed to the communist and socialist forces. In the post Cold War world, they want more. They are checking and targeting specific new candidates on the political scene to determine how much of threat they are or will be. The penetration by this huge spy ring was so successful and deceptive; they were panicked, angry, and seeking revenge. They saw it as an attempt to kill them or deny them. They saw it as an insult and a mistake.

So in the Cold War, payments were made to some areas to quell the communist. The people who advocated this were liberals and the left wing. This was a very effective way to fight communism. When you introduce a post communist world, you change the variable and we were leveled by this changing variable. The liberals and the left wing did a probe. They threw out bills. They implemented cost spending. They began to hire and influence people. It was not a celebration, it was a set up; it was a trap to cut them down and call in Al Qaeda and doctors who wanted to split the human being in two. It is not one or two people; it is the entire liberal movement and the entire left wing. This is why it was and is way overdue to intern them and they are blocking this as their defense in order to attack and injure our forces more and continuous.

Had the left wing and the liberals not penetrated the government system through pluralism and immigration, then the internment of enemy combatants would have been a reality and on course 50 years ago. The fact is it came too late and it will be met with tremendous opposition. We do not know if it is going to take a legal or a more forceful challenge but we know the communist will not injure themselves or propose change they cannot believe in. This is also why we have moved aggressively to move the management and funding of the satellite warfare or military to a new level and pin it to a new currency. The liberals, the left wing, and the communist are too dependent and they want this dependency to determine peace in the world.

Our funding strategy is being used as foreign aid to the same people who we are fighting. Al Qaeda is using our funds to level us and finish it off. Our funding is being used to “promote peace” and it is funding the liberals and the communist who are vicious. They have to be interned and they are the enemy combatants just like Al Qaeda or any other who refuse to give us information which we can exploit to prevent attacks and ambushes on our forces. It is not as if they are cooperating, it is the case they are increasing it to its maximum levels, we saw and witnessed this from 2000 to 2008 under a right wing administration. They follow and stalk us to fool us or trick us to come closer. Then all hell breaks loose because they are too dependent and too vicious to stop or stop stalking us.

None of this was known until 2008 and the increase of the attacks under the Bush Administration. The effort had been kicked up to a maximum level and doubled under a Republican and right wing administration. Their legal teams brought federal charges on our forces being leveled by Al Qaeda and were able to fulfill a three year federal sentence and a local three year house arrest. The problem is deeply rooted in the internment of the liberals and the left wing and the problem with political will. The political will is in the favor of arming and militarizing Al Qaeda. To say all hell has broken out on earth is an understatement.

Let the historians record the true record. On this day, Sunday, June 22, 2008; the world was notified of the crisis and emergency with the former communists and their use of terrorism to keep the lights on and put food on the table. That aid is then used to fund militaries and future attacks. The liberals, the left, and the “thems” woke up one morning and figured out the “birds” were coming to peck them down and they at slowly and obstinately decided to play along at the very last minute. They were caught putting seeds in feeders and pretending to be bird handlers. Ha, one guy was caught taking pictures and telling his friend who was getting pecked “very hard” by a bird, “look how violent they are.” Even while the birds were pecking their best friends and pooping on them, they were laughing and joking as if the world had ended.

“I’m in this fight, tell me what to do” is their slogan. “Wait, we will not do that, it goes against our party line and our beliefs.” Then when they were asked what they are good at or wish to do, “we want to go after ‘high value targets’, do you know any. Do you know where they keep their things?” That is the spirit because this is the reason why we are in this fight to begin with. Welcome to our team. So they may not want to help, they may be worthless, but at least they know why we are fighting and why we are going to drive Al Qaeda off this planet.

Why in the world are they breaking the equipment if they do not have the money to fix it or buy it? Who does this sound like and who is behind it? Right now Al Qaeda is not worth a penny and is actually more valuable dead than alive. Why would they try to get the head of a real life SDI General and then say they can pay for it or pay to fix it? Al Qaeda has enough money to buy the program and the people itself? If so, lets start with one General, 12 trillion dollars and that is for one. We can train or hide, then send up a second one for them to play with; or see how much things have changed we can believe them.

We do not see any need to lock them up or see any need to begin the legal proposals to intern the liberals and the left wing as enemy combatants who have attacked the nation, the leaders, the world, and are holding us hostage and viciously attacking us. We do not see why they would oppose the idea how vicious and problematic they are or will be. We do not see any disagreements here unless they see some disagreements or perhaps some mistruths, disinformation, propaganda, or blatant baseless lies. Yet they tell us and keep repeating to us how they want and demand a shooting war. No, we do not see any reason to disagree or why they need to be interned as an enemy combatant. There are no disagreements.

The liberals and the left wing cannot be enemy combatants enough to abandon the entire debate process and the idea that solutions need to be produced. They neither disagree nor agree and from what we know, they are intent and willing to go all the way to the end defiant and shooting. We do not see them; that is, we do not see them as serious. We feel, document, and have witnessed their attacks and attempts to cut us down day in and day out from 1995 to 2008 in the most unrelenting and nonstop manner. How can they disagree or agree when they have already abandoned the process and are on a suicide mission to shoot and be defiant to the end.

We already know this is Al Qaeda; they already know we know it is Al Qaeda but refuse to cooperate or break their backs. Under the rule of the Clintons and the Bushes, Al Qaeda almost assassinated our best people and stole our best equipment or pretty near destroyed it all so it would not and could not be used on them. The public was made to think and believe that the disagreement to intern the liberals was a good and positive step but what it did instead was produce a growth, increased confidence, and even political will for both the liberals and the communists. Now, with the smoke clear and the utter horror of the past eight years, the public is forced to and has no other option but to support the Democrats or the left wing to intern or chase the former communist off this earth. If this is not a clear cut example of weak on communism than what is? If this is a disagreement over the weak on terrorism and strong on liberals, then what is?

They way you fight communism has proven to be on the battlefield and up until 9-11 this battlefield was very elusive. Was it an act of war, a simple mistake, a disagreement, or a spy operation gone badly? The cover up says all the above and the legality of trying to sort out the mess gets worse and worse because in 2008 we are no wear near closer than we were in 1995 when we did not even know they wanted us to write policy and encourage foreign aid or political inclusion for them. We are left with the idea that it was just a disagreement and not an act of war yet the legality is still being challenged and leveled for some reason.

The way we have chosen to fight communism in a post communist world is the use of the internment camps which were readily available and an effective way to scurry enemy combatants off to peace and get them off the battlefield so they do not injure our forces any more then they have or take over the world. It is not an issue of or about “political will” because political will only is a legislative tool to determine accounting and spending allocation which we are trying to move away from and establish a higher hierarchy in a post communist world. If there is a disagreement then the people who disagree must take the initiative to put a foot down and organize to a process of solution instead of abandoning it and forcing others into a shooting war while they tell them this is what they want and will be defiant and vicious to the end of the world. That is communism and that is liberals at work.

We are committed to peace and prosperity ten times more than the liberals and the leftist cause; therefore, they need to refute, dispute, provide any disagreements, or further any other agenda and lie. This is how we will show them and make it known to the world we are committed to peace and prosperity, a process of truth telling and solution solving, and the creation of a new world with vicious and venerable terrorists chased off this planet and not simply some local watering hole. We learned from Vietnam what the price of peace really means to a weak on communism spy ring. We also know what it will mean in the coming years with the advent of technology and satellite warfare. This was just training and an exercise to prepare for what is to come. Truly, all hell has broken loose on earth.

This peace they speak of and this legal superiority the liberals, left wing, and communist speak of feels they are so powerful and legal; they do not have to abandon cynicism and rhetoric. What is even more legal and superior is they feel they can stalk us for over a full decade, call the most vicious terrorists on earth, attack the nation, and put us in jail while never once showing a specific identification. These people feel they are so superior they owe no explanation, show no requirement for id, show no remorse or any sense of apology, no regret, nothing whatsoever except telling others to “go home” and how they own and possess everything.

If this is not the most deceptive, despicable, vile, worthless, and weakest barbaric cannibal on this earth; then please show us another who can compare. They feel they owe everything and everyone and we are some slave to their wishes and authority. They feel above the law and above truth. They feel they need not explain or even show identification while they storm across the borders and invade the nation without any uniform or id. We already know and knew it was Al Qaeda who did it but we never expected them to decry “peace.” Next time you kidnap, debate, or storm the nation, bring a uniform and identification so we can at least complain or fight back.

The only way is to intern and seek internment for these enemy combatants and do not hesitate with any delay. They will put forth the most fierce and most deadly defiance you will ever see because in the post communist world, they have no way to continue their operations and they are desperate to the point of homicidal dependence. They will even turn it back on you and split you in two and send you into a free fall of depression. The problem is not how they contribute or are a part of the show; the problem is how they are not. The immigration policies of the past were a failure and attributed to forming the largest opposition and deadliest defiance we have yet seen to anti communist forces and they are claiming superior and ownership to everything. They need not explain or show identification either.

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About Me

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.