In the course of ten years, there have been a lot of events, lots of plots and lots of incidents. If you are one of the lucky few who has had the privilege to watch the ABC television series “Alias”, then this book will be no surprise and it will not have any big large area between what is discussed and what is too difficult to figure out. Matters became very hot in the year 2001. In 2005 it was rather uneventful with literally no disturbances while an invalid and in recovery.
In late 2005 to the present, things got even hotter but only online since we had learned the first time and were still waiting for some backup or help to arrive. In 2006 we find out an attempt was made to put the matter in stalemate when we were charged with yet another charge for defending against a home invasion. This led to another prison sentence. They get bolder and bolder even after millions in lawsuits. The pattern we are seeing is an increase in law suits and boldness of the political left. Keep in mind, this is one of the active Al Qu”Ida cells in the USA and if they would contact us again and pander, then where best and while we were trying to leave the country. Would it be the exact same methods and union tactics observed or even the same faces?
This new prison sentence did not have massive dosages of psychoactive drugs which were meant to break the threshold of pain. Elite soldiers have a tendency to have a massive tolerance for pain and that threshold was tested in federal prison. When it failed and after repeated complaints of extremely dangerous dosages; the federal government decided to comply and switched the drug to a new and less potent one which induced severe sinuses to the point where one could not breathe. The threshold of pain could not be broken so a new scare tactic was to isolate individuals in maximum security for two years with no human contact while a new drug produced severe whining and gasping of air for utter discomfort.
When you are in a cell with no human contact and you are sucking air down as no help or assistance is given, you have a tendency to accept your fate and blank the mind. Thus, an almost two year coma where an induced sleep and coma was needed to stave the discomfort of not being able to breath or communicate; we shut both our minds and body down for whatever fate was to come. Pain is one thing, fighting the inability to breath is another matter altogether. Unless and until you know what it is like to be locked up in a small cell by yourself for two years drugged up at a level where you cannot breathe, then you do not understand what it takes to get to this point. The dosages were measured and administered gradually as measured pain even if we were already trained to have a high tolerance for this.
The second prison was almost similar to the first one, physical threats and challenges. Imprisonment was intended to be some test of physical dominance and toughness. You have maniacs and gorillas who want to test themselves while embarrassing others who do not really care for bullies. You have felons and street thugs who do not understand one aspect of fighting or the mechanics of it, but they want to challenge soldiers who are trained to fight to the death. The Hollywood movie, “The Last Samurai” is a perfect depiction of bushido or “the spirit of the warrior” which tries to fuse military victory and moral victory by stressing honor and moral principle. Keep in mind, the history of Japan was based on a feudal system of rebellions and constant warfare. This constant warfare led to the rise of the samurai system to keep order; which then leads to World War II and the near fanatical suicidal bombers known as kamikazes. If this constant warfare continues, then military systems will also rise to leadership in order to keep order. As terrorism is rising, the police are also rising with it.
In the movie “The Last Samurai” the spirit of the warrior was not able to compete with the modern weaponry of warfare. What took years to perfect could now be extinguished in one easy moment of battle. Thus, the movie points out how the modern weaponry of the time caused rebellion to become more severe because feudal Japan was undergoing a period of internecine or continuous unremitting warfare. If you have ever studied World War II or taken formal courses on Japan, the leading consensus of academics attributes World War II in the rise of the samurai class and the formation of militarism. This movie examines the period of feudal conflict in Japan and the system of the samurai. Therefore, the terrorist will strap bombs or use planes because they lack the military hardware to equal the military presence. However, if terrorism is the enemy, then why is it causing a near love for liberalism and liberals? This cannot be our allies or the same military leadership.
On the battlefield, it is easy to shoot when you are shot at. It is very difficult when you are shot at but cannot shoot back while you are being hit day in and day out. You are both powerless and useless to the central control. This is the threat of liberalism, central control and the ability to strike with vengeance as they become angrier and more frustrated with lies. Some soldiers feel it is better to die then get captured. We know what real bullets feel like and we know how to react to this. This is very different. It is not one incident or once a day occurrences, it is almost day in and day out for very long periods of time. There are also politicians who would like to share their superior might as “sniper fire” and pinning someone down so they cannot look, move, or do anything. This also means that an impending force will be closing in. Nobody uses sniper fire or pins down someone unless something bigger is arriving.
In combat, you can vent and you are able to assess the risk involved and shoot back easily. However, the desk terrorist is a different breed and even more angry while having much less honor than the common soldier. The feeling is like having your hands tied while you are being beat up or shot over and over and over with no end in sight, day in and day out. In combat it is easier to accept your fate and assess the risk; here you have vengeance and rage boiling in you while your hands are tied and you must assess the situation. Try this for a full decade and explain how simple combat is dwarfed by this type of situation. It makes you want to explode, combust, go mad, induces violent impulses, escape, disgruntled, and very hateful. Some people surrender and some do not. Essentially, a transformation occurs and that change is uncontrolled liberalism and pride.
You have exposure to the worst of the worst and they are in an advantageous position because they are baiting you while telling you they are the police and authority. You know it is the left, you know they are purposefully trying to create as much trouble as possible so they can increase their own power and abuse the powers which are supposed to be entrusted in officials, elites and common citizens. Therefore, fear is easily managed and elite soldiers can easily overcome fear because they accept death. Grief can be conquered easily as well and is a process of time. It is the poison of the political left which takes so long and is so difficult that even hostage rescuers are incapable of dealing with. The poison and the toxic are so damaging to the soul; you begin to get almost as warped of a mindset and you begin to feel the same monster growing inside you. Maybe this was also the idea of the desk terrorist to inflict wounds and try to figure out how to destroy or kill someone without any evidence of such.
Not too many people in this world are this bold and have such destructive capability. We can narrow it down to a few groups and we can also understand where they get their power from. There are two reasons why someone would act this messed up or this destructive. First, knows the exits and the entrances are blocked. Second knows it is accepted or has wide approval. Those two reasons along encompass all the reasons we know of but the first one, having the entrances and exits blocked, is a legal matter. Is it clear and open or blocked and locked? The political left has a life based on legalism and they will only act in this fashion when they know with certainty the legal channels are both blocked and inaccessible. Legalism is a process of appointment which brings us to the second problem of how this situation was created or started. Somebody had to have created it and started it in order to get it rolling so fast it is unstoppable.
The way to stop this and the way to make a difference is to make the left go away. How do you make liberals go away when they turn around and claim terrorism? You are gagged there and labeled a terrorist or dangerous. However, the left has made it clear and has made it almost transparent, they are not going anywhere or anytime soon. Instead, they are using more and more rhetoric while suggesting they wish peace and are some force of peace in this world. We know this to be an absolute stretch of a lie but we know there are some intentions which are questionable as far as being intentional. How do you fix a problem when it does not go away?
How you make the left go away is a political problem which usually ends up a military one as history has shown. This is because fascists, dictators, thugs, criminals and the worst do not step down nor back down; never in history have we seen any single one do this to this living day. Perhaps there will be a precedence which the freest political leftists can set for the world to follow. These matters, like the space race is used by the political left to beat up the free world. In fact, the space race has been described as “socialism defeats capitalism” and it changed many minds. Like the people of this world who live in nothing, the best thing to ever happen to their life is a military victory because a moral one is simply out of reach. For the people who live in everything, you must recognize this is an opportunity for the left to prove its might and try to give some comfort to their loyal followers like the idea of perceiving a realistic involvement when it is a very “irritating” one to say the least.
The political left when all said and done will say, “You should really look into some anger management or clean your life up a bit.” This is the arrogance of a sputtering fool. The suicide part has more meanings when up in the face of the military and using them as hit men. Military people do not trust liberals because the technology always ends up in the hands of the enemies. It is sheer arrogance and ignorance which is nothing more than criminality of maniacs. Where combat ranks a two, this difficulty level ranks a ten. Fear can be controlled, anger can be vented, grief will surpass, death can be painless; this is day in and day out of sheer pain and suffering along with never ending injustices. These people feel they are very sophisticated and very special because they are so broken and have such a tolerance for sheer insanity; yet the exuberance of nothing are the same model of a machine gun which is everything.
That machine gun is more valuable then life itself as it is viciously attacked so that it can be seized and used on itself. This is the terrorist and hostage taker behind a desk while their security waits patiently for a shoot to kill authority. Keep in mind, more slaughter was committed under Stalin than any other and frequently turned on his own people to advance communism or weed out “weak” subjects. This is the peace they speak of and the gift the political left wishes to give to the world. We did not have to go looking for them or travel anywhere to find them; all we had to do was walk out of the front door before we got captured in the war of everything versus nothing. The worst part has yet to come because the question now is how this nothing is allowed to accomplish and achieve so much destruction on everything. Now you know and feel how sorcery and black magic is used to kill others like a parasite would.
Naturally, the Alias series begins in 2001 which is considered the “breaking point” of this book when we were forced to take drastic actions due to circumstances which we were not prepared for, vacation damnation. There cannot be an ounce of happiness in life when you are a hostage and when it is brought to a screeching halt. Naturally 2001 will also be the beginning of a three year prison sentence for being too competitive and being a working entity of national security, rather than some illogical exuberance of joyful misguidance we see so often. Somebody allowed snoopers and snuffers to hunt down the “Star Wars” project and they did not know who they were hunting down but it had official approval and the stamp of the United States and the President.
The claim was we were dangerous and defiant; not willing to cooperate or answer questions. The question in this book is how the political left took everything and made it nothing while they took nothing and tried to make it everything? How do you accomplish this and why does it feel like a cold war space race where one side is trying to beat the other to the punch? Again, the cyber and satellite warfare program is more value than life itself, this will be uncovered as time goes on, yet it exists in nothing. This nothing is trying to reduce everything into nothing also. The problem is political will and the inability to know or recognize an enemy. If you have no political will, then everyone is an enemy. The problem when you add liberalism and Democracy together is this lack of political will; that is Democracy and if you do not like it, you can leave or wait for some legal court martial and death sentence.
The series Alias only shows one side of the picture. It is a story about a man and a woman. It is a story about their career and one of the biggest challenges they will face while on a mission and holding onto a love which cannot be revealed or described; however, it is eternal and a fairy tale. It is a problem about how security and intelligence agencies are more dangerous than spoken. It is about the problem of Democracy and a lack of political will to produce these hunter killer teams, snuffers, snifters, sneakier, and wild escapades of delusion and tyranny. It is not a story of being powerless or deceitful.
Favorite quotes from Alias:
“You have made your obligations clear, now let me clarify mine. I am obliged to extract unimaginable pain from you the moment you are no longer a valuable source of intel for the CIA. Personally, I hope you do not help us out.” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“I am not going to kill you, that will be too easy, but I will leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street, people will pity you.” -Vaugh- Season 3, Episode 03
“If you want to arrest me, put me under the Patriot Act. We are through talking. I don’t care what you believe; this is a waste of time…” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“If Lauren really broke in using your identity, she would have to make sure you were out of the office.” -Inspector, CIA- Season 3, Episode 03
“If this is the location of the XXX artifact, then there will be a strong covenant presence.” -Mr. Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
On the other side is the story of the cyber and satellite warfare program and what was promised to the FBI and a government spy ring mole looking for the “Star Wars” program. They were informed that the full truth and the story would eventually be revealed for the public and no promises or lies. The BBC has produced a very special documentary series which traces this cold war race to be the masters in outer space. However, the race for space does not fully envelope the cyber and satellite warfare program because there are aspects of outer space that does not have anything to do with warfare on earth.
Satellites have come a long way since their first introduction and now they are smaller and cost much less to produce yet have capabilities ten to one hundred times what they used to. Maybe one day the poor man’s version of guerilla warfare will take place in outer space; however, for now it is a tremendous and also a terrorizing endeavor. Guerilla warfare, asymmetric warfare, unconventional warfare, high intensity conflicts, skirmishes, and secret wars have never been a clean record with the nastiest enemies and this is why it is such a different and difficult way to resolve power struggles and global conflict to dominate earth. It should be left to an honor system and the merits of thinking people but as we can clearly see; even the thinking man lies and weaves a web of deceit.
This chapter is going to use the Alias series to summarize many of the topics discussed in this book. It is not an attempt to sell the book; it is an attempt to knock on the door of consciousness for this exuberance of nothingness that has gone way beyond their abilities and way to create probably the biggest human made disaster ever seen on earth. Perhaps it will keeping growing and growing in size as they create new and different ways to produce the biggest and largest life mess by beating themselves. This mess is naturally the inability for the earth to support its inhabitants. Consequently, they get bolder and bolder, meaner and meaner, angrier and angrier, and more and more intrusive. It wills combust eventually or unless it keeps growing outwards but that is liberals. Liberalism is an organism and a virus which grows outwards and expands until it is in total control. It is a disease and it is carnage of a life by a human creature that is despised and hated.
It is almost the work of a perfect spy when the people behind this matter try and make an effort to make this transparent or real. Those planes hitting buildings and people buried alive are as real as anyone can get. Military forces attacked and viciously fought by homicidal maniacs is as real as it gets. However you see it, we will get rhetoric such as “this is just the political system at work, if you do not like it then you can find another place to live” or “people need choices and options and we give them a voice for this choice and option.” If every terrorist in this world said the same thing while they destroyed everything in their sights, then that would be an acceptable answer for everyone; similarly, if the left actually worked, then we would still be containing them as a foreign policy, rather than an immigration policy.
At the heart of the matter is this “we won and we are in control”, “we need change we can believe in”, “the voice of the people must be respected and heard”, “we want to spread democracy all over the world”, and various other rhetoric filled liberal ideals or infinite iconoclasts. This book is not about these matters, this book is about the cyber and satellite warfare program along with the duties of such. Can we agree that nothing needs to be contained while everything is free? If we can agree that nothing should be contained while everything is free, then maybe we can agree why everything has been contained while nothing is a problem; it just needs to expand and grow. What about the Star Wars program, the Generals, and those who remained after the Ronald Reagan years committed to a world without communism or terrorism, not split between one and the other?
This Is War: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 (Excerpt from the book, “How to Talk to Liberals” by Anne Coulter, pages 14-15)
Barbara Olson kept her cool. In the hysteria and terror of hijackers herding passengers to the rear of the plane, she retrieved her cell phone and called her husband, Ted, the solicitor general of the United States. She informed him that he had better call the FBI the plane had been hijacked.
According to reports, Barbara was still on the phone with Ted when her plane plunged in a fiery explosion directly into the Pentagon. Barbara risked having her neck slit to warn the country of a terrorist attack. She was a patriot to the very end. This is not to engage in the media's typical hallucinatory overstatement about anyone who is the victim of a horrible tragedy. The furtive cell phone call was an act of incredible daring and panache. If it were not, we'd be hearing reports of hundreds more cell phone calls. (Even people who swear to hate cell phones carry them for commercial air travel.)
The last time I saw Barbara in person was about three weeks ago. She generously praised one of my recent columns and told me I had really found my niche. Ted, she said, had taken to reading my columns aloud to her over breakfast. I mention that to say three things about Barbara. First, she was really nice. A lot of people on TV seem nice but aren't. (And some who don't seem nice are.) But Barbara was always her charming, graceful, ebullient self. "Nice" is an amazingly rare quality among writers. In the opinion business, bitter, jealous hatred is the norm. Barbara had reason to be secure.
Second, it was actually easy to imagine Ted reading political columns aloud to Barbara at the breakfast table. Theirs was a relationship that could only be cheaply imitated by Bill and Hillary the latter being a subject of Barbara's appropriately biting bestseller
Hell to Pay. Hillary claimed preposterously in a Talk magazine interview that she discussed policy with Bill while cutting his grapefruit in the morning. But when asked about Monica Lewinsky, Hillary kept insisting she was waiting for the facts to come out. Couldn't she have asked her husband about the facts while cutting his grapefruit? Ted and Barbara really did talk politics and really did have breakfast together. It's "Ted and Barbara" just like its Fred and Ginger, and George and Gracie. They were so perfect together, so obvious, that their friends were as happy as they were on their wedding
Day. This is more than the death of a great person and patriotic American. It's a human amputation.
Third, since Barbara's compliment, I'd been writing my columns for Ted and Barbara. I'm always writing to someone in my head. Now I don't know who to write to. Ted and Barbara were a good muse. Apart from hearing that this beautiful light has been extinguished from the world, only one other news flash broke beyond the numbingly omnipresent horror of the entire day. That evening, CNN reported that bombs were dropping in Afghanistan and then updated the report to say they weren't our bombs. They should have been ours. I wanted them to be ours.
This is no time to be precious about locating the exact individuals directly involved in this particular terrorist attack. Those responsible include anyone anywhere in the world who smiled in response to the annihilation of patriots like Barbara Olson. We don't need long investigations of the forensic evidence to determine with scientific accuracy the person or persons who ordered this specific attack. We don't need an "international coalition." We don't need a study on "terrorism." We certainly didn't need a congressional resolution condemning the attack this week.
The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling. People who want our country destroyed live here, work for our airlines, and are submitted to the exact same airport shakedown as a lumberman from Idaho. This would be like having the Wehrmacht immigrate to America and work for our airlines during World War II; except the Wehrmacht was not so bloodthirsty.
"All of our lives" don't need to change, as they keep prattling on TV. Every single time there is a terrorist attack or a plane crashes because of pilot error Americans allow their rights to be contracted for no purpose whatsoever. The airport kabuki theater of magnetometers, asinine questions about whether passengers "packed their own bags," and the hostile, lumpen mesomorphs ripping open our luggage somehow allowed over a dozen armed hijackers to board four American planes almost simultaneously on Bloody Tuesday. (Did those fabulous security procedures stop a single hijacker anywhere in America that day?)
Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet bombed German cities; We killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. – Anne Coulter -
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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