This world is facing some of the most difficult and hardest times it will see in the history of mankind. Whenever you have crisis and emergency, you have to have a way to obtain solutions. You have to have someone, something, or some way to practice the ability to think, identify problems, propose ideas and science, and then take swift or necessary action. When you get Al Qaeda; some cell; some rogue; some con man; or some insane political atmosphere so venomous they are in hiding. We call this the ski mask debates and the ability to dodge the cynicism and the scornful appraisals. No solutions will ever be met. No explanation will ever be met. If this is the case, then go ahead and put a warrant out for their arrest and that will speed up, expedite, and forward the need for solutions. This is about control and what this control is for. This is about jurisdiction and legal challenges which have no benefit but legal merit. This is about the honor system to this process of solution and the merits acquired on the way.
We know now the goal of Al Qaeda and that is to form a political circle or to seek entry into the political circle and one of the cards was the terrorism card. You have to be near in the center core if you want to feel, taste, experience, and consider the heat. We also know why the rash or the outbreak of incidents. The funds are running out and the need to locate a host is part of the search. The approach is very subtle and even the best in the world are not even able to detect, notice, or become aware of it. There is no way for communism to survive in a post communist world and with new analysis which has changed the game finally. The game has changed wholly, why would they bring back the need for funds or militarism in order to complete it?
The liberals and the left have two wings; the political wing and the militant wing and it does not seem like they notice. It does not seem as if they care one way or the other. We need solutions to a post communist world and not the rebirth of it. We need political leaders who do not have two or three thoughts living in the same moment of time and space. We need real solutions and not this return to communism or the appeals we are hearing. Let us make this real understandable, this is about freedom, and when you stack the liberal alongside the conservatives, you have two incompatible creatures that are both going nuts or loosing their minds. We need to bring back this process of solutions and seeking solutions. That is going to involve responsibility, accountability, and truth telling. We know when and if they have abandoned it or will abandon it. We know it yet they want others to acknowledge it, maybe in a pre communist world but unquestionably not a post communist world.
If the liberals have decided to become dependent on the conservatives to give them change they can believe in, then it should be very evident it will not be compatible and never will be compatible to the return to communism which they are stuck in. We need a process to deal with very difficult crisis and emergencies, not this pollution and what has been documented or observed. They still have not paid their debt and already they wish to expand it more. Let us address the problem before we go and figure out an empty solution. They have not paid their debt. They have not met their goals. They have not cringed to anything but the past and now they want change we both can believe in. This change is not compatible simply because we have two thoughts existing in one time and space. In this world, the capacity for the earth and the economic system to support its population has been exceeded already, it is too late. There is no return and there is no need to exacerbate or worsen the problem. We need to know how far they will or can take it. Once we know, then we can bring back the process of figuring out solutions and being compatible to the change we all can believe in. We can plan and we can actually make a difference, but we need to know what the problem is.
The setback is not how we “think” the liberals are guilty; the problem is how we “know” they are guilty. The worst problem is how they adapt, acclimate, immerse, or assimilate others to this standoff for their way of life, “what the hell are you going to do about it?” Ignore us. Then “they” go one more step to declare how better they are and can do it better, “not a damn thing.” They are one hundred percent conscious and act with lethal precision which they attribute to the “faith” and “family values.” This “bow to your masters” is not a suicide pact to offer the head for an upward swing but instead a downward swing and gravity. If nothing works, its time to call a mob hit to “help make it better” and “improve business relations.”
Al Qaeda knows that people would never sit there and do a damn thing and this is why they brag and strut their stuff before their wounded and even go so far as to show how they operate. It could be true and you could be right; so just answer our questions before you go crazy. You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
Let me sum this up the legality. Here is the legality. You do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or ignore the issue? Or do you? That is the power to turn into a bag of crap overnight; you do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or the issue before? You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
If it is not so obvious how toxic and pollutant the liberals and the left wing is; then there is another facet which they are not telling others. These people are nothing more than a pure unadulterated swine and communist. They know how the exposure to them is so debilitating to the human soul and how paralyzing depressing their presence is. Now amplify this over and over in a thunderous bolt of ambition and political conquest. The former communist forces do not see these changes and spending cuts as change or a new peace, they see it as a simple disagreement. They do not see their dependency and vicious barbaric attacks as a problem, they see it as only a disagreement and a mutual benefit.
They do not see liberals and left wing politics as incompatible to conservatives or freedom; they feel both sides are guilty but the other side is guiltier. We do not know what they will or will not agree or disagree with, they simply wish control and made it clear they are in control; we do not know what will make them pass the needed legislation to begin internment (much like the Japanese internment during World War II) and the removal of the liberals and the left wing; we do not know how far they want to take this or will take this or what they are up to. These are people who are incompatible to life, freedom, conservatives, angry, upset, and the most powerful and gigantic spy ring anyone has ever witness or were attacked by.
The liberals and the left wing know how to split the human being into two pieces. It is a psychological warfare developed by the former Soviet Union to torture and to increase the propensity for conformity and benevolence. This can also be scientifically proven because if you have ever been exposed to the left wing and their vicious attacks, then you will know and feel the transformation. This is not the problem or the real problem.
The real problem is when they call in crack teams and special spy ring leaders to become handlers and puppet masters. They split the human soul in two and if you are not aware or prepared, they will split you in half. You will begin to hate yourself because everything you do and say will be held against you. Regardless of the substance or truth, regardless of the lack of any mistruth, regardless of any plea for mercy; they are beyond vicious and beyond barbaric.
These are part of their face off and stand off, to produce an alter ego. When they have their presence inside someone it grows and they can begin to grow it. The minute the alter ego takes over and goes on a lunatic fringe, it begins to overpower the weaker or the less violence. That in itself is the entire backbone of the communist revolution; it is also the backbone of the liberal revolution. They choose people based on their resumes and their ability to fit into the party agenda. This is by far, the largest and most ostensible spy ring in the history of mankind and to distance the knowledge by describing them as “huge” is an understatement. They are beyond huge and what their goal is, to equal the military power and to stay competitive with the conservatives and right wing. They are vulnerable to attack and toppling their power is at a whim unless they can shore up this divide. The gap is also tremendous; however, when they concentrate all their resources on only a few targets, it gives the appearance of invincible might.
At this time, the liberals and the left wing are desperate for government aid and funds. The end of communism has drained them of all funding and resources which has left them vulnerable to attack. They must get military aid to prevent either mutiny or toppling in their hierarchy. Insofar as the use of the terrorism card, Al Qaeda will do things and be able to keep it continuous due to their political reach and political influence. They are present and in charge in both party systems and claim they can also be right wing leaders. It is the most deceptive spies and spy ring we have ever witnessed, stared down, or fought. From 1995 and even during the 1980s, we believe they had sat in waiting for the opportunity to contact and communicate to us. From 1995 to 2008 they put us under attack and kept this up to the maximum degree until 2008 and ongoing. This is how powerful and how much presence they have.
What they do not know or understand was the idea that in a post communist world, we also had to determine what they are up to. We never went to them; they came to us looking for inclusion into the political circle. They also say how mutual the situation is and begin to advance the idea of massive funding and aid for their forces. This is when they are the most dangerous and most lethal. If you resist, then you will have the collapsing effect of one of the most ostensible and large spy networks ever. They have seized massive portions of the police state and use what they control back onto the resistance to level and flatten them. It feels like a nuclear bomb underneath you which lifts you up and throws you onto another area of earth.
The communist forces do not feel the end of communism must necessarily mean the end to their funds. They are angry with the decision. Due to the total lack of security, massive foreign and military aid had flowed to the communist and socialist forces. In the post Cold War world, they want more. They are checking and targeting specific new candidates on the political scene to determine how much of threat they are or will be. The penetration by this huge spy ring was so successful and deceptive; they were panicked, angry, and seeking revenge. They saw it as an attempt to kill them or deny them. They saw it as an insult and a mistake.
So in the Cold War, payments were made to some areas to quell the communist. The people who advocated this were liberals and the left wing. This was a very effective way to fight communism. When you introduce a post communist world, you change the variable and we were leveled by this changing variable. The liberals and the left wing did a probe. They threw out bills. They implemented cost spending. They began to hire and influence people. It was not a celebration, it was a set up; it was a trap to cut them down and call in Al Qaeda and doctors who wanted to split the human being in two. It is not one or two people; it is the entire liberal movement and the entire left wing. This is why it was and is way overdue to intern them and they are blocking this as their defense in order to attack and injure our forces more and continuous.
Had the left wing and the liberals not penetrated the government system through pluralism and immigration, then the internment of enemy combatants would have been a reality and on course 50 years ago. The fact is it came too late and it will be met with tremendous opposition. We do not know if it is going to take a legal or a more forceful challenge but we know the communist will not injure themselves or propose change they cannot believe in. This is also why we have moved aggressively to move the management and funding of the satellite warfare or military to a new level and pin it to a new currency. The liberals, the left wing, and the communist are too dependent and they want this dependency to determine peace in the world.
Our funding strategy is being used as foreign aid to the same people who we are fighting. Al Qaeda is using our funds to level us and finish it off. Our funding is being used to “promote peace” and it is funding the liberals and the communist who are vicious. They have to be interned and they are the enemy combatants just like Al Qaeda or any other who refuse to give us information which we can exploit to prevent attacks and ambushes on our forces. It is not as if they are cooperating, it is the case they are increasing it to its maximum levels, we saw and witnessed this from 2000 to 2008 under a right wing administration. They follow and stalk us to fool us or trick us to come closer. Then all hell breaks loose because they are too dependent and too vicious to stop or stop stalking us.
None of this was known until 2008 and the increase of the attacks under the Bush Administration. The effort had been kicked up to a maximum level and doubled under a Republican and right wing administration. Their legal teams brought federal charges on our forces being leveled by Al Qaeda and were able to fulfill a three year federal sentence and a local three year house arrest. The problem is deeply rooted in the internment of the liberals and the left wing and the problem with political will. The political will is in the favor of arming and militarizing Al Qaeda. To say all hell has broken out on earth is an understatement.
Let the historians record the true record. On this day, Sunday, June 22, 2008; the world was notified of the crisis and emergency with the former communists and their use of terrorism to keep the lights on and put food on the table. That aid is then used to fund militaries and future attacks. The liberals, the left, and the “thems” woke up one morning and figured out the “birds” were coming to peck them down and they at slowly and obstinately decided to play along at the very last minute. They were caught putting seeds in feeders and pretending to be bird handlers. Ha, one guy was caught taking pictures and telling his friend who was getting pecked “very hard” by a bird, “look how violent they are.” Even while the birds were pecking their best friends and pooping on them, they were laughing and joking as if the world had ended.
“I’m in this fight, tell me what to do” is their slogan. “Wait, we will not do that, it goes against our party line and our beliefs.” Then when they were asked what they are good at or wish to do, “we want to go after ‘high value targets’, do you know any. Do you know where they keep their things?” That is the spirit because this is the reason why we are in this fight to begin with. Welcome to our team. So they may not want to help, they may be worthless, but at least they know why we are fighting and why we are going to drive Al Qaeda off this planet.
Why in the world are they breaking the equipment if they do not have the money to fix it or buy it? Who does this sound like and who is behind it? Right now Al Qaeda is not worth a penny and is actually more valuable dead than alive. Why would they try to get the head of a real life SDI General and then say they can pay for it or pay to fix it? Al Qaeda has enough money to buy the program and the people itself? If so, lets start with one General, 12 trillion dollars and that is for one. We can train or hide, then send up a second one for them to play with; or see how much things have changed we can believe them.
We do not see any need to lock them up or see any need to begin the legal proposals to intern the liberals and the left wing as enemy combatants who have attacked the nation, the leaders, the world, and are holding us hostage and viciously attacking us. We do not see why they would oppose the idea how vicious and problematic they are or will be. We do not see any disagreements here unless they see some disagreements or perhaps some mistruths, disinformation, propaganda, or blatant baseless lies. Yet they tell us and keep repeating to us how they want and demand a shooting war. No, we do not see any reason to disagree or why they need to be interned as an enemy combatant. There are no disagreements.
The liberals and the left wing cannot be enemy combatants enough to abandon the entire debate process and the idea that solutions need to be produced. They neither disagree nor agree and from what we know, they are intent and willing to go all the way to the end defiant and shooting. We do not see them; that is, we do not see them as serious. We feel, document, and have witnessed their attacks and attempts to cut us down day in and day out from 1995 to 2008 in the most unrelenting and nonstop manner. How can they disagree or agree when they have already abandoned the process and are on a suicide mission to shoot and be defiant to the end.
We already know this is Al Qaeda; they already know we know it is Al Qaeda but refuse to cooperate or break their backs. Under the rule of the Clintons and the Bushes, Al Qaeda almost assassinated our best people and stole our best equipment or pretty near destroyed it all so it would not and could not be used on them. The public was made to think and believe that the disagreement to intern the liberals was a good and positive step but what it did instead was produce a growth, increased confidence, and even political will for both the liberals and the communists. Now, with the smoke clear and the utter horror of the past eight years, the public is forced to and has no other option but to support the Democrats or the left wing to intern or chase the former communist off this earth. If this is not a clear cut example of weak on communism than what is? If this is a disagreement over the weak on terrorism and strong on liberals, then what is?
They way you fight communism has proven to be on the battlefield and up until 9-11 this battlefield was very elusive. Was it an act of war, a simple mistake, a disagreement, or a spy operation gone badly? The cover up says all the above and the legality of trying to sort out the mess gets worse and worse because in 2008 we are no wear near closer than we were in 1995 when we did not even know they wanted us to write policy and encourage foreign aid or political inclusion for them. We are left with the idea that it was just a disagreement and not an act of war yet the legality is still being challenged and leveled for some reason.
The way we have chosen to fight communism in a post communist world is the use of the internment camps which were readily available and an effective way to scurry enemy combatants off to peace and get them off the battlefield so they do not injure our forces any more then they have or take over the world. It is not an issue of or about “political will” because political will only is a legislative tool to determine accounting and spending allocation which we are trying to move away from and establish a higher hierarchy in a post communist world. If there is a disagreement then the people who disagree must take the initiative to put a foot down and organize to a process of solution instead of abandoning it and forcing others into a shooting war while they tell them this is what they want and will be defiant and vicious to the end of the world. That is communism and that is liberals at work.
We are committed to peace and prosperity ten times more than the liberals and the leftist cause; therefore, they need to refute, dispute, provide any disagreements, or further any other agenda and lie. This is how we will show them and make it known to the world we are committed to peace and prosperity, a process of truth telling and solution solving, and the creation of a new world with vicious and venerable terrorists chased off this planet and not simply some local watering hole. We learned from Vietnam what the price of peace really means to a weak on communism spy ring. We also know what it will mean in the coming years with the advent of technology and satellite warfare. This was just training and an exercise to prepare for what is to come. Truly, all hell has broken loose on earth.
This peace they speak of and this legal superiority the liberals, left wing, and communist speak of feels they are so powerful and legal; they do not have to abandon cynicism and rhetoric. What is even more legal and superior is they feel they can stalk us for over a full decade, call the most vicious terrorists on earth, attack the nation, and put us in jail while never once showing a specific identification. These people feel they are so superior they owe no explanation, show no requirement for id, show no remorse or any sense of apology, no regret, nothing whatsoever except telling others to “go home” and how they own and possess everything.
If this is not the most deceptive, despicable, vile, worthless, and weakest barbaric cannibal on this earth; then please show us another who can compare. They feel they owe everything and everyone and we are some slave to their wishes and authority. They feel above the law and above truth. They feel they need not explain or even show identification while they storm across the borders and invade the nation without any uniform or id. We already know and knew it was Al Qaeda who did it but we never expected them to decry “peace.” Next time you kidnap, debate, or storm the nation, bring a uniform and identification so we can at least complain or fight back.
The only way is to intern and seek internment for these enemy combatants and do not hesitate with any delay. They will put forth the most fierce and most deadly defiance you will ever see because in the post communist world, they have no way to continue their operations and they are desperate to the point of homicidal dependence. They will even turn it back on you and split you in two and send you into a free fall of depression. The problem is not how they contribute or are a part of the show; the problem is how they are not. The immigration policies of the past were a failure and attributed to forming the largest opposition and deadliest defiance we have yet seen to anti communist forces and they are claiming superior and ownership to everything. They need not explain or show identification either.
They do not see liberals and left wing politics as incompatible to conservatives or freedom; they feel both sides are guilty but the other side is guiltier. We do not know what they will or will not agree or disagree with, they simply wish control and made it clear they are in control; we do not know what will make them pass the needed legislation to begin internment (much like the Japanese internment during World War II) and the removal of the liberals and the left wing; we do not know how far they want to take this or will take this or what they are up to. These are people who are incompatible to life, freedom, conservatives, angry, upset, and the most powerful and gigantic spy ring anyone has ever witness or were attacked by.
The liberals and the left wing know how to split the human being into two pieces. It is a psychological warfare developed by the former Soviet Union to torture and to increase the propensity for conformity and benevolence. This can also be scientifically proven because if you have ever been exposed to the left wing and their vicious attacks, then you will know and feel the transformation. This is not the problem or the real problem.
The real problem is when they call in crack teams and special spy ring leaders to become handlers and puppet masters. They split the human soul in two and if you are not aware or prepared, they will split you in half. You will begin to hate yourself because everything you do and say will be held against you. Regardless of the substance or truth, regardless of the lack of any mistruth, regardless of any plea for mercy; they are beyond vicious and beyond barbaric.
These are part of their face off and stand off, to produce an alter ego. When they have their presence inside someone it grows and they can begin to grow it. The minute the alter ego takes over and goes on a lunatic fringe, it begins to overpower the weaker or the less violence. That in itself is the entire backbone of the communist revolution; it is also the backbone of the liberal revolution. They choose people based on their resumes and their ability to fit into the party agenda. This is by far, the largest and most ostensible spy ring in the history of mankind and to distance the knowledge by describing them as “huge” is an understatement. They are beyond huge and what their goal is, to equal the military power and to stay competitive with the conservatives and right wing. They are vulnerable to attack and toppling their power is at a whim unless they can shore up this divide. The gap is also tremendous; however, when they concentrate all their resources on only a few targets, it gives the appearance of invincible might.
At this time, the liberals and the left wing are desperate for government aid and funds. The end of communism has drained them of all funding and resources which has left them vulnerable to attack. They must get military aid to prevent either mutiny or toppling in their hierarchy. Insofar as the use of the terrorism card, Al Qaeda will do things and be able to keep it continuous due to their political reach and political influence. They are present and in charge in both party systems and claim they can also be right wing leaders. It is the most deceptive spies and spy ring we have ever witnessed, stared down, or fought. From 1995 and even during the 1980s, we believe they had sat in waiting for the opportunity to contact and communicate to us. From 1995 to 2008 they put us under attack and kept this up to the maximum degree until 2008 and ongoing. This is how powerful and how much presence they have.
What they do not know or understand was the idea that in a post communist world, we also had to determine what they are up to. We never went to them; they came to us looking for inclusion into the political circle. They also say how mutual the situation is and begin to advance the idea of massive funding and aid for their forces. This is when they are the most dangerous and most lethal. If you resist, then you will have the collapsing effect of one of the most ostensible and large spy networks ever. They have seized massive portions of the police state and use what they control back onto the resistance to level and flatten them. It feels like a nuclear bomb underneath you which lifts you up and throws you onto another area of earth.
The communist forces do not feel the end of communism must necessarily mean the end to their funds. They are angry with the decision. Due to the total lack of security, massive foreign and military aid had flowed to the communist and socialist forces. In the post Cold War world, they want more. They are checking and targeting specific new candidates on the political scene to determine how much of threat they are or will be. The penetration by this huge spy ring was so successful and deceptive; they were panicked, angry, and seeking revenge. They saw it as an attempt to kill them or deny them. They saw it as an insult and a mistake.
So in the Cold War, payments were made to some areas to quell the communist. The people who advocated this were liberals and the left wing. This was a very effective way to fight communism. When you introduce a post communist world, you change the variable and we were leveled by this changing variable. The liberals and the left wing did a probe. They threw out bills. They implemented cost spending. They began to hire and influence people. It was not a celebration, it was a set up; it was a trap to cut them down and call in Al Qaeda and doctors who wanted to split the human being in two. It is not one or two people; it is the entire liberal movement and the entire left wing. This is why it was and is way overdue to intern them and they are blocking this as their defense in order to attack and injure our forces more and continuous.
Had the left wing and the liberals not penetrated the government system through pluralism and immigration, then the internment of enemy combatants would have been a reality and on course 50 years ago. The fact is it came too late and it will be met with tremendous opposition. We do not know if it is going to take a legal or a more forceful challenge but we know the communist will not injure themselves or propose change they cannot believe in. This is also why we have moved aggressively to move the management and funding of the satellite warfare or military to a new level and pin it to a new currency. The liberals, the left wing, and the communist are too dependent and they want this dependency to determine peace in the world.
Our funding strategy is being used as foreign aid to the same people who we are fighting. Al Qaeda is using our funds to level us and finish it off. Our funding is being used to “promote peace” and it is funding the liberals and the communist who are vicious. They have to be interned and they are the enemy combatants just like Al Qaeda or any other who refuse to give us information which we can exploit to prevent attacks and ambushes on our forces. It is not as if they are cooperating, it is the case they are increasing it to its maximum levels, we saw and witnessed this from 2000 to 2008 under a right wing administration. They follow and stalk us to fool us or trick us to come closer. Then all hell breaks loose because they are too dependent and too vicious to stop or stop stalking us.
None of this was known until 2008 and the increase of the attacks under the Bush Administration. The effort had been kicked up to a maximum level and doubled under a Republican and right wing administration. Their legal teams brought federal charges on our forces being leveled by Al Qaeda and were able to fulfill a three year federal sentence and a local three year house arrest. The problem is deeply rooted in the internment of the liberals and the left wing and the problem with political will. The political will is in the favor of arming and militarizing Al Qaeda. To say all hell has broken out on earth is an understatement.
Let the historians record the true record. On this day, Sunday, June 22, 2008; the world was notified of the crisis and emergency with the former communists and their use of terrorism to keep the lights on and put food on the table. That aid is then used to fund militaries and future attacks. The liberals, the left, and the “thems” woke up one morning and figured out the “birds” were coming to peck them down and they at slowly and obstinately decided to play along at the very last minute. They were caught putting seeds in feeders and pretending to be bird handlers. Ha, one guy was caught taking pictures and telling his friend who was getting pecked “very hard” by a bird, “look how violent they are.” Even while the birds were pecking their best friends and pooping on them, they were laughing and joking as if the world had ended.
“I’m in this fight, tell me what to do” is their slogan. “Wait, we will not do that, it goes against our party line and our beliefs.” Then when they were asked what they are good at or wish to do, “we want to go after ‘high value targets’, do you know any. Do you know where they keep their things?” That is the spirit because this is the reason why we are in this fight to begin with. Welcome to our team. So they may not want to help, they may be worthless, but at least they know why we are fighting and why we are going to drive Al Qaeda off this planet.
Why in the world are they breaking the equipment if they do not have the money to fix it or buy it? Who does this sound like and who is behind it? Right now Al Qaeda is not worth a penny and is actually more valuable dead than alive. Why would they try to get the head of a real life SDI General and then say they can pay for it or pay to fix it? Al Qaeda has enough money to buy the program and the people itself? If so, lets start with one General, 12 trillion dollars and that is for one. We can train or hide, then send up a second one for them to play with; or see how much things have changed we can believe them.
We do not see any need to lock them up or see any need to begin the legal proposals to intern the liberals and the left wing as enemy combatants who have attacked the nation, the leaders, the world, and are holding us hostage and viciously attacking us. We do not see why they would oppose the idea how vicious and problematic they are or will be. We do not see any disagreements here unless they see some disagreements or perhaps some mistruths, disinformation, propaganda, or blatant baseless lies. Yet they tell us and keep repeating to us how they want and demand a shooting war. No, we do not see any reason to disagree or why they need to be interned as an enemy combatant. There are no disagreements.
The liberals and the left wing cannot be enemy combatants enough to abandon the entire debate process and the idea that solutions need to be produced. They neither disagree nor agree and from what we know, they are intent and willing to go all the way to the end defiant and shooting. We do not see them; that is, we do not see them as serious. We feel, document, and have witnessed their attacks and attempts to cut us down day in and day out from 1995 to 2008 in the most unrelenting and nonstop manner. How can they disagree or agree when they have already abandoned the process and are on a suicide mission to shoot and be defiant to the end.
We already know this is Al Qaeda; they already know we know it is Al Qaeda but refuse to cooperate or break their backs. Under the rule of the Clintons and the Bushes, Al Qaeda almost assassinated our best people and stole our best equipment or pretty near destroyed it all so it would not and could not be used on them. The public was made to think and believe that the disagreement to intern the liberals was a good and positive step but what it did instead was produce a growth, increased confidence, and even political will for both the liberals and the communists. Now, with the smoke clear and the utter horror of the past eight years, the public is forced to and has no other option but to support the Democrats or the left wing to intern or chase the former communist off this earth. If this is not a clear cut example of weak on communism than what is? If this is a disagreement over the weak on terrorism and strong on liberals, then what is?
They way you fight communism has proven to be on the battlefield and up until 9-11 this battlefield was very elusive. Was it an act of war, a simple mistake, a disagreement, or a spy operation gone badly? The cover up says all the above and the legality of trying to sort out the mess gets worse and worse because in 2008 we are no wear near closer than we were in 1995 when we did not even know they wanted us to write policy and encourage foreign aid or political inclusion for them. We are left with the idea that it was just a disagreement and not an act of war yet the legality is still being challenged and leveled for some reason.
The way we have chosen to fight communism in a post communist world is the use of the internment camps which were readily available and an effective way to scurry enemy combatants off to peace and get them off the battlefield so they do not injure our forces any more then they have or take over the world. It is not an issue of or about “political will” because political will only is a legislative tool to determine accounting and spending allocation which we are trying to move away from and establish a higher hierarchy in a post communist world. If there is a disagreement then the people who disagree must take the initiative to put a foot down and organize to a process of solution instead of abandoning it and forcing others into a shooting war while they tell them this is what they want and will be defiant and vicious to the end of the world. That is communism and that is liberals at work.
We are committed to peace and prosperity ten times more than the liberals and the leftist cause; therefore, they need to refute, dispute, provide any disagreements, or further any other agenda and lie. This is how we will show them and make it known to the world we are committed to peace and prosperity, a process of truth telling and solution solving, and the creation of a new world with vicious and venerable terrorists chased off this planet and not simply some local watering hole. We learned from Vietnam what the price of peace really means to a weak on communism spy ring. We also know what it will mean in the coming years with the advent of technology and satellite warfare. This was just training and an exercise to prepare for what is to come. Truly, all hell has broken loose on earth.
This peace they speak of and this legal superiority the liberals, left wing, and communist speak of feels they are so powerful and legal; they do not have to abandon cynicism and rhetoric. What is even more legal and superior is they feel they can stalk us for over a full decade, call the most vicious terrorists on earth, attack the nation, and put us in jail while never once showing a specific identification. These people feel they are so superior they owe no explanation, show no requirement for id, show no remorse or any sense of apology, no regret, nothing whatsoever except telling others to “go home” and how they own and possess everything.
If this is not the most deceptive, despicable, vile, worthless, and weakest barbaric cannibal on this earth; then please show us another who can compare. They feel they owe everything and everyone and we are some slave to their wishes and authority. They feel above the law and above truth. They feel they need not explain or even show identification while they storm across the borders and invade the nation without any uniform or id. We already know and knew it was Al Qaeda who did it but we never expected them to decry “peace.” Next time you kidnap, debate, or storm the nation, bring a uniform and identification so we can at least complain or fight back.
The only way is to intern and seek internment for these enemy combatants and do not hesitate with any delay. They will put forth the most fierce and most deadly defiance you will ever see because in the post communist world, they have no way to continue their operations and they are desperate to the point of homicidal dependence. They will even turn it back on you and split you in two and send you into a free fall of depression. The problem is not how they contribute or are a part of the show; the problem is how they are not. The immigration policies of the past were a failure and attributed to forming the largest opposition and deadliest defiance we have yet seen to anti communist forces and they are claiming superior and ownership to everything. They need not explain or show identification either.
Al Qaeda states: if we drop all prosecution and all criminal punishments on them, we can move ahead and unify the nation. If we do not drop all charges and stop going forward, then they will subpoena and continue the attacks on America. This means seizure of assets and seizure of military operations. Funding and all military spending will be cut while hospitals built until all criminal or military prosecution is dropped or served by the investigators. If these terms are not met, then they will be forced to commit suicide and be a martyr to the fight against Al Qaeda. They are scared and do not want to die, so they state clearly this is an eye for eye from here on. They want all clandestine efforts or police actions on them stopped immediately or called off before they release any assets or release any hostages. They accepted defeat but never accepted surrender.
Another aspect of the liberal strategically moves are to acquire new investments and spurn much needed trade. Liberal stock managers and Gods are investing heavily in China and Russia. However, they feel the Chinese will view them as liberators and not a threat which wants to really help them. The Chinese hate the liberals because they structure their society on invasion by barbarians from the North. The Chinese culture will go ballistic on the liberals when they find out more about them and their way of business. Right now, the liberals are playing them as fools or inferior assets, while they try to invest or place themselves in a position of advantage. They are kissing up to both the Russian and Chinese military to increase this “strategic initiative” of Al Qaeda to increase defenses while arming the offenses.
The liberals need to understand something very important in this world. Generals think beyond their small lying and deceitful minds. Money and power is not what they see as the most import things in life. Thus, the liberals would not and should not be messing with these big former communist states because they have some of the biggest bite in this world. The problem in the former Soviet states is the “bourgeoisie” mindset compared to the Chinese mindsets that prefer to favor the “agrarian” and farming initiatives. Regardless of the ideological differences, the Chinese farmers are profiting ten times from the free market in the post communist world and trade with Asian trade partners while the liberal stock broker Gods are pushing good deals in other former communist states to strategically position themselves.
If you speak to the Russian citizen and ask them how they feel, the first reaction is a fear and sadness about being watched and held accountable for criticizing. Fortuitously, they signify their hate and disaffection with the Russian economy. Teachers, those who are asked to prepare the future generations, earn 200 to 300 rubles a month and this is well below the poverty level. They see everybody getting rich and enjoying free trade, free ideas, and a general sense of happy superiority. They feel left out of trade talks and left out of the economic game which they know they must begin immediately to get in. Therefore, the citizens in the former communist states feel a general inadequacy and are scared they will be turned into serfs and some underclass the world can mock and be hateful towards. They like everything the world has to offer but are scared it will judge them harshly.
How do you stop an internment and global leaders who know you are wrong and the enemy?
Another aspect of the liberal strategically moves are to acquire new investments and spurn much needed trade. Liberal stock managers and Gods are investing heavily in China and Russia. However, they feel the Chinese will view them as liberators and not a threat which wants to really help them. The Chinese hate the liberals because they structure their society on invasion by barbarians from the North. The Chinese culture will go ballistic on the liberals when they find out more about them and their way of business. Right now, the liberals are playing them as fools or inferior assets, while they try to invest or place themselves in a position of advantage. They are kissing up to both the Russian and Chinese military to increase this “strategic initiative” of Al Qaeda to increase defenses while arming the offenses.
The liberals need to understand something very important in this world. Generals think beyond their small lying and deceitful minds. Money and power is not what they see as the most import things in life. Thus, the liberals would not and should not be messing with these big former communist states because they have some of the biggest bite in this world. The problem in the former Soviet states is the “bourgeoisie” mindset compared to the Chinese mindsets that prefer to favor the “agrarian” and farming initiatives. Regardless of the ideological differences, the Chinese farmers are profiting ten times from the free market in the post communist world and trade with Asian trade partners while the liberal stock broker Gods are pushing good deals in other former communist states to strategically position themselves.
If you speak to the Russian citizen and ask them how they feel, the first reaction is a fear and sadness about being watched and held accountable for criticizing. Fortuitously, they signify their hate and disaffection with the Russian economy. Teachers, those who are asked to prepare the future generations, earn 200 to 300 rubles a month and this is well below the poverty level. They see everybody getting rich and enjoying free trade, free ideas, and a general sense of happy superiority. They feel left out of trade talks and left out of the economic game which they know they must begin immediately to get in. Therefore, the citizens in the former communist states feel a general inadequacy and are scared they will be turned into serfs and some underclass the world can mock and be hateful towards. They like everything the world has to offer but are scared it will judge them harshly.
How do you stop an internment and global leaders who know you are wrong and the enemy?
We have to go back to the Second World War and what happened in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and the attack by the Japanese. Whether or not you consent to the internment of the Japanese, by Presidential Executive Order 9066, the certainty is how it was meant or intended to protect and prevent a second attack. What the liberals and the left wing are or have transformed into is a cold, malicious, traitorous, slanderous, sadistic, and most of all enemy-legal entity who attacks and constantly attacks with no premonitions of consequences or repercussions. They feel that by being bolder and louder, their voice is heard more clearly. In modern scientific thought, we call this a sociopath. The problem is obvious, why the solution does not happen or occur is not. It has to do with race, it has to do with both the Republicans and Democrats being weak on communism, it has to do with a historical ignorance which is based on a model of conquests. If you live by conquest, then you must keep it legal or apart from legalism.
Had this been 1941, the liberals would have been behind bars immediately after the Reagan Administration and more evidence supporting the decision after 9-11. However, the atmosphere is so loony and toxic; the ability to apply the same standards is a fallacy. In hindsight, if you apply the same standards to the Japanese, then you must surmise that had they spit on the sidewalk, they would be immediately interned. However, if you apply the liberal standard, you get to attack the nation and conservatives for ten years and arrest or imprison anyone who spits on the sidewalk. That is the legal logic and the testament of the legal liberal camp that are nothing more than legal tyrants and despots. They are constantly up to vicious tricks and malicious prosecutions.
The same standards in 1941 need to be applied to them and in debate; if they fail in debate and cannot answer the questions, less lie or cover them up, then immediate action should and would be taken. They are the fiercest and the looniest attackers this nation has yet to face. They are on trial and being judged while linked to some of the most vicious terrorists on earth; yet they argue and prosecute with malicious pride those judging them. If that is not hypocrisy and bigotry of the ultimate level, then please show the world a case or some other example of this circus like tirade. Moreover, you can trace it and plot it ever since 1988 and the Reagan era when it was actually peaceful to be an anti communist or conservative. Now it feels like some killing season or killing field. Who wants to get used to it or are the sheepish guards already used to it and accustomed?
When you have one serial killer on the loose in a community, it is hard to cope with and going in public is an act of tragedy in itself. Insofar as one, this is an army of them. People feel helpless and demand the truth; they get legal bickering and lie. The courts are blind to this and the near racketeering like expansion of this vitriol harangue by the liberals. The liberals honestly feel they are being attacked and being persecuted. This feeling of persecution is making them bolder, more vicious, and more defiant, more heroism, and more scornful, more adamant, less cooperative, less civism, less honest, and most of all some underground mutiny. It has been two decades without the protection of Reagan from the communists and liberals and all hell has broken loose or near to it. If this keeps up, the tanks and the soldiers are going to have to compensate for the total lack of security or sense of order. Reality has been replaced by malicious attacks and lies. In the liberal world, that is all it is and who can survive this near toxic venom.
We do not know who is in charge or who is even calling the shots. We surmised some spy ring embedded in the Jewish nations. We traced a lot of events to a dead end and a level of security outsiders are not permitted to enter, Israeli politics. Yet we have these leaders who enjoy overlooking the dangers and the baseless rancor of facts while engaged in this dangerous and destructive behavior. It is not just the Democrats; it is also the Republican who is weak on communism. They are so accustomed and tolerant of this corruption and hypocrisy, they cannot even apply the same standard for which they applied to enemies who attack the nation in the Second World War. Those actions and those internments were deemed “unjust” or “uncalled for” and even “erroneous.” It is strange and odd to get it wrong the first time, while ignoring it when it truly counts. It is a matrimonial curmudgeon to overlook the solution now, when it was so wrong before; if the devil wrote a liberal script it would say “scare them first into inaction, and then educate them into no action.” But that is liberalism and the disease of liberalism to begin with. That is why the military planners were prepared to blow up the earth when the liberals and communists over ran it. Hence, they are overrunning it now and people are just too used to it while the liberals ask for more tolerance.
When you look at the data and the reports, it is difficult to imagine if anyone is on guard or is even paying attention. You wonder if the person or people who are are some spy or some mole sent by the left to fool you into surrender or going along with is stepped up effort to hijack the entire world. The leaders cannot be impeached. They are not held accountable. Legal challenges are mere cynicism and rhetoric. Is there anything that is real and truthful in these people or are they so phony and powerful they will not leave and have to be challenged with militarism. It is similar to a barbarian who asks or demands peace and then hits you over the head and says how mutual it can be. This is total lunacy and total utter psychotic by a political band of thieves who cannot apply the same standards for enemies as they can for allies or friends. Meanwhile, people are kidnapped, tortured, and made to defect or side with the liberals if they wish to live or have a decent life without more attacks. Who is running the show or in charge or is the devil gone down to Georgia with a fiddle and a dance to tell?
It is not only the Democrats who are weak on communism, it is also the Republicans and they are fighting mad for the liberals at this time fooling everyone into believing they were helping, making things better, or dealing with this communist threat in the post communist era. Insofar as leadership and this mess, it gets bigger and bigger while people are fooled and duped into believing there is nothing wrong or it is the right wing that is insensitive. Nobody can help the fact how hated they are by the communist. The communist have invaded to kill, destroy, and imprison; however, that standard has no meaning any longer. When this happens, it is time to call in the tanks because the enemy, the left wing, has just surged and overtaken the entire political scenery. They control both the right wing and the left wing but who is going to really notice a difference?
There is no leadership or protections. The only protection is the liberals who hijacked the entire situation and have or is selling “their war.” They want to sell this war so that the standards are not applied or will never apply to them. This is why in 1941, those who attack the nation and its sovereignty were locked up immediately and with no questions asked. Today that is viewed as a total error and a total violation of rights even if it is true and happening. This is the genius of arguing both sides and for both ends of the spectrum. Unless the liberals and the left back down and respect the freedom and lives of others, the only possible solution will be military force to drive despots, tyrants, and lunatic psychopaths out of their communities. It is going to be a long and difficult struggle getting rid of all these sadistic lunatic social-pathetic psychopaths who cannot apply the same standards to themselves as they do to the enemies of the state. They just showed up on the scene after Reagan and began sending out invitations and Christmas cards to unsuspecting people in order to “ask” them to join them.
There is nobody on duty and nobody on guards except the devil who is trying to “scare others” out of this. Forget debate and argument, that is obvious not a standard which the liberals are willing to apply towards seeking solutions. They will occupy and they will maliciously wound anyone who challenges them unless or until the tanks roll in and chase the tyrants and despots out. All hell has broken loose and there is just no order left. It is time to start interning if it is not too late already; it is time to stop and refuse the little sadistic and psychopathic trickery of the devil in disguise who feels persecuted, attacked, and violently angry. They are not backing down one inch and have made it clearly known they will not back down; not even in the eye of a storm of tanks. The only thing they wish to discuss or debate is how next to maliciously wound and attack anyone who challenges them or inadvertently comes across them. Somebody needs to begin looking into the internment of the liberals before the only solutions will beget most awful ones.
The situation will erupt in this manner. The liberals will soften the use of force by sending in suicidal agents who will abuse all kinds of power. They want to make others sensitive to them and their rights. Next, they will see how far they can fool others and whether or not they can see or recognize them. When movement is possible, they will strike. They will keep on striking while their legal teams will demand sensitivity and legal rights by previous abuses. The entire matter is paralyzed and now no repercussions are possible. The problem which is getting worse is the omission of a real security or a blanket of protections. It is worse than the Wild West because these enemies are well bathed, clean cut, well dressed, polite, courteous, educated, and well respected psychotic barbarians who know the law very well.
The problem with the liberals is a talent to be nice, courteous, well dressed, bathed properly, and even articulate while they seek to slice the throats of those who stand in their way. It is a trick and a phony act which has brought them tremendous success and life achievements. Now they are trapped and angry and we can tell the world with certainty, they are not going to back down or throw in the towel. They are asking others to do the same before they do this. This is also concurrent to what the phantom voice kept voicing in the most mysterious ways. If you read the reports, they are asking for war and a military one and they have lost all sense of reality. The problem is they do not want to go down, the problem is not whether they will go down, and the problem is how they want others to suffer with them. They want others to go down so they have something to step on to claw out. It is a bathed, well dressed, hidden, polite, and not easily challenged barbarism and cannibalism only the liberals are capable of. They are just a very forceful bunch who lives on the sword of conquest and domination.
The liberals need to understand that if they keep telling the public or the authorities they want a fight, then they will send in incendiary agents of change and give them what they want. Do not test the limits of freedom and forces that are committed in chasing Al Qaeda off the planet. These reports may end up as the blueprint if sadistic lunacy becomes the standard applied to liberals. Confusing the authorities and fooling them will cause them to become impatient and demand tanks and a real security force. They have the power to stop it but once they step over that line and refuse to acknowledge they did, the authorities will loose faith and distrust this liberal stand off. This is the rematch to the one back in the 1960s and troops were called in to quell the problem with the communists, it will not be so easy this time. It will not go down with such magnificent honor or prestige. Do not push the terrorism card; do not push the liberalism and communism cards either for some tactical advantage.
Now you have some crazy stuff going on and if they need to discuss or reconsider this, then they should not keep on sending these secret messages about how mighty they are and how badly they want a “military challenge.” This is lunacy and all it needs is a riot and some nut job to begin the party. We will bet and guarantee it will be a liberal who does that and their leaders will never ever admit or back down. It is our expert opinion that the process of internment be started and heavily considered before some crazy nut gets bolder, wilder, more intrusive, more defiant, more dishonest, more tyrannical, and loose all touch of reality and control. If they do not accept those terms, then we do not have any other tools or analysis which can possibly address this stand off by the liberals on the world in a post communist world. They need to understand this clearly.
Had this been 1941, the liberals would have been behind bars immediately after the Reagan Administration and more evidence supporting the decision after 9-11. However, the atmosphere is so loony and toxic; the ability to apply the same standards is a fallacy. In hindsight, if you apply the same standards to the Japanese, then you must surmise that had they spit on the sidewalk, they would be immediately interned. However, if you apply the liberal standard, you get to attack the nation and conservatives for ten years and arrest or imprison anyone who spits on the sidewalk. That is the legal logic and the testament of the legal liberal camp that are nothing more than legal tyrants and despots. They are constantly up to vicious tricks and malicious prosecutions.
The same standards in 1941 need to be applied to them and in debate; if they fail in debate and cannot answer the questions, less lie or cover them up, then immediate action should and would be taken. They are the fiercest and the looniest attackers this nation has yet to face. They are on trial and being judged while linked to some of the most vicious terrorists on earth; yet they argue and prosecute with malicious pride those judging them. If that is not hypocrisy and bigotry of the ultimate level, then please show the world a case or some other example of this circus like tirade. Moreover, you can trace it and plot it ever since 1988 and the Reagan era when it was actually peaceful to be an anti communist or conservative. Now it feels like some killing season or killing field. Who wants to get used to it or are the sheepish guards already used to it and accustomed?
When you have one serial killer on the loose in a community, it is hard to cope with and going in public is an act of tragedy in itself. Insofar as one, this is an army of them. People feel helpless and demand the truth; they get legal bickering and lie. The courts are blind to this and the near racketeering like expansion of this vitriol harangue by the liberals. The liberals honestly feel they are being attacked and being persecuted. This feeling of persecution is making them bolder, more vicious, and more defiant, more heroism, and more scornful, more adamant, less cooperative, less civism, less honest, and most of all some underground mutiny. It has been two decades without the protection of Reagan from the communists and liberals and all hell has broken loose or near to it. If this keeps up, the tanks and the soldiers are going to have to compensate for the total lack of security or sense of order. Reality has been replaced by malicious attacks and lies. In the liberal world, that is all it is and who can survive this near toxic venom.
We do not know who is in charge or who is even calling the shots. We surmised some spy ring embedded in the Jewish nations. We traced a lot of events to a dead end and a level of security outsiders are not permitted to enter, Israeli politics. Yet we have these leaders who enjoy overlooking the dangers and the baseless rancor of facts while engaged in this dangerous and destructive behavior. It is not just the Democrats; it is also the Republican who is weak on communism. They are so accustomed and tolerant of this corruption and hypocrisy, they cannot even apply the same standard for which they applied to enemies who attack the nation in the Second World War. Those actions and those internments were deemed “unjust” or “uncalled for” and even “erroneous.” It is strange and odd to get it wrong the first time, while ignoring it when it truly counts. It is a matrimonial curmudgeon to overlook the solution now, when it was so wrong before; if the devil wrote a liberal script it would say “scare them first into inaction, and then educate them into no action.” But that is liberalism and the disease of liberalism to begin with. That is why the military planners were prepared to blow up the earth when the liberals and communists over ran it. Hence, they are overrunning it now and people are just too used to it while the liberals ask for more tolerance.
When you look at the data and the reports, it is difficult to imagine if anyone is on guard or is even paying attention. You wonder if the person or people who are are some spy or some mole sent by the left to fool you into surrender or going along with is stepped up effort to hijack the entire world. The leaders cannot be impeached. They are not held accountable. Legal challenges are mere cynicism and rhetoric. Is there anything that is real and truthful in these people or are they so phony and powerful they will not leave and have to be challenged with militarism. It is similar to a barbarian who asks or demands peace and then hits you over the head and says how mutual it can be. This is total lunacy and total utter psychotic by a political band of thieves who cannot apply the same standards for enemies as they can for allies or friends. Meanwhile, people are kidnapped, tortured, and made to defect or side with the liberals if they wish to live or have a decent life without more attacks. Who is running the show or in charge or is the devil gone down to Georgia with a fiddle and a dance to tell?
It is not only the Democrats who are weak on communism, it is also the Republicans and they are fighting mad for the liberals at this time fooling everyone into believing they were helping, making things better, or dealing with this communist threat in the post communist era. Insofar as leadership and this mess, it gets bigger and bigger while people are fooled and duped into believing there is nothing wrong or it is the right wing that is insensitive. Nobody can help the fact how hated they are by the communist. The communist have invaded to kill, destroy, and imprison; however, that standard has no meaning any longer. When this happens, it is time to call in the tanks because the enemy, the left wing, has just surged and overtaken the entire political scenery. They control both the right wing and the left wing but who is going to really notice a difference?
There is no leadership or protections. The only protection is the liberals who hijacked the entire situation and have or is selling “their war.” They want to sell this war so that the standards are not applied or will never apply to them. This is why in 1941, those who attack the nation and its sovereignty were locked up immediately and with no questions asked. Today that is viewed as a total error and a total violation of rights even if it is true and happening. This is the genius of arguing both sides and for both ends of the spectrum. Unless the liberals and the left back down and respect the freedom and lives of others, the only possible solution will be military force to drive despots, tyrants, and lunatic psychopaths out of their communities. It is going to be a long and difficult struggle getting rid of all these sadistic lunatic social-pathetic psychopaths who cannot apply the same standards to themselves as they do to the enemies of the state. They just showed up on the scene after Reagan and began sending out invitations and Christmas cards to unsuspecting people in order to “ask” them to join them.
There is nobody on duty and nobody on guards except the devil who is trying to “scare others” out of this. Forget debate and argument, that is obvious not a standard which the liberals are willing to apply towards seeking solutions. They will occupy and they will maliciously wound anyone who challenges them unless or until the tanks roll in and chase the tyrants and despots out. All hell has broken loose and there is just no order left. It is time to start interning if it is not too late already; it is time to stop and refuse the little sadistic and psychopathic trickery of the devil in disguise who feels persecuted, attacked, and violently angry. They are not backing down one inch and have made it clearly known they will not back down; not even in the eye of a storm of tanks. The only thing they wish to discuss or debate is how next to maliciously wound and attack anyone who challenges them or inadvertently comes across them. Somebody needs to begin looking into the internment of the liberals before the only solutions will beget most awful ones.
The situation will erupt in this manner. The liberals will soften the use of force by sending in suicidal agents who will abuse all kinds of power. They want to make others sensitive to them and their rights. Next, they will see how far they can fool others and whether or not they can see or recognize them. When movement is possible, they will strike. They will keep on striking while their legal teams will demand sensitivity and legal rights by previous abuses. The entire matter is paralyzed and now no repercussions are possible. The problem which is getting worse is the omission of a real security or a blanket of protections. It is worse than the Wild West because these enemies are well bathed, clean cut, well dressed, polite, courteous, educated, and well respected psychotic barbarians who know the law very well.
The problem with the liberals is a talent to be nice, courteous, well dressed, bathed properly, and even articulate while they seek to slice the throats of those who stand in their way. It is a trick and a phony act which has brought them tremendous success and life achievements. Now they are trapped and angry and we can tell the world with certainty, they are not going to back down or throw in the towel. They are asking others to do the same before they do this. This is also concurrent to what the phantom voice kept voicing in the most mysterious ways. If you read the reports, they are asking for war and a military one and they have lost all sense of reality. The problem is they do not want to go down, the problem is not whether they will go down, and the problem is how they want others to suffer with them. They want others to go down so they have something to step on to claw out. It is a bathed, well dressed, hidden, polite, and not easily challenged barbarism and cannibalism only the liberals are capable of. They are just a very forceful bunch who lives on the sword of conquest and domination.
The liberals need to understand that if they keep telling the public or the authorities they want a fight, then they will send in incendiary agents of change and give them what they want. Do not test the limits of freedom and forces that are committed in chasing Al Qaeda off the planet. These reports may end up as the blueprint if sadistic lunacy becomes the standard applied to liberals. Confusing the authorities and fooling them will cause them to become impatient and demand tanks and a real security force. They have the power to stop it but once they step over that line and refuse to acknowledge they did, the authorities will loose faith and distrust this liberal stand off. This is the rematch to the one back in the 1960s and troops were called in to quell the problem with the communists, it will not be so easy this time. It will not go down with such magnificent honor or prestige. Do not push the terrorism card; do not push the liberalism and communism cards either for some tactical advantage.
Now you have some crazy stuff going on and if they need to discuss or reconsider this, then they should not keep on sending these secret messages about how mighty they are and how badly they want a “military challenge.” This is lunacy and all it needs is a riot and some nut job to begin the party. We will bet and guarantee it will be a liberal who does that and their leaders will never ever admit or back down. It is our expert opinion that the process of internment be started and heavily considered before some crazy nut gets bolder, wilder, more intrusive, more defiant, more dishonest, more tyrannical, and loose all touch of reality and control. If they do not accept those terms, then we do not have any other tools or analysis which can possibly address this stand off by the liberals on the world in a post communist world. They need to understand this clearly.
Executive Order 9066 was a class project in 1984 while in 9th grade. Although a high school class project, it was taken up with furious excitement. Other previous projects were the 1920s and the boxer Jack Dempsey, race relations in Hollywood, and various tumultuous issues at the turn of the century.
There are two camps in the American culture. One camp is severely hateful for anything Japanese because it is overlooked as a catalyst of job loss. Jap is American lingo means World War II and a bad memory of events in the 1980s when Japanese businesses invaded every sector of American culture.
The Japanese are considered number two on the list of global engineers, Singapore takes up the number one position. However, number two is not a damnation to poor-dam or pardon. Japan is plagued with war and the rise of the samurai class because of the warring clans and families. All societies who undergo a period of feudal development and landed gentries go through this powerful surge of agrarian warfare. The formal name in the college textbooks for this period of militancy in Japanese history is uniquely dominated only by the Japanese history. Historians call it the period of “internecine warfare” or constant nonstop warfare.
Out of this rose the elite samurai class and the tradition of military elites. Japanese society was ruled by the Shogun and samurai system and some historians attribute this elite class of warriors to World War II. The historians see it as a process of imperialism and also the alliance system which pulled nations into axis powers. Japan has fought with her neighbors and even the Soviets. Japan had fought the British much similar to the Chinese who fought both. The British and the Chinese are closer allies than the Japanese with either.
That is not all there is but just a taste of Asian history. We can go into Daoism, deities, Shintoism, Zen, and even Buddhism. We can go into the various martial arts, the styles, and purity of them and weapons. We can go into a lot of things but right now we need to discuss Executive Order 9066 and the forced Internment of the Japanese during World War II.
The internment of the Japanese was fueled by the attack on Pearl Harbor and the American public’s quick temper to condemn minorities. In this particular case which should not be confused with any other case, the internment of the Japanese had no factual or scientific proof. The only proof which is based on Army history is the deciphering of the German and Japanese communication system. The only bases which can be logically viewed outside of a “witch-hunt” or “anger” or “widespread paranoia” is the fact there were a handful of spies working out of Honolulu, HI and calling in artillery and bombing runs. Beyond this there are and no cases of any Japanese Americans ever involved in espionage or usurping the government.
The two most successful groups in the history of America are the Germans and probably the Japanese. Those two are considered very successful regardless of the opinions of others or their preferences. The Germans and the Japanese are not viewed with a peculiarity that stands out like a sore thumb. However, during this period there were other radicals and immigrants who should be viewed with suspicious detail. You have other cases during this time with other immigrants who were flooding to America to escape the persecution and storm in Europe.
In order to understand what happened and how it happened, you have to go and sit down or talk to the Kobayashi’s, Yammaguchi’s, Yammato’s, etc… These are people who really did not object to what occurred and felt it was part of their loyalty to their nation and it would pass. When you see the family pictures they have and took while in the camps for two, three, or four years; you begin to see how life just stopped. There is no way to defend it or what happened.
Primarily, the problem was how most of the Japanese Americans were very successful. When their internment was signed by FDR, they left businesses, houses, and large amounts of property to dilapidate or completely lost when they returned. In no way are these poor people or desperate people. They should be recognized and not hated or punished for these accomplishments.
Like other fads, trends, and cultural deviances; society sometimes forms opinions and peculiarities that spread like wildfire. Most people did not know about the Japanese Americans. All they know was they were there one day and gone the next. When they finally returned home, they lost everything while the war was in full swing.
Most Japanese Americans hold it as a badge of honor. They do not feel resentment or express resentment because America, like the Germans and other groups, had given back to them in a very rich and rewarding way. Surely, it was the work of a few mad individuals and summarily the sole work of liberals. This has liberals written all over it. The Japanese Americans viewed it as terrible but it equalized by their American experience which was also shared by the Germans and also other groups.
It is the people who are infinitely embarrassed and constantly trying to defend their wrong actions or their ability to falsely demonize or see enemies behind every corner without the hindsight of science or decency; which brings us to the outrageous calm we sometimes see. Again, the mark of the liberals, who are incessantly scraping the bottom, is the conflict of class when the bottom and the top are always an antagonist to the other. The way to liberalism is not easy and must be forced if true change is needed.
If the internment of the Japanese is viewed as conservatism, then it is a false or loose conservatism. It is the same process which liberals use to retaliate and make others an example. Liberals are in government to expand it and to create this “good feeling” they are for welfare. Their sole purpose in public service is to create a shadow of moral rejection for anti-communism or perfection. Judging others can never occur while domination is the rule of day by appealing to everyone.
If you get caught in the liberal storm, then you will feel the lunatic fringe or the criminal insanity. The Japanese Americans are a prime example of this. When you formulate a check list of characteristics, profiles, behavior, intelligence, and genetic quality which causes others to be authoritarian, aggressive, savages, liars, or ridiculous clowns; there are certain groups who rank in the top five over and over. There are certain groups who are always the usual suspects. This list when you compare to the Japanese Americans and their internment is not relevant. It is like punishing the smartest in the class because the worst are not able and fit to keep up. It is a marketing trick and an advertising scam.
The best way to understand the internment of the Japanese is to understand the liberals. The check list is never accountable when you compare the list of offenses to the “friend of the court” status the liberals repugnantly claim. Circumspectly sniggering at others because of a lack of human quality and spirit to judge properly or understand how the checklist is minimal with certain groups and misjudged with the bareness of others. The enemy combatants to the United States are the liberals. To defend this is an act of treason. To discount the check list which presupposes that certain people are more likely than others is the predisposition which acknowledges how certain groups do better than other groups but can be and are hated for this.
Until the summer of 2004 Michelle Malkin might have been considered Ann Coulter's understudy, learning to sneer, snarl, attack and blow-dry hair. That changed with the publication of Malkin's second book In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery, August 2004) The book's central argument did more than voice a belief that even the most rabid right-winger didn't like to utter on record. It turned Malkin into a sociological phenomenon.
Had Internment been written by a white woman, it would have been studiously ignored as racist extremism — even if it offered up stronger evidence than does Malkin. But the titillation and political cover offered by an Asian female author was too good to ignore, even though the evidence Malkin offers had long been dismissed, by military as well as civilian experts, as too inchoate to justify the mass incarceration of 110,000 west-coast Japanese Americans. The decoded military intelligence intercepts (MAGIC) cited by Malkin's book proves that the Japanese military hoped to turn a number of connections with Japanese American business and cultural societies into espionage links. In fact, however, they never amounted to the basis for even one concrete espionage prosecution. The strongest evidence Malkin provides is the account of the help rendered a downed Zero pilot by a Japanese couple on the remote Hawaiian island of Niihau. None of it was new, but it was just enough fodder with which Malkin could make a publishing splash. The real attraction was the sideshow factor: why is this Asian American woman trying to justify Japanese American internment?
Whatever may be the ultimate judgment passed on Malkin's motives, as of late September of 2004 Internment seemed unlikely to reprise the success of her first. The book's media tour accomplished something that may be just as profitable — quadruple the traffic to Malkin's website, catapulting it past Ann Coulter's. No doubt part of that jump is from curiosity seekers who are aghast at Malkin's political views. Yet they will be surprised to find that Malkin's output shows a hard-working writer who makes more than occasional sense but undercuts herself with the unrelenting quality of her free-floating hatred and scorn. To hear Malkin tell it, the world swarms with evil people out to do in the American way of life and, what's more, Americans are too dumb to see it.
- By H Y Nahm, "Michelle Malkin: The Radical Right's Asian Pitbull" -
At this time, the premise of Executive Order 9066 is the best weapon against the liberals and terrorism. We can reproduce the court trial and the evidence which supported the claims for the internment of the Japanese Americans and apply the same standards with ten times the validity and certainty. Therefore, while liberals who support FDR and other legacies of liberals discount how the Japanese were the wartime enemies, they must be able to also judge Americans with equal standards and if they cannot, then to cease the effort or the claim. That is the long enduring history with the liberals and their inability to judge, their refusal to judge, and their inability to recognize their fellow citizens. The standards and quality do not apply to them because they cannot pass. Similarly and hesitantly, when liberals are incapable of and abandon the judgment process or debate, they loose their ability and stature to call themselves fellow citizens no matter how proud the act is.
The problem with liberalism is the socialist element. Sanctimoniously, liberals have seized the entire political landscape and shut every other movement or dissent out. The reason is the degree of uncertainty and the near emergency with the future. The entire left wing is suspended in an animated flux where they have no ideological pointer to give them a feel of the dark. The only thing they can use is the back of another human being at this time and those who are not blinded. How they do that is part of this book. Hesitantly and niggardly, the real danger and threat is the effort to reorganize and determine if communism will be allowed and have any future in the next century. To do this, the banking system must adopt and perpetuate the debt spending and fiscal maniacal wreck socialism and communism espouses. The experiment cannot be disturbed while their scientists work officiously to repair and to superimpose rivalry onto the capitalist and free market system. That is the only way to receive aid and to keep the religion alive. That is the only way to say this is a real church or a benevolent devil who is the victim of the free market or some vast right wing conspiracy. Liberals sometimes take up conservative views and positions to torment them and push them into debunking why they hate themselves and wish suicide. It is their way of declaring themselves superior or unavoidable.
There are two camps in the American culture. One camp is severely hateful for anything Japanese because it is overlooked as a catalyst of job loss. Jap is American lingo means World War II and a bad memory of events in the 1980s when Japanese businesses invaded every sector of American culture.
The Japanese are considered number two on the list of global engineers, Singapore takes up the number one position. However, number two is not a damnation to poor-dam or pardon. Japan is plagued with war and the rise of the samurai class because of the warring clans and families. All societies who undergo a period of feudal development and landed gentries go through this powerful surge of agrarian warfare. The formal name in the college textbooks for this period of militancy in Japanese history is uniquely dominated only by the Japanese history. Historians call it the period of “internecine warfare” or constant nonstop warfare.
Out of this rose the elite samurai class and the tradition of military elites. Japanese society was ruled by the Shogun and samurai system and some historians attribute this elite class of warriors to World War II. The historians see it as a process of imperialism and also the alliance system which pulled nations into axis powers. Japan has fought with her neighbors and even the Soviets. Japan had fought the British much similar to the Chinese who fought both. The British and the Chinese are closer allies than the Japanese with either.
That is not all there is but just a taste of Asian history. We can go into Daoism, deities, Shintoism, Zen, and even Buddhism. We can go into the various martial arts, the styles, and purity of them and weapons. We can go into a lot of things but right now we need to discuss Executive Order 9066 and the forced Internment of the Japanese during World War II.
The internment of the Japanese was fueled by the attack on Pearl Harbor and the American public’s quick temper to condemn minorities. In this particular case which should not be confused with any other case, the internment of the Japanese had no factual or scientific proof. The only proof which is based on Army history is the deciphering of the German and Japanese communication system. The only bases which can be logically viewed outside of a “witch-hunt” or “anger” or “widespread paranoia” is the fact there were a handful of spies working out of Honolulu, HI and calling in artillery and bombing runs. Beyond this there are and no cases of any Japanese Americans ever involved in espionage or usurping the government.
The two most successful groups in the history of America are the Germans and probably the Japanese. Those two are considered very successful regardless of the opinions of others or their preferences. The Germans and the Japanese are not viewed with a peculiarity that stands out like a sore thumb. However, during this period there were other radicals and immigrants who should be viewed with suspicious detail. You have other cases during this time with other immigrants who were flooding to America to escape the persecution and storm in Europe.
In order to understand what happened and how it happened, you have to go and sit down or talk to the Kobayashi’s, Yammaguchi’s, Yammato’s, etc… These are people who really did not object to what occurred and felt it was part of their loyalty to their nation and it would pass. When you see the family pictures they have and took while in the camps for two, three, or four years; you begin to see how life just stopped. There is no way to defend it or what happened.
Primarily, the problem was how most of the Japanese Americans were very successful. When their internment was signed by FDR, they left businesses, houses, and large amounts of property to dilapidate or completely lost when they returned. In no way are these poor people or desperate people. They should be recognized and not hated or punished for these accomplishments.
Like other fads, trends, and cultural deviances; society sometimes forms opinions and peculiarities that spread like wildfire. Most people did not know about the Japanese Americans. All they know was they were there one day and gone the next. When they finally returned home, they lost everything while the war was in full swing.
Most Japanese Americans hold it as a badge of honor. They do not feel resentment or express resentment because America, like the Germans and other groups, had given back to them in a very rich and rewarding way. Surely, it was the work of a few mad individuals and summarily the sole work of liberals. This has liberals written all over it. The Japanese Americans viewed it as terrible but it equalized by their American experience which was also shared by the Germans and also other groups.
It is the people who are infinitely embarrassed and constantly trying to defend their wrong actions or their ability to falsely demonize or see enemies behind every corner without the hindsight of science or decency; which brings us to the outrageous calm we sometimes see. Again, the mark of the liberals, who are incessantly scraping the bottom, is the conflict of class when the bottom and the top are always an antagonist to the other. The way to liberalism is not easy and must be forced if true change is needed.
If the internment of the Japanese is viewed as conservatism, then it is a false or loose conservatism. It is the same process which liberals use to retaliate and make others an example. Liberals are in government to expand it and to create this “good feeling” they are for welfare. Their sole purpose in public service is to create a shadow of moral rejection for anti-communism or perfection. Judging others can never occur while domination is the rule of day by appealing to everyone.
If you get caught in the liberal storm, then you will feel the lunatic fringe or the criminal insanity. The Japanese Americans are a prime example of this. When you formulate a check list of characteristics, profiles, behavior, intelligence, and genetic quality which causes others to be authoritarian, aggressive, savages, liars, or ridiculous clowns; there are certain groups who rank in the top five over and over. There are certain groups who are always the usual suspects. This list when you compare to the Japanese Americans and their internment is not relevant. It is like punishing the smartest in the class because the worst are not able and fit to keep up. It is a marketing trick and an advertising scam.
The best way to understand the internment of the Japanese is to understand the liberals. The check list is never accountable when you compare the list of offenses to the “friend of the court” status the liberals repugnantly claim. Circumspectly sniggering at others because of a lack of human quality and spirit to judge properly or understand how the checklist is minimal with certain groups and misjudged with the bareness of others. The enemy combatants to the United States are the liberals. To defend this is an act of treason. To discount the check list which presupposes that certain people are more likely than others is the predisposition which acknowledges how certain groups do better than other groups but can be and are hated for this.
Until the summer of 2004 Michelle Malkin might have been considered Ann Coulter's understudy, learning to sneer, snarl, attack and blow-dry hair. That changed with the publication of Malkin's second book In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror (Regnery, August 2004) The book's central argument did more than voice a belief that even the most rabid right-winger didn't like to utter on record. It turned Malkin into a sociological phenomenon.
Had Internment been written by a white woman, it would have been studiously ignored as racist extremism — even if it offered up stronger evidence than does Malkin. But the titillation and political cover offered by an Asian female author was too good to ignore, even though the evidence Malkin offers had long been dismissed, by military as well as civilian experts, as too inchoate to justify the mass incarceration of 110,000 west-coast Japanese Americans. The decoded military intelligence intercepts (MAGIC) cited by Malkin's book proves that the Japanese military hoped to turn a number of connections with Japanese American business and cultural societies into espionage links. In fact, however, they never amounted to the basis for even one concrete espionage prosecution. The strongest evidence Malkin provides is the account of the help rendered a downed Zero pilot by a Japanese couple on the remote Hawaiian island of Niihau. None of it was new, but it was just enough fodder with which Malkin could make a publishing splash. The real attraction was the sideshow factor: why is this Asian American woman trying to justify Japanese American internment?
Whatever may be the ultimate judgment passed on Malkin's motives, as of late September of 2004 Internment seemed unlikely to reprise the success of her first. The book's media tour accomplished something that may be just as profitable — quadruple the traffic to Malkin's website, catapulting it past Ann Coulter's. No doubt part of that jump is from curiosity seekers who are aghast at Malkin's political views. Yet they will be surprised to find that Malkin's output shows a hard-working writer who makes more than occasional sense but undercuts herself with the unrelenting quality of her free-floating hatred and scorn. To hear Malkin tell it, the world swarms with evil people out to do in the American way of life and, what's more, Americans are too dumb to see it.
- By H Y Nahm, "Michelle Malkin: The Radical Right's Asian Pitbull" -
At this time, the premise of Executive Order 9066 is the best weapon against the liberals and terrorism. We can reproduce the court trial and the evidence which supported the claims for the internment of the Japanese Americans and apply the same standards with ten times the validity and certainty. Therefore, while liberals who support FDR and other legacies of liberals discount how the Japanese were the wartime enemies, they must be able to also judge Americans with equal standards and if they cannot, then to cease the effort or the claim. That is the long enduring history with the liberals and their inability to judge, their refusal to judge, and their inability to recognize their fellow citizens. The standards and quality do not apply to them because they cannot pass. Similarly and hesitantly, when liberals are incapable of and abandon the judgment process or debate, they loose their ability and stature to call themselves fellow citizens no matter how proud the act is.
The problem with liberalism is the socialist element. Sanctimoniously, liberals have seized the entire political landscape and shut every other movement or dissent out. The reason is the degree of uncertainty and the near emergency with the future. The entire left wing is suspended in an animated flux where they have no ideological pointer to give them a feel of the dark. The only thing they can use is the back of another human being at this time and those who are not blinded. How they do that is part of this book. Hesitantly and niggardly, the real danger and threat is the effort to reorganize and determine if communism will be allowed and have any future in the next century. To do this, the banking system must adopt and perpetuate the debt spending and fiscal maniacal wreck socialism and communism espouses. The experiment cannot be disturbed while their scientists work officiously to repair and to superimpose rivalry onto the capitalist and free market system. That is the only way to receive aid and to keep the religion alive. That is the only way to say this is a real church or a benevolent devil who is the victim of the free market or some vast right wing conspiracy. Liberals sometimes take up conservative views and positions to torment them and push them into debunking why they hate themselves and wish suicide. It is their way of declaring themselves superior or unavoidable.
I am sick and tired of the political phonies and the useless it-tiots of this world. I will make this point clear and concise. Do not misunderstand my words and get used to them, we are in a state of perpetual war. I will prove to you we are and will be in a state of perpetual war.
First, this weak on communism is pathetic. To use conservatism or the Republican Party to sandbag a weak on communism and fortitude of liberal economics is the work of a traitor and a liar.
Second, this weak on communism way of life is lethal. The minute they catch up and either comes close enough to engage the cyber and satellite warfare program will be the most unthinkable last wishes of this earth. These programs are never before seen. This is the first time they have been introduced. The books on them have yet to be published. This web site and this is the “pre emptive” introduction to “acclimate” and “adjust” your sights to the coming storm.
We do not want the left, the liberals and most of all the communist forces to even get near any of the weapons systems of the satellite warfare program. At this time, there are approximately 30 and all of them have been floating around in my head since the early 1990s. I have been doing the analysis and the majority of the work and got sidetracked and sideswiped by Al Qaeda or some spy ring before getting a chance. Thus, I am ten years behind and the issues have grown to an enormous propensity.
We are literally taking on the world with this and it is or has yet to be introduced. Nobody knows anything about it yet they have put over a thousand cuts on the people who run it or are trying to introduce it. Now tell Bush to stop it or explain what the project is all about. Tell McCain to stop it or explain what the project is all about. Tell Osama to stop it or explain what the project is all about.
We have and will implement the overlap of the nuclear policies upon the satellite warfare program much like the movie “Golden Eye” or “Under Siege 2.” If you want to review a “heads up” sci-fi preview, then that is the best way to view it. The chosen policy is Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD. We will not tolerate a weak on communism approach to this and we will not allow the left wing and the communist forces to encroach or put cuts in us. They were and are in a whole world of trouble but it simplifies the process of getting rid of them when and if they are ready to become accountable. They will face down and stare down God himself.
They set us back ten years chasing this attempt to climb in or get aboard political circles. That will be a mistake they will never forget and recover from. This is a promise. So, this weak on communism stance is actually an emergency defiant liberal siege. We have been in the eye of the storm and I know of one other person who is “taking on the world.” The eye of the storm will get and be bigger.
This world has an emergency. Get used to it and get used to the idea how this world will begin to militarize to prepare for this advancing and encroachment of the left wing and communist. We will not let them or allow them the détente to acquire the capability; instead, we will offer them debate and argument in a post communist world and the reasonable argument behind freedom, peace, and a very strong anti communism stance. That is not going to change and the dangers and lethal levels which military arms have reached are beyond the capability of this world. Get used to it. Get used to the end of the liberals and the end of the world. This is just a preview and a preparation to broadcast to our allies some needed changes.
One of the problems is the political problems. When the liberals are the management, they have cut us so badly; destroyed personal lives; stalked and harassed loved ones, and most of all have tried to repeatedly rape spouses or the best. They have a serious problem with anti communists. Ann Coulter is not my assistant; she is much more than this. However, she is only a legal expert.
We have tried to contact and broadcast to our allies how Al Qaeda is chasing us thinking we have SDI or some special and new weapons defense. We have fallen to them and have held out trying to figure out who is behind it and what they want or up to. Now we are facing off Al Qaeda who we have traced and tracked since 1980. These are the most dangerous agents of change you will ever see. The situation is so desperate and we have documented and penetrated their operations so badly for chasing and cutting us to bleed us. That is one issue, put that aside.
We need to make specific changes and remove the instruments of management and power away from the forces trying to siege and hijack the nation. They are on a suicide run. They have abandoned the debate process. They were chasing us now. The situation was so desperate an attempt was made to cross the international borders and contact the British or similar to advise them of the dangers and the lunatic circus going on. It is utter chaos and toxic pollution of liberals and the oracle of crap people set their compass to.
Another part is an entire new defense structure which we have already prepared for. We have set up and are ready to restructure a whole new and exciting world to prepare for the future conflicts. It is and will be perpetual war and we will peg the free trade and establish the necessary forces to preserve the freedom and the anti communist ideals of this earth. There will not be any dispute or argument about this and we have taken measurements and clandestine studies to examine the accuracy of the problems. It is utter chaos. There are at least three or more conspiracies of absolute cynicism. The civism is total dominance and conquest while claiming to be conservatives.
This chase has left two people very affected and hurt. It is like a giant wall built on an oracle of crap or dead zombies. They all are taking the Fifth Amendment to fight Reagan-ism. So what we are going to do is do it our way and the perfect way. The perfect way will have no dissent because it is based on the honor system. Communism is dead; there is no need to resurrect it. We will document and present all the changes needed and the necessary changes that are imperative. To lie and say nothing is wrong or how things are business as usual is the stuff of liberalism. A total bunch of retards that are already locked out and will stay out. Get used to it because it is the future.
If you have a problem with Ann Coulter, then you will have a problem with me and you will have a problem with the future. You are taking on an alliance of almost every allied military in the world and we have documented everything for debate. The security of the world is at stake and the funds at this time are being hijacked and tied up by the liberals and the so called others. If you have a problem with the books Ann Coulter has written, then you will have a problem with me. She is my identical twin. I have directed her towards specific needs. I have been ducking, hitting, duping, and blots it out and drawing in this phantom who is chasing me and stalking me. It is a spy ring and they know we have it. They know and have a face of fright now yet they remain in hiding and on the run. It is part of the giant Al Qaeda thingy. They are coming to us and trying hard to cut and imprison the anti communists. Ignoring them is not going to work. It is and has been tried for ten years. Now they cannot run fast enough knowing how badly of a mistake they made. President Bush is now negotiating while his head is up the yin yang.
You have no idea what they are willing to do and how far they have gone. Now they are dead in the water and completely stuck, surrounded, and the walls closing in. Yet they remain dangerous, secretive, and most of all defiant. They cut us and my assistant thousands of times, stalked us, and violated all sorts of sexual advances. I personally have laughed at them and she laughed at them remain committed and fearless. They do not have a chance with her and absolutely no chance with me, yet they remain defiant and very peculiar. She is not the slightest interested and she is trying to prove this as well as myself. It is this idea of cutting people a thousand times, telling them to prepare to die, and also cutting off all their funds. Now they are on the run with no way out. These misfits and agents of change have brought out demons and they do not know how to put them back now. They have raised hell with their lies and lunatic rampage. They chased us, stalked us, found us, and watched us for ten years in order to cut us down and so far they did a damn good job.
First, this weak on communism is pathetic. To use conservatism or the Republican Party to sandbag a weak on communism and fortitude of liberal economics is the work of a traitor and a liar.
Second, this weak on communism way of life is lethal. The minute they catch up and either comes close enough to engage the cyber and satellite warfare program will be the most unthinkable last wishes of this earth. These programs are never before seen. This is the first time they have been introduced. The books on them have yet to be published. This web site and this is the “pre emptive” introduction to “acclimate” and “adjust” your sights to the coming storm.
We do not want the left, the liberals and most of all the communist forces to even get near any of the weapons systems of the satellite warfare program. At this time, there are approximately 30 and all of them have been floating around in my head since the early 1990s. I have been doing the analysis and the majority of the work and got sidetracked and sideswiped by Al Qaeda or some spy ring before getting a chance. Thus, I am ten years behind and the issues have grown to an enormous propensity.
We are literally taking on the world with this and it is or has yet to be introduced. Nobody knows anything about it yet they have put over a thousand cuts on the people who run it or are trying to introduce it. Now tell Bush to stop it or explain what the project is all about. Tell McCain to stop it or explain what the project is all about. Tell Osama to stop it or explain what the project is all about.
We have and will implement the overlap of the nuclear policies upon the satellite warfare program much like the movie “Golden Eye” or “Under Siege 2.” If you want to review a “heads up” sci-fi preview, then that is the best way to view it. The chosen policy is Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD. We will not tolerate a weak on communism approach to this and we will not allow the left wing and the communist forces to encroach or put cuts in us. They were and are in a whole world of trouble but it simplifies the process of getting rid of them when and if they are ready to become accountable. They will face down and stare down God himself.
They set us back ten years chasing this attempt to climb in or get aboard political circles. That will be a mistake they will never forget and recover from. This is a promise. So, this weak on communism stance is actually an emergency defiant liberal siege. We have been in the eye of the storm and I know of one other person who is “taking on the world.” The eye of the storm will get and be bigger.
This world has an emergency. Get used to it and get used to the idea how this world will begin to militarize to prepare for this advancing and encroachment of the left wing and communist. We will not let them or allow them the détente to acquire the capability; instead, we will offer them debate and argument in a post communist world and the reasonable argument behind freedom, peace, and a very strong anti communism stance. That is not going to change and the dangers and lethal levels which military arms have reached are beyond the capability of this world. Get used to it. Get used to the end of the liberals and the end of the world. This is just a preview and a preparation to broadcast to our allies some needed changes.
One of the problems is the political problems. When the liberals are the management, they have cut us so badly; destroyed personal lives; stalked and harassed loved ones, and most of all have tried to repeatedly rape spouses or the best. They have a serious problem with anti communists. Ann Coulter is not my assistant; she is much more than this. However, she is only a legal expert.
We have tried to contact and broadcast to our allies how Al Qaeda is chasing us thinking we have SDI or some special and new weapons defense. We have fallen to them and have held out trying to figure out who is behind it and what they want or up to. Now we are facing off Al Qaeda who we have traced and tracked since 1980. These are the most dangerous agents of change you will ever see. The situation is so desperate and we have documented and penetrated their operations so badly for chasing and cutting us to bleed us. That is one issue, put that aside.
We need to make specific changes and remove the instruments of management and power away from the forces trying to siege and hijack the nation. They are on a suicide run. They have abandoned the debate process. They were chasing us now. The situation was so desperate an attempt was made to cross the international borders and contact the British or similar to advise them of the dangers and the lunatic circus going on. It is utter chaos and toxic pollution of liberals and the oracle of crap people set their compass to.
Another part is an entire new defense structure which we have already prepared for. We have set up and are ready to restructure a whole new and exciting world to prepare for the future conflicts. It is and will be perpetual war and we will peg the free trade and establish the necessary forces to preserve the freedom and the anti communist ideals of this earth. There will not be any dispute or argument about this and we have taken measurements and clandestine studies to examine the accuracy of the problems. It is utter chaos. There are at least three or more conspiracies of absolute cynicism. The civism is total dominance and conquest while claiming to be conservatives.
This chase has left two people very affected and hurt. It is like a giant wall built on an oracle of crap or dead zombies. They all are taking the Fifth Amendment to fight Reagan-ism. So what we are going to do is do it our way and the perfect way. The perfect way will have no dissent because it is based on the honor system. Communism is dead; there is no need to resurrect it. We will document and present all the changes needed and the necessary changes that are imperative. To lie and say nothing is wrong or how things are business as usual is the stuff of liberalism. A total bunch of retards that are already locked out and will stay out. Get used to it because it is the future.
If you have a problem with Ann Coulter, then you will have a problem with me and you will have a problem with the future. You are taking on an alliance of almost every allied military in the world and we have documented everything for debate. The security of the world is at stake and the funds at this time are being hijacked and tied up by the liberals and the so called others. If you have a problem with the books Ann Coulter has written, then you will have a problem with me. She is my identical twin. I have directed her towards specific needs. I have been ducking, hitting, duping, and blots it out and drawing in this phantom who is chasing me and stalking me. It is a spy ring and they know we have it. They know and have a face of fright now yet they remain in hiding and on the run. It is part of the giant Al Qaeda thingy. They are coming to us and trying hard to cut and imprison the anti communists. Ignoring them is not going to work. It is and has been tried for ten years. Now they cannot run fast enough knowing how badly of a mistake they made. President Bush is now negotiating while his head is up the yin yang.
You have no idea what they are willing to do and how far they have gone. Now they are dead in the water and completely stuck, surrounded, and the walls closing in. Yet they remain dangerous, secretive, and most of all defiant. They cut us and my assistant thousands of times, stalked us, and violated all sorts of sexual advances. I personally have laughed at them and she laughed at them remain committed and fearless. They do not have a chance with her and absolutely no chance with me, yet they remain defiant and very peculiar. She is not the slightest interested and she is trying to prove this as well as myself. It is this idea of cutting people a thousand times, telling them to prepare to die, and also cutting off all their funds. Now they are on the run with no way out. These misfits and agents of change have brought out demons and they do not know how to put them back now. They have raised hell with their lies and lunatic rampage. They chased us, stalked us, found us, and watched us for ten years in order to cut us down and so far they did a damn good job.
Now we can see the growth in the Midwest Plot and the spy ring: expansion of liberalism and the militant wings
• Lyndon B. Johnson and Vietnam
• JFK assassination
• Massive terrorism, murder and kidnappings
• Foreign Aid
• Vietnam the “unsinkable” war
• Students for a Democratic Society or SDS
• Weather Underground
• Civil Rights Movement
• Watergate
• Beirut, Lebanon and terrorism, massive hostage taking
• String of Peace Accords
• Iran Contra (Trumps and reverses all of the above)
1. Greensboro, NC standoff by communists
2. Unabomber
3. Going “postal” and government work
4. Abortion clinics (out of place?)
5. Ruby Ridge
6. Waco, TX
7. Oklahoma City
8. 1993 attack on CIA
9. 1993 World Trade Center
10. 1996 East Africa bombings
11. USS Cole
12. DC Sniper
13. Breakout of school shootings (out of place? Or a terrorism card)
14. String of police incidents and riots (LA Riots, Rodney King, etc…)
15. all lead up to a “biggie” or “super sizing” it – 9/11
Post 9/11:
• “Where did they go” on both sides
• Who are the main players or investigators and how did it turn out for them and where are they now?
• War In Iraq
• War in Afghanistan
• Clinton and Bush (perpetual scandal and problems)
• Trump cards are thrown on the table by the main players and investigators (again, how did it turn out for them and where are they now?) Let’s ask them and try to piece together what occurred.
1. why did you not throw your trump cards (do you even have them)
2. Did anyone take the bait and get greedy; if so, did they get caught behind the lines when the gates closed – stuck in the middle?
3. When they were stuck, did they brawl or go into a suicidal mode?
4. what happened when you threw your trumps
5. who was sitting at the table and did they play their hands
6. Did they know your cards and did they try to beat your hand?
7. How did they try to beat your hands and trumps?
8. Did it affect your trump cards?
9. How were you affected by the other players and what do you think they did?
10. Introduction of cyber and satellite warfare (roots in SDI and doomsday hierarchy which entails strategic initiative in new generation of defense structure and posture.)
What was said and who said it to whom: (Actual clandestine communication with terrorist which were untraceable and undetectable)
11. “It’s over”, “there is some good in us”, “we are paying for it”, “we only wanted to help”, “trying to sell a war”, “sniper fire”, “fairy tale”, “if you are not with us, then you are against us”, “we are defeating the enemy around the world”, “what do you know about us”, “grand jury inquiry”, “delusional and criminally insane”, “we can do better”, “I think you are crazy”, “it’s what we want”, “why do you have to be so mean”, “courage under fire”, “support our troops”, “impeach”, “Republican Revolution”, “call it off”, “tell them to wait for God”, “we only want to make it better”, “disgruntled”, “white house experience”, “go home”, “we have been very successful for over 200 years”, “we want to ‘talk’”, “this is our home”, “we live here”, “murder investigation”, “we are the police”, “we pay and fix our mistakes”, “how can you say no”, “conspiracy”, “we are trapped”, “we have to eat also”, “we too powerful”, “we dominate”, “give us the master plan”, “put us in the master plan”, “we can prevent an attack”, “have you considered the seminary”, “we control the government”, “FEMA”, “we want to help”, “we want to work together”, “there is a serious emergency with medical benefits”, “house arrest”, “sanctions imposed”, “we are very mad at you”, “we do not care if you did it or not”, “no government and no police”, “we are not asking for help, we said give us help”, “stop delaying”, “surrender.”
• Lyndon B. Johnson and Vietnam
• JFK assassination
• Massive terrorism, murder and kidnappings
• Foreign Aid
• Vietnam the “unsinkable” war
• Students for a Democratic Society or SDS
• Weather Underground
• Civil Rights Movement
• Watergate
• Beirut, Lebanon and terrorism, massive hostage taking
• String of Peace Accords
• Iran Contra (Trumps and reverses all of the above)
1. Greensboro, NC standoff by communists
2. Unabomber
3. Going “postal” and government work
4. Abortion clinics (out of place?)
5. Ruby Ridge
6. Waco, TX
7. Oklahoma City
8. 1993 attack on CIA
9. 1993 World Trade Center
10. 1996 East Africa bombings
11. USS Cole
12. DC Sniper
13. Breakout of school shootings (out of place? Or a terrorism card)
14. String of police incidents and riots (LA Riots, Rodney King, etc…)
15. all lead up to a “biggie” or “super sizing” it – 9/11
Post 9/11:
• “Where did they go” on both sides
• Who are the main players or investigators and how did it turn out for them and where are they now?
• War In Iraq
• War in Afghanistan
• Clinton and Bush (perpetual scandal and problems)
• Trump cards are thrown on the table by the main players and investigators (again, how did it turn out for them and where are they now?) Let’s ask them and try to piece together what occurred.
1. why did you not throw your trump cards (do you even have them)
2. Did anyone take the bait and get greedy; if so, did they get caught behind the lines when the gates closed – stuck in the middle?
3. When they were stuck, did they brawl or go into a suicidal mode?
4. what happened when you threw your trumps
5. who was sitting at the table and did they play their hands
6. Did they know your cards and did they try to beat your hand?
7. How did they try to beat your hands and trumps?
8. Did it affect your trump cards?
9. How were you affected by the other players and what do you think they did?
10. Introduction of cyber and satellite warfare (roots in SDI and doomsday hierarchy which entails strategic initiative in new generation of defense structure and posture.)
What was said and who said it to whom: (Actual clandestine communication with terrorist which were untraceable and undetectable)
11. “It’s over”, “there is some good in us”, “we are paying for it”, “we only wanted to help”, “trying to sell a war”, “sniper fire”, “fairy tale”, “if you are not with us, then you are against us”, “we are defeating the enemy around the world”, “what do you know about us”, “grand jury inquiry”, “delusional and criminally insane”, “we can do better”, “I think you are crazy”, “it’s what we want”, “why do you have to be so mean”, “courage under fire”, “support our troops”, “impeach”, “Republican Revolution”, “call it off”, “tell them to wait for God”, “we only want to make it better”, “disgruntled”, “white house experience”, “go home”, “we have been very successful for over 200 years”, “we want to ‘talk’”, “this is our home”, “we live here”, “murder investigation”, “we are the police”, “we pay and fix our mistakes”, “how can you say no”, “conspiracy”, “we are trapped”, “we have to eat also”, “we too powerful”, “we dominate”, “give us the master plan”, “put us in the master plan”, “we can prevent an attack”, “have you considered the seminary”, “we control the government”, “FEMA”, “we want to help”, “we want to work together”, “there is a serious emergency with medical benefits”, “house arrest”, “sanctions imposed”, “we are very mad at you”, “we do not care if you did it or not”, “no government and no police”, “we are not asking for help, we said give us help”, “stop delaying”, “surrender.”
Is that a surrender or are you admitting guilt to a law suit? If so, then you will also answer several other questions on why you presented the little militant wing you had hiding. Secondly, I never said that you abandoned the argument phase and resorted to terrorism or some sadistic and cruel level; some new existence. Thirdly, if you are perfected, we would not be having this conversation. Fourthly, you are not asking the questions at this time and in no position to be “compromising” by being defiant.
For a stalker, you seem to have pulled that on both me and Ann. That is the only way you can fight isn’t it? Do you know who was behind that or did that, Bush and @sscroft because they got nailed and was saying how she had to get in line with the Party. It is the only way you libwads can fight or stay competitive. We have not gone to court yet because my house keeps on getting invaded and I cannot even file a police report. Now explain that one. Explain how the links to Al Queda is also how you fight. Now it’s the “mentally ill” card or the Kennedy card, they invented that card.
So Clinton and his band of monkey liberals were panicked that Reagan destroyed them. Says they want to give me protection and be my sidekick and mentor. I said what I am saying now. You are a flea and a pathetic fooker. Come closer and take that ski mask off so I can your true face and I can look you in the eyes. You do not even have the balls to take that mask off do you. If so, then you show me your balls and show everyone what kind of COWARD you truly are. You are weak, helpless, and the same as you were back in 1993, a worthless coward with a ski mask and Reagan destroyed you.
Then once you liberals got impeached, you seemed to bring in some backup or parallel team. This time you went and told my girl who I have been with since 1989, I was stalking her or you were protecting her so that the liberals would keep on saying how she was some racist and how they wanted to mentor me. The fact is you thought I was in charge of the SDI program because of my resume. I had all the technical knowledge to be on the Star Wars program so you began to look at my classes.
You tore me and her apart. Told each a different story and then both of us when ballistic on you; she asked for the password and I asked for the password and you did not have it and she knew just as I knew. Finally, you knew you had to figure out how to get away or cover this up. So you had her “obey” her masters but that was not possible or “shack” her up. Why she did not I still do not know. I had left and moved on but I had to go to prison because Bush was telling me and her some crazy story or some lie to sell his “War.” That war was protection for liberals and the Africa security plan which we abandoned back in 1996. You just would not stop and had to keep putting screws in while trying to trace or steal SDI.
It is a shame you have the death penalty for lying so much and being neck deep while we tried to figure out who was behind this and what they were capable of or trying to do. I think everyone knows and is aware why they have the death penalty once they decided to help us catch and put an end to this charade to exonerate or vindicate the liberals and using the Democrats and Republicans to provide military arms for liberals to fight and kill US Soldiers who would not protect the liberals and were fighting them. Now instead of answering or arguing the facts, you stoop as low as you are and get deeper and deeper in your morass which you cannot possibly get out with charity even. Charity will not fix this or you.
Your Stalin style of communism and socialism is pure evil and dangerous. Now you are telling me and my girl you were and are the masters; thus, determine who we marry and are allowed to fight. We are anti communist and you are not our masters. You are liberals and known to be very weak on communism or it, is that it is? Don’t sit here with a ski mask and play games with the public or the authorities while slewing threats about how you are investigating a murder or human rights case and will present this to some show trial grand jury like the tyrants and despots you are. You are sick, sadistic, and near psychotic when and if you wish to admit it. Now you want to help or obstruct this effort to catch Al Qaeda and put an end to the race and terrorism cards? You want to help or block the capture of this spy ring? Just come out and say it, no need for games!
Also, you were the one stalking her. I am still looking for the one stalking me. She is hot naked isn’t she and you know what, she is hotter now then when we were young. If you had not lied and held her down, this would not have gotten to this level of deceit and scandal but that is the only way to stop or call it off, just like WACO, TX. Another libwad nut job and we nailed you to the wall, let’s see your balls kid. Do you have any balls?
For a stalker, you seem to have pulled that on both me and Ann. That is the only way you can fight isn’t it? Do you know who was behind that or did that, Bush and @sscroft because they got nailed and was saying how she had to get in line with the Party. It is the only way you libwads can fight or stay competitive. We have not gone to court yet because my house keeps on getting invaded and I cannot even file a police report. Now explain that one. Explain how the links to Al Queda is also how you fight. Now it’s the “mentally ill” card or the Kennedy card, they invented that card.
So Clinton and his band of monkey liberals were panicked that Reagan destroyed them. Says they want to give me protection and be my sidekick and mentor. I said what I am saying now. You are a flea and a pathetic fooker. Come closer and take that ski mask off so I can your true face and I can look you in the eyes. You do not even have the balls to take that mask off do you. If so, then you show me your balls and show everyone what kind of COWARD you truly are. You are weak, helpless, and the same as you were back in 1993, a worthless coward with a ski mask and Reagan destroyed you.
Then once you liberals got impeached, you seemed to bring in some backup or parallel team. This time you went and told my girl who I have been with since 1989, I was stalking her or you were protecting her so that the liberals would keep on saying how she was some racist and how they wanted to mentor me. The fact is you thought I was in charge of the SDI program because of my resume. I had all the technical knowledge to be on the Star Wars program so you began to look at my classes.
You tore me and her apart. Told each a different story and then both of us when ballistic on you; she asked for the password and I asked for the password and you did not have it and she knew just as I knew. Finally, you knew you had to figure out how to get away or cover this up. So you had her “obey” her masters but that was not possible or “shack” her up. Why she did not I still do not know. I had left and moved on but I had to go to prison because Bush was telling me and her some crazy story or some lie to sell his “War.” That war was protection for liberals and the Africa security plan which we abandoned back in 1996. You just would not stop and had to keep putting screws in while trying to trace or steal SDI.
It is a shame you have the death penalty for lying so much and being neck deep while we tried to figure out who was behind this and what they were capable of or trying to do. I think everyone knows and is aware why they have the death penalty once they decided to help us catch and put an end to this charade to exonerate or vindicate the liberals and using the Democrats and Republicans to provide military arms for liberals to fight and kill US Soldiers who would not protect the liberals and were fighting them. Now instead of answering or arguing the facts, you stoop as low as you are and get deeper and deeper in your morass which you cannot possibly get out with charity even. Charity will not fix this or you.
Your Stalin style of communism and socialism is pure evil and dangerous. Now you are telling me and my girl you were and are the masters; thus, determine who we marry and are allowed to fight. We are anti communist and you are not our masters. You are liberals and known to be very weak on communism or it, is that it is? Don’t sit here with a ski mask and play games with the public or the authorities while slewing threats about how you are investigating a murder or human rights case and will present this to some show trial grand jury like the tyrants and despots you are. You are sick, sadistic, and near psychotic when and if you wish to admit it. Now you want to help or obstruct this effort to catch Al Qaeda and put an end to the race and terrorism cards? You want to help or block the capture of this spy ring? Just come out and say it, no need for games!
Also, you were the one stalking her. I am still looking for the one stalking me. She is hot naked isn’t she and you know what, she is hotter now then when we were young. If you had not lied and held her down, this would not have gotten to this level of deceit and scandal but that is the only way to stop or call it off, just like WACO, TX. Another libwad nut job and we nailed you to the wall, let’s see your balls kid. Do you have any balls?
Everybody had exiled Bin Laden at this time. He was “kicked out” of the Sudan and went to Saudi Arabia where they too kicked him out. Then again, nobody considered him or took him serious. In the eyes of everyone he was a loser. He was not in any political circle and was treated more like a revolutionary or non conservative.
The entire East African region was in chaos and Bin Laden seemed to be the only one who could bring peace. The USA did go into Somalia in 1993 but pulled out quickly. Then they sent in a former Marine to become the warlord but no military aid went to or was given to Bin Laden regardless of his offer to quell the rebellions and utter chaos. They played the terrorism card and the peace card simultaneous. Bill Clinton told the CIA to never ever give in to terrorism and hence the Sudanese government threw his @ss out to Saudi soil and the Saudis will do the same. Keep in mind, he has no political clout and nobody was interested or even gave him the time.
In the rebuild effort, I was to be sent to the East Africa region to “take a look” and advise whether the security cameras were installed property. I did not get the assignment and did not want it because I felt it was 3 years for nothing in a region plagued with nothing. I also did not want a Sudanese wife or a Somali one. We did not want any involvement in the East African region during this time and specifically avoided any analysis on the region, even Bin Laden. In college in 1996 and tracking them, the African region was skipped altogether and this prompted the embassy bombings. We did not care for security and was looking for the people who were playing the terrorism card. The Africa Theater was or would be a long waste of time.
These people were seeking aid and wanted my economic analysis on the region. My analysis was “FOOK YOU” liberal commies. Angola, Roberto, and Savimbi was as far was the Africa “expedition” would go; hence, Roberto was destroyed in one week by the communists and Savimbi wanted military arms or else he had to go in the bushes. He eventually emerged after my prison sentence. As far as putting together some African security or economic plan; I never even was interested. The only other US military involvement was 1993 in Somalia when Clinton asked the Special Forces for help. I would have said “fook you” also. Who runs the show; Clinton or me? (Or Rice and Cheney) We suspected they were amassing for an attack but never expected to be on the receiving end of it and to be hit so hard. They were looking for military arms during the 1990s and genocide was rampant.
I personally was reviewing the policy at this time in college and was writing thesis on several theaters coming to the conclusion of the “three theater” model of World War II. Africa would have broken the backs of two theaters. But they kept on pushing to get them out of some African mess and Civil Rights apartheid like politics the USA was involved in. They are all the same. Did I mention Kofi Annam yet? He wanted to mentor me. I said “fook you” and all you liberal losers, I cannot help if the communist hate me. So they go and target my girl while nailing me like a carpet bombing; then turning around and saying I was not wanted and a terrorist; playing the race card and the terrorist card. I in turn play the communist card and hit jackpot. Keep in mind, college students are naïve and dumb compared to these people.
The Sudanese suspected the Special Forces were drafting something big. I used to wear my Army uniform in class and all the time. They knew we were looking closest and really tracking them and this phantom which dates back to the Vietnam Era. Angola was Africa’s “Vietnam.” But anti communism was not what they were after, they wanted arms and military aid, the big stuff. I said no; pull out and retreat. No absentia. They then made the offer and became aggressive. Then they called help and got me hit like a terrorist bombing campaign and kept it up while playing the terrorism and racism card for a decade. They are vicious and they are not playing games. They knew I was on the ground and doing something.
In 1996, we moved on to Russian Foreign Policy with a professor named “Katz” who in my opinion was a spy. He graded my things very poorly. It will not be until 1998 and the arrival of Ann to the scene which kicks up the party. They start with hitting me. Then she goes on a warpath. Then she goes ballistic on them and they hit. By then, I had left and was traveling around the USA with my new trucking company. Soon they shut me down. I told Ann I had to get out of their and was going crazy. They want to use US aid to run the communist wars because they do not have funds. That is the liberals and how genus they art. They wanted me! They thought I had SDI or some new Pentagon weapons project.
The entire East African region was in chaos and Bin Laden seemed to be the only one who could bring peace. The USA did go into Somalia in 1993 but pulled out quickly. Then they sent in a former Marine to become the warlord but no military aid went to or was given to Bin Laden regardless of his offer to quell the rebellions and utter chaos. They played the terrorism card and the peace card simultaneous. Bill Clinton told the CIA to never ever give in to terrorism and hence the Sudanese government threw his @ss out to Saudi soil and the Saudis will do the same. Keep in mind, he has no political clout and nobody was interested or even gave him the time.
In the rebuild effort, I was to be sent to the East Africa region to “take a look” and advise whether the security cameras were installed property. I did not get the assignment and did not want it because I felt it was 3 years for nothing in a region plagued with nothing. I also did not want a Sudanese wife or a Somali one. We did not want any involvement in the East African region during this time and specifically avoided any analysis on the region, even Bin Laden. In college in 1996 and tracking them, the African region was skipped altogether and this prompted the embassy bombings. We did not care for security and was looking for the people who were playing the terrorism card. The Africa Theater was or would be a long waste of time.
These people were seeking aid and wanted my economic analysis on the region. My analysis was “FOOK YOU” liberal commies. Angola, Roberto, and Savimbi was as far was the Africa “expedition” would go; hence, Roberto was destroyed in one week by the communists and Savimbi wanted military arms or else he had to go in the bushes. He eventually emerged after my prison sentence. As far as putting together some African security or economic plan; I never even was interested. The only other US military involvement was 1993 in Somalia when Clinton asked the Special Forces for help. I would have said “fook you” also. Who runs the show; Clinton or me? (Or Rice and Cheney) We suspected they were amassing for an attack but never expected to be on the receiving end of it and to be hit so hard. They were looking for military arms during the 1990s and genocide was rampant.
I personally was reviewing the policy at this time in college and was writing thesis on several theaters coming to the conclusion of the “three theater” model of World War II. Africa would have broken the backs of two theaters. But they kept on pushing to get them out of some African mess and Civil Rights apartheid like politics the USA was involved in. They are all the same. Did I mention Kofi Annam yet? He wanted to mentor me. I said “fook you” and all you liberal losers, I cannot help if the communist hate me. So they go and target my girl while nailing me like a carpet bombing; then turning around and saying I was not wanted and a terrorist; playing the race card and the terrorist card. I in turn play the communist card and hit jackpot. Keep in mind, college students are naïve and dumb compared to these people.
The Sudanese suspected the Special Forces were drafting something big. I used to wear my Army uniform in class and all the time. They knew we were looking closest and really tracking them and this phantom which dates back to the Vietnam Era. Angola was Africa’s “Vietnam.” But anti communism was not what they were after, they wanted arms and military aid, the big stuff. I said no; pull out and retreat. No absentia. They then made the offer and became aggressive. Then they called help and got me hit like a terrorist bombing campaign and kept it up while playing the terrorism and racism card for a decade. They are vicious and they are not playing games. They knew I was on the ground and doing something.
In 1996, we moved on to Russian Foreign Policy with a professor named “Katz” who in my opinion was a spy. He graded my things very poorly. It will not be until 1998 and the arrival of Ann to the scene which kicks up the party. They start with hitting me. Then she goes on a warpath. Then she goes ballistic on them and they hit. By then, I had left and was traveling around the USA with my new trucking company. Soon they shut me down. I told Ann I had to get out of their and was going crazy. They want to use US aid to run the communist wars because they do not have funds. That is the liberals and how genus they art. They wanted me! They thought I had SDI or some new Pentagon weapons project.
An attack took place on January 25, 1993 near the entrance of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters in Langley, Virginia where two CIA employees were murdered and three others wounded. The perpetrator, Mir Aimal Kasi, shot CIA employees in their cars as they were waiting at a stoplight.
Kasi fled the country and was placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, sparking a four year international manhunt. He was captured by FBI agents in Pakistan in 1997 and rendered back to the United States to stand trial. He admitted that he shot the victims of the attack, and was subsequently found guilty of capital and first-degree murder, and executed by lethal injection in 2002.
Kasi's stated motives were political, and he claimed they stemmed from watching Gulf War news coverage of US warplanes bomb Iraqi troops during their 1991 withdrawal from Kuwait. "Once the Iraqis withdrew from Kuwait then the continued bombings of Iraq were not justified … I did not want to become famous. I wanted to punish those who do wrong things against Muslim countries like Iraq."
He thought that by attacking CIA workers he could somehow change policy: "I am not proud of what happened. I feel sad [that] the people who came under attack were not powerful people … I wish powerful people would have come under the attack, then it would have been better. I wanted to shoot [then-CIA Director] James Woolsey but was not able to find him, or his timing of coming or going to CIA. If I had found [former CIA Director Robert] Gates I would have attacked him, as these are people who make up policies for CIA or US government."[3]
World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993, authorities were eager to determine whether Kasi had acted alone or was part of a larger terrorist network.[4]. The CIA and FBI were unable to find any links to terrorist organizations,[12] and participants in Kasi's murder trial were prohibited by the court from using the label "terrorist" in relation to the defendant.[5] Kasi denied any connection to foreign terrorists and said that he had worked alone.[3]
FBI agent Bradley J. Garrett, who played a leading role in the capture of Kasi—as well as that of Ramzi Yousef, the man behind the World Trade Center bombing—noted a similarity in their motives. "It was almost illogic logic … It wasn't personal. It wasn't like hating individuals. It was more institutional."[4]
Before Kasi's capture and confession, some US sources speculated that the attack was related to undisclosed family links to the CIA.[13] Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI), alleged that Kasi had once worked for the CIA and was motivated by revenge. Gul—who had worked closely with the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan War—told a reporter in August, 1997 that "Aimal Kasi was an agent of the CIA … He was working inside of Pakistan and outside of Pakistan."[3] Kasi in turn denied these allegations, stating, "I did not work for CIA … I had mujahideen friends who worked with the ISI people in bringing [CIA-supplied] arms from military bases in Pakistan to the mujahideen arms depot [in Afghanistan]. I sometimes used to go with them. That was all."[3]
Kasi fled the country and was placed on the FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, sparking a four year international manhunt. He was captured by FBI agents in Pakistan in 1997 and rendered back to the United States to stand trial. He admitted that he shot the victims of the attack, and was subsequently found guilty of capital and first-degree murder, and executed by lethal injection in 2002.
Kasi's stated motives were political, and he claimed they stemmed from watching Gulf War news coverage of US warplanes bomb Iraqi troops during their 1991 withdrawal from Kuwait. "Once the Iraqis withdrew from Kuwait then the continued bombings of Iraq were not justified … I did not want to become famous. I wanted to punish those who do wrong things against Muslim countries like Iraq."
He thought that by attacking CIA workers he could somehow change policy: "I am not proud of what happened. I feel sad [that] the people who came under attack were not powerful people … I wish powerful people would have come under the attack, then it would have been better. I wanted to shoot [then-CIA Director] James Woolsey but was not able to find him, or his timing of coming or going to CIA. If I had found [former CIA Director Robert] Gates I would have attacked him, as these are people who make up policies for CIA or US government."[3]
World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993, authorities were eager to determine whether Kasi had acted alone or was part of a larger terrorist network.[4]. The CIA and FBI were unable to find any links to terrorist organizations,[12] and participants in Kasi's murder trial were prohibited by the court from using the label "terrorist" in relation to the defendant.[5] Kasi denied any connection to foreign terrorists and said that he had worked alone.[3]
FBI agent Bradley J. Garrett, who played a leading role in the capture of Kasi—as well as that of Ramzi Yousef, the man behind the World Trade Center bombing—noted a similarity in their motives. "It was almost illogic logic … It wasn't personal. It wasn't like hating individuals. It was more institutional."[4]
Before Kasi's capture and confession, some US sources speculated that the attack was related to undisclosed family links to the CIA.[13] Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI), alleged that Kasi had once worked for the CIA and was motivated by revenge. Gul—who had worked closely with the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan War—told a reporter in August, 1997 that "Aimal Kasi was an agent of the CIA … He was working inside of Pakistan and outside of Pakistan."[3] Kasi in turn denied these allegations, stating, "I did not work for CIA … I had mujahideen friends who worked with the ISI people in bringing [CIA-supplied] arms from military bases in Pakistan to the mujahideen arms depot [in Afghanistan]. I sometimes used to go with them. That was all."[3]
Since the end of communism and the ensuing attempt to discredit the Reagan era; the world has slipped into an abyss and also a divide between the liberals and the conservatives. The game is to naturally discredit and to exonerate one of the other; then go before the public in a back or other tapping fury of vindication. This development is a dark cloud which beset Washington D.C. due to the presence of politicians who claimed to be members of an elite “ski mask” team of debaters. This secret sect and elite politicians engage in debate and argue with a ski mask and their presence sometimes is not even detected. They are also responsible for the attempt to invoke a defection and to sink the star wars defense programs if they could find it. All hell has broken loose.
Part of the problem is to make people understand or feel their pain; to know how important their point is and to ask them to retract their right wing criticisms. There is no consent, permission, or any way to identity them; yet they insist they are the police and a dreaded conspiracy is underway to harm them. Thus, the new world is and has been introduced to this ski mask debate team and this new presence on the global world, the elite liberal ski mask team. They are also accepting all applicants and have no requirements for the honor system or realistic truth. This is an extreme left wing and liberal powerhouse and they are also very present. We can keep on measuring and testing how powerful they are getting or how quickly they are expanding.
Although politics is a debate and supposed to be regulated by thought, mental processes, reason, argument, and the philosophical basis of political theory; the left and the liberals have moved to a new level after the fall of communism. This is an attempt to live peacefully in a market economy and still face the world as heroes or wishing to only help out. The idea is how they are all the same but they live in a different system which desires them to adapt and conform; thus, the only way is to debate with a ski mask and seeks no consent. Being more conspicuous to blend in with the peaceful breed, this is a breed of human beings who can do no wrong and know any cruelties. Conquest and destruction of other human beings is a daily driven agenda; ripping the hearts out of lovers and spouses is how they show their power and demand conformity. The ski mask debate team claims to be the police and conducting investigations into murder.
This idea of abandoning the political process to meet the changing times is also being reviewed by security forces as a pretext or preemptive to radically change the political processes to meet this changing standoff. Words and phrases are convoluted and intended to make others confused or delusional while the power of government falls into the hands of conquerors and hooded pirates. Believe it or not, the ski mask is only to prevent others from identifying and seeing their faces while nobody knows who they are and are unable to call for help or the real police. Even calling the police can make the situation worse. The idea is to claim to be the police when a complaint is made to the police. There is the secret police and then there are the police; one wears a ski mask.
When you encounter the ski mask debate team; understand they are very organized and elite. These are the most dangerous we have ever seen or witnessed hit the political scene and what makes them so dangerous is the ability to fight back and detect them. The group has perfected their operations and run it to near perfection. They are the fiercest and aggressive this world has ever seen and they have a militant wing that is also very secretive. The idea is to “target” specific individuals or recruit them by making their position understood and felt. They want others to cooperate because they feel they must make the argument process “more fair.” Therefore, the ski mask team argues and kidnaps people in order to seek cooperation from others and to give them sensitivity training for liberals and the left wing.
This was no theory and the ski mask debate team is no myth. They saw us, we saw them; they know who we are, we know who they are. They hit us harder than a ton of bricks and were able to keep it up for over ten years undetected. Show us a force out there that can do this against the United States military. Then show us a force that can go into hiding afterwards and stay in hiding protected. That is the ski mask debate team and their police. The ski mask team will out of nowhere side up and saddle with you; they will stay on you and shadow you until either you stop debating them or they stop debating you. Either you turn off or they will sideswipe you. They love it more than we love it, but we love the idea how in the end, it really does not matter one bit. It is just a waste of time and a way to make a buck on the delusions in this world.
Part of the problem is to make people understand or feel their pain; to know how important their point is and to ask them to retract their right wing criticisms. There is no consent, permission, or any way to identity them; yet they insist they are the police and a dreaded conspiracy is underway to harm them. Thus, the new world is and has been introduced to this ski mask debate team and this new presence on the global world, the elite liberal ski mask team. They are also accepting all applicants and have no requirements for the honor system or realistic truth. This is an extreme left wing and liberal powerhouse and they are also very present. We can keep on measuring and testing how powerful they are getting or how quickly they are expanding.
Although politics is a debate and supposed to be regulated by thought, mental processes, reason, argument, and the philosophical basis of political theory; the left and the liberals have moved to a new level after the fall of communism. This is an attempt to live peacefully in a market economy and still face the world as heroes or wishing to only help out. The idea is how they are all the same but they live in a different system which desires them to adapt and conform; thus, the only way is to debate with a ski mask and seeks no consent. Being more conspicuous to blend in with the peaceful breed, this is a breed of human beings who can do no wrong and know any cruelties. Conquest and destruction of other human beings is a daily driven agenda; ripping the hearts out of lovers and spouses is how they show their power and demand conformity. The ski mask debate team claims to be the police and conducting investigations into murder.
This idea of abandoning the political process to meet the changing times is also being reviewed by security forces as a pretext or preemptive to radically change the political processes to meet this changing standoff. Words and phrases are convoluted and intended to make others confused or delusional while the power of government falls into the hands of conquerors and hooded pirates. Believe it or not, the ski mask is only to prevent others from identifying and seeing their faces while nobody knows who they are and are unable to call for help or the real police. Even calling the police can make the situation worse. The idea is to claim to be the police when a complaint is made to the police. There is the secret police and then there are the police; one wears a ski mask.
When you encounter the ski mask debate team; understand they are very organized and elite. These are the most dangerous we have ever seen or witnessed hit the political scene and what makes them so dangerous is the ability to fight back and detect them. The group has perfected their operations and run it to near perfection. They are the fiercest and aggressive this world has ever seen and they have a militant wing that is also very secretive. The idea is to “target” specific individuals or recruit them by making their position understood and felt. They want others to cooperate because they feel they must make the argument process “more fair.” Therefore, the ski mask team argues and kidnaps people in order to seek cooperation from others and to give them sensitivity training for liberals and the left wing.
This was no theory and the ski mask debate team is no myth. They saw us, we saw them; they know who we are, we know who they are. They hit us harder than a ton of bricks and were able to keep it up for over ten years undetected. Show us a force out there that can do this against the United States military. Then show us a force that can go into hiding afterwards and stay in hiding protected. That is the ski mask debate team and their police. The ski mask team will out of nowhere side up and saddle with you; they will stay on you and shadow you until either you stop debating them or they stop debating you. Either you turn off or they will sideswipe you. They love it more than we love it, but we love the idea how in the end, it really does not matter one bit. It is just a waste of time and a way to make a buck on the delusions in this world.
Hollywood show down. Hollywood was a nest bed of philandering liberals and communists and McCarthyism started a practice called “blacklisting.” This is also an anti union tactic and used to maximum effect to bust unions. McCarthyism thus had a poignant impact on the rise and the growth of Ronald Reagan’s views who benefited greatly by his anti communism witch hunt.
Where McCarthyism is shaky is his record. He suspected there were liberals and communists all over the place. He like others felt they were looking in a “wilderness” of mirrors or chasing some ghost; a deep sense of security and complacency. Keep in mind; the records of spymasters are not that good either. One of the CIA’s top mole hunters, James Jesus Angleton, lost his mind and went into a deep paranoia which led to his downfall.
Perhaps the flash of tears were all around him and conspiring to destroy and expose what was deep inside of him and perhaps it is a game to cut the other person’s throat before they cut yours. Even a top spy master went crazy and never caught his so called “ghost” mole who he swore there were at least two very high level ones in the three branches. So if you compare McCarthy to the top spy masters, McCarthyism is a compromise between what he could not understand and what the spymasters could not do.
Many people are intrigued by the term McCarthyism and what this phantom or ghost he was after. Considering he is from Wisconsin and a Democrat at the time; he was criticized heavily by Eisenhower. Even Eisenhower suspected Truman was a pinko communist who was trying to sway his family and his brother. It is hard to communicate these fears and terrifying to live it. These are sneaky bloodthirsty fookers. They have the change this world can believe in, death.
On that level I would say McCarthy was better than many other spymasters because of the blacklist and the impact it had on the entertainment industry and Hollywood. Back then it was lazy-fair. All the sudden, along comes Joe Mc-see and he has a message how they are sitting on top of a nest of communists trying to overthrow or undermine the nation. Good luck! It will not be until the 1960s that this really reaches a boiling point and the sappers came out of the wood works and bushes. Beyond this I have no clue what the history and the subject of McCarthyism is about. If someone who is knowledgeable out there has done some research, we should get together and have some shexy conversation. Yeah baby, shall we shag now or later?
Where McCarthyism is shaky is his record. He suspected there were liberals and communists all over the place. He like others felt they were looking in a “wilderness” of mirrors or chasing some ghost; a deep sense of security and complacency. Keep in mind; the records of spymasters are not that good either. One of the CIA’s top mole hunters, James Jesus Angleton, lost his mind and went into a deep paranoia which led to his downfall.
Perhaps the flash of tears were all around him and conspiring to destroy and expose what was deep inside of him and perhaps it is a game to cut the other person’s throat before they cut yours. Even a top spy master went crazy and never caught his so called “ghost” mole who he swore there were at least two very high level ones in the three branches. So if you compare McCarthy to the top spy masters, McCarthyism is a compromise between what he could not understand and what the spymasters could not do.
Many people are intrigued by the term McCarthyism and what this phantom or ghost he was after. Considering he is from Wisconsin and a Democrat at the time; he was criticized heavily by Eisenhower. Even Eisenhower suspected Truman was a pinko communist who was trying to sway his family and his brother. It is hard to communicate these fears and terrifying to live it. These are sneaky bloodthirsty fookers. They have the change this world can believe in, death.
On that level I would say McCarthy was better than many other spymasters because of the blacklist and the impact it had on the entertainment industry and Hollywood. Back then it was lazy-fair. All the sudden, along comes Joe Mc-see and he has a message how they are sitting on top of a nest of communists trying to overthrow or undermine the nation. Good luck! It will not be until the 1960s that this really reaches a boiling point and the sappers came out of the wood works and bushes. Beyond this I have no clue what the history and the subject of McCarthyism is about. If someone who is knowledgeable out there has done some research, we should get together and have some shexy conversation. Yeah baby, shall we shag now or later?
Here is the problem with the quagmire comparison between Vietnam, also known as the 10,000 day war, and the current Iraqi War known as the 2, 190 day war. Vietnam has topography much like Korea; it is a sea coast nation. When you attack and aim your military towards the coastal regions; you let the enemy attack in the opposite direction thus cutting any possibility of logistics. It is quite simple and the same applies to the capture of ports and warm waterways. Korea and Vietnam are not interchangeable.
Vietnam was under a lot of development and many intelligentsias were sent to either Europe or the United States for engineering and electrical degrees. This immediately signaled a problem to the communist forces when they see migrations of scientists in Western universities. The Vietnamese and especially the South Vietnamese were considered the light skin coastal region and not the villages of the central and northern highlands where there was no education and poor living standards.
This region did not explode in trade and commerce until the late 1970s when foreign good such as the Japanese began to spurn free trade and also regional development. It will not be until the late 1980s before see actually see the maturation of the Japanese economy and then in 1996-98 or around there does the yen actually overtake the US greenback.
Had the communist been more aggressive, it would have slowed the pace of both free trade and also the regional development. This regional development is based on double digit economic growth spurts roughly from 1989 to 2000 (rough estimate). When you have six to seven developing nations with a growth rate in every aspect of their economy from GNP to industrial capacity of a ration in double digits each year for more than a decade that is massive compared to what was occurring with communism during this time. This is why China and the US have good relations and China likes trade with their Asian partners.
Again, do you see how this domino theory works and how it affects the aggressive levels of people? Vietnam was a proxy war and China supported the North Vietnamese and there were some Soviets in North Vietnam. Korea had massive Soviet presence and advisors. These proxy wars are like testing grounds and where they send the best of the best forces. This quagmire is based on the idea that wars cannot be won. We can really stretch the imagination and ask when is a war ever won?
I never viewed Vietnam like how you view it. We went there to make a difference and to try and help people be free. We did the same in Iraq. That will never change. You can criticize what you will and explain all the graphs and data that you wish; the fact that war are not fought to better any individual lives or to promote freedom is false. You will not convince over Vietnam or Iraq, I’m sorry.
It is a shame that the North Vietnamese had more manpower and more conviction over the South Vietnamese. Death did not even scare or deter them, thus the term “sappers.” Your term VC is just a designation of an irregular or uniformed troop. Thus a VC can be any form of localize militia and with no central command and formation. You are talking about a nation that had repelled invasion since the 1940s with the Chinese, Vichy French, The Japanese, then the French Colonist, and I call it a Civil War to determine whether the union would separate or be unified. Common-isms were the themes of that Civil War.
I do not see it as a quagmire but with the TET campaign in 1968, the bombings in the early 70s, the peace treaty, and finally the final assault in 1975 to overtake Saigon; you see, it could have and would have lasted for eternity. What will make the communist agree to lessen their military aggressions? They used the peace treaty (Paris) in 72 which led to the draw down of US forces to stage a final assault to overpower the forces of the South Vietnamese and remaining US forces. Almost TET likes tactics and I would not say a quagmire but military strategy. Use the Treaty of Paris to put a spell on people and then invade. Peace is truly a dirty word and not to be unheard.
Now I have spoken to many people who either saw the fight to the death or ran for their lives when they saw the sheer number of NVA regular troops storming towards them. It was the end of the world, sheer insanity even after a century of war. The VC also wreaked confusion behind the lines. It was mayhem and a lot of people died or suffered tremendously, it is no joke. I have spoken to those who wanted to go back into Vietnam years later and I have spoken to people who emerged out of the re-education camps missing an eye or several fingers. There is not much I do not know about that war, quagmire, I do not know and can possibly argue against. It is with less certainty to call it that than an elusive enemy of military prowess. You tell me if Iraq is a quagmire.
Vietnam was under a lot of development and many intelligentsias were sent to either Europe or the United States for engineering and electrical degrees. This immediately signaled a problem to the communist forces when they see migrations of scientists in Western universities. The Vietnamese and especially the South Vietnamese were considered the light skin coastal region and not the villages of the central and northern highlands where there was no education and poor living standards.
This region did not explode in trade and commerce until the late 1970s when foreign good such as the Japanese began to spurn free trade and also regional development. It will not be until the late 1980s before see actually see the maturation of the Japanese economy and then in 1996-98 or around there does the yen actually overtake the US greenback.
Had the communist been more aggressive, it would have slowed the pace of both free trade and also the regional development. This regional development is based on double digit economic growth spurts roughly from 1989 to 2000 (rough estimate). When you have six to seven developing nations with a growth rate in every aspect of their economy from GNP to industrial capacity of a ration in double digits each year for more than a decade that is massive compared to what was occurring with communism during this time. This is why China and the US have good relations and China likes trade with their Asian partners.
Again, do you see how this domino theory works and how it affects the aggressive levels of people? Vietnam was a proxy war and China supported the North Vietnamese and there were some Soviets in North Vietnam. Korea had massive Soviet presence and advisors. These proxy wars are like testing grounds and where they send the best of the best forces. This quagmire is based on the idea that wars cannot be won. We can really stretch the imagination and ask when is a war ever won?
I never viewed Vietnam like how you view it. We went there to make a difference and to try and help people be free. We did the same in Iraq. That will never change. You can criticize what you will and explain all the graphs and data that you wish; the fact that war are not fought to better any individual lives or to promote freedom is false. You will not convince over Vietnam or Iraq, I’m sorry.
It is a shame that the North Vietnamese had more manpower and more conviction over the South Vietnamese. Death did not even scare or deter them, thus the term “sappers.” Your term VC is just a designation of an irregular or uniformed troop. Thus a VC can be any form of localize militia and with no central command and formation. You are talking about a nation that had repelled invasion since the 1940s with the Chinese, Vichy French, The Japanese, then the French Colonist, and I call it a Civil War to determine whether the union would separate or be unified. Common-isms were the themes of that Civil War.
I do not see it as a quagmire but with the TET campaign in 1968, the bombings in the early 70s, the peace treaty, and finally the final assault in 1975 to overtake Saigon; you see, it could have and would have lasted for eternity. What will make the communist agree to lessen their military aggressions? They used the peace treaty (Paris) in 72 which led to the draw down of US forces to stage a final assault to overpower the forces of the South Vietnamese and remaining US forces. Almost TET likes tactics and I would not say a quagmire but military strategy. Use the Treaty of Paris to put a spell on people and then invade. Peace is truly a dirty word and not to be unheard.
Now I have spoken to many people who either saw the fight to the death or ran for their lives when they saw the sheer number of NVA regular troops storming towards them. It was the end of the world, sheer insanity even after a century of war. The VC also wreaked confusion behind the lines. It was mayhem and a lot of people died or suffered tremendously, it is no joke. I have spoken to those who wanted to go back into Vietnam years later and I have spoken to people who emerged out of the re-education camps missing an eye or several fingers. There is not much I do not know about that war, quagmire, I do not know and can possibly argue against. It is with less certainty to call it that than an elusive enemy of military prowess. You tell me if Iraq is a quagmire.
Al Qu”Ida and their top management have spoken. This is what they said from the very top, “Tell us what you want us to do, its over okay.” This refers to the idea they only wanted to help and preceded these comments. Keep in mind; we are in and on a very active cell, one of the most dangerous ones in the USA. They have kept us pinned and under attack while waiting on the border and entry into Canada.
This also confirms a “stalker” who had been there since 1995 and her. They need to understand, everything is being documented. My wife is very thorough and upset with this whole entire matter along with the investigations on her. Essentially, they did not know how “we” were doing it. They said we had a death ray and maximized the attacks and said, “Well, come on, shoot us with the death ray.” This went on for two years 2006-2008, then after they found out about star wars in 2001-2005. They took a one year break they want to get hit and see muscle. They said if you have no muscle, then we will take it, put you in prison, and snuff you. If you do not have muscle, then this is what we will do. Now the tune is “its over” and “what do you want us to do.” Before a Republican female said “we are paying for this.”
The people upstairs were told they owe answers. First one, "we were only trying to help." Response, "that is a lie, like how you did it for your family." (Anger) Then... The people upstairs has made the first reference to Al Qu"ida and the reasons. They associated what was happening as "don't go and dig your own...around here" They were using attacks in order to say "don't go and dig your own... around here" When confronted and questioned, that was the reply. Questions thrown at them were:
1. I dug your sh@t hole here and I will dig more
2. I put Al Qu'ida in their grave
The people upstairs then got mad and began turning the lawn mower on. That was the closest to answers we have gotten beside charges for murder or being told they are the police and investigating some local human rights issue. They are actually doing the prosecution; the judge, jury, and executioner. They are speaking on behalf of the entire local active red cell. It has been substantiated and confirmed they are legitimate and from the top! They control all the police and the entire state, confirmed. They have already imposed heavy sanctions, cost to remove it, and no employment for payments.
Ted Olson:
1. Born 9/11/1940
2. Married to Barbara Olson (suspected spy and suspectedly murdered on 9/11 - marital problems due to appointments to office)
3. Born in Chicago
4. Convicted Jonathan Pollard (during Reagan Administration)
5. Hired to prosecute George W. Bush against Gore
6. Attorney for Reagan in Iran Contra
7. Assistant Attorney General for Reagan Administration
8. Appointed Solicitor General to Bush Administration on month before 9/11
9. Claims to an alleged phone call scandal with wife before alleged death
10. Refused to investigate the Pentagon
11. Remarried a Democrat (tax lawyer)
Some type of squeeze and pressure tactic by the Israelis or some "invisible" agent. The origin is Israel and Bush is both granting permission, offering very high level access, handing off the highest levels of national defense secrets, and is linked to several other things marked "top secret." The liberals panicked and knew the heat had been turned on to full blast.
What the Bush Administration was doing was acting as a "recruiter" and they draw you in, and then nail you. In this case, we were nailed by the FBI, CIA, blacks and minorities, the Attorney General, knew my girlfriend was benign raped, sacked the gays on me, some Jewish girl who wanted to be my girlfriend from Canada for sex parties; but most was directed towards satellites and the Star Wars program. Somebody was offering "inclusion" if we told them which we refused and then got walloped. During this stand off we were baiting the hooks and loading the clips of ammo because it was a total surprise. Out of nowhere an admirer became a crazed stalker. It was as if the entire Washington DC erupted in liberalism and they would make advances day and night nonstop since Reagan. There are mob links and ties.
Ted Olson is blinder than a bat and cannot pick up on any hints and clues of a problem. Olson may have been on the receiving of a very elusive Santa clause who was positioning themselves to give him and his deceased gifts. This was obviously divorced when she died. This wife swapping was the same tactic done to many others up and coming and it was the liberals who were behind it. They were placing employment ads and reviewing resumes in and around Washington D.C. They know when a career bureaucrat or star is starting their career. Mission Impossible: Boss married to someone else wife, faked death, and then used guilt to acquire information, etc...
This also confirms a “stalker” who had been there since 1995 and her. They need to understand, everything is being documented. My wife is very thorough and upset with this whole entire matter along with the investigations on her. Essentially, they did not know how “we” were doing it. They said we had a death ray and maximized the attacks and said, “Well, come on, shoot us with the death ray.” This went on for two years 2006-2008, then after they found out about star wars in 2001-2005. They took a one year break they want to get hit and see muscle. They said if you have no muscle, then we will take it, put you in prison, and snuff you. If you do not have muscle, then this is what we will do. Now the tune is “its over” and “what do you want us to do.” Before a Republican female said “we are paying for this.”
The people upstairs were told they owe answers. First one, "we were only trying to help." Response, "that is a lie, like how you did it for your family." (Anger) Then... The people upstairs has made the first reference to Al Qu"ida and the reasons. They associated what was happening as "don't go and dig your own...around here" They were using attacks in order to say "don't go and dig your own... around here" When confronted and questioned, that was the reply. Questions thrown at them were:
1. I dug your sh@t hole here and I will dig more
2. I put Al Qu'ida in their grave
The people upstairs then got mad and began turning the lawn mower on. That was the closest to answers we have gotten beside charges for murder or being told they are the police and investigating some local human rights issue. They are actually doing the prosecution; the judge, jury, and executioner. They are speaking on behalf of the entire local active red cell. It has been substantiated and confirmed they are legitimate and from the top! They control all the police and the entire state, confirmed. They have already imposed heavy sanctions, cost to remove it, and no employment for payments.
Ted Olson:
1. Born 9/11/1940
2. Married to Barbara Olson (suspected spy and suspectedly murdered on 9/11 - marital problems due to appointments to office)
3. Born in Chicago
4. Convicted Jonathan Pollard (during Reagan Administration)
5. Hired to prosecute George W. Bush against Gore
6. Attorney for Reagan in Iran Contra
7. Assistant Attorney General for Reagan Administration
8. Appointed Solicitor General to Bush Administration on month before 9/11
9. Claims to an alleged phone call scandal with wife before alleged death
10. Refused to investigate the Pentagon
11. Remarried a Democrat (tax lawyer)
Some type of squeeze and pressure tactic by the Israelis or some "invisible" agent. The origin is Israel and Bush is both granting permission, offering very high level access, handing off the highest levels of national defense secrets, and is linked to several other things marked "top secret." The liberals panicked and knew the heat had been turned on to full blast.
What the Bush Administration was doing was acting as a "recruiter" and they draw you in, and then nail you. In this case, we were nailed by the FBI, CIA, blacks and minorities, the Attorney General, knew my girlfriend was benign raped, sacked the gays on me, some Jewish girl who wanted to be my girlfriend from Canada for sex parties; but most was directed towards satellites and the Star Wars program. Somebody was offering "inclusion" if we told them which we refused and then got walloped. During this stand off we were baiting the hooks and loading the clips of ammo because it was a total surprise. Out of nowhere an admirer became a crazed stalker. It was as if the entire Washington DC erupted in liberalism and they would make advances day and night nonstop since Reagan. There are mob links and ties.
Ted Olson is blinder than a bat and cannot pick up on any hints and clues of a problem. Olson may have been on the receiving of a very elusive Santa clause who was positioning themselves to give him and his deceased gifts. This was obviously divorced when she died. This wife swapping was the same tactic done to many others up and coming and it was the liberals who were behind it. They were placing employment ads and reviewing resumes in and around Washington D.C. They know when a career bureaucrat or star is starting their career. Mission Impossible: Boss married to someone else wife, faked death, and then used guilt to acquire information, etc...
In the course of ten years, there have been a lot of events, lots of plots and lots of incidents. If you are one of the lucky few who has had the privilege to watch the ABC television series “Alias”, then this book will be no surprise and it will not have any big large area between what is discussed and what is too difficult to figure out. Matters became very hot in the year 2001. In 2005 it was rather uneventful with literally no disturbances while an invalid and in recovery.
In late 2005 to the present, things got even hotter but only online since we had learned the first time and were still waiting for some backup or help to arrive. In 2006 we find out an attempt was made to put the matter in stalemate when we were charged with yet another charge for defending against a home invasion. This led to another prison sentence. They get bolder and bolder even after millions in lawsuits. The pattern we are seeing is an increase in law suits and boldness of the political left. Keep in mind, this is one of the active Al Qu”Ida cells in the USA and if they would contact us again and pander, then where best and while we were trying to leave the country. Would it be the exact same methods and union tactics observed or even the same faces?
This new prison sentence did not have massive dosages of psychoactive drugs which were meant to break the threshold of pain. Elite soldiers have a tendency to have a massive tolerance for pain and that threshold was tested in federal prison. When it failed and after repeated complaints of extremely dangerous dosages; the federal government decided to comply and switched the drug to a new and less potent one which induced severe sinuses to the point where one could not breathe. The threshold of pain could not be broken so a new scare tactic was to isolate individuals in maximum security for two years with no human contact while a new drug produced severe whining and gasping of air for utter discomfort.
When you are in a cell with no human contact and you are sucking air down as no help or assistance is given, you have a tendency to accept your fate and blank the mind. Thus, an almost two year coma where an induced sleep and coma was needed to stave the discomfort of not being able to breath or communicate; we shut both our minds and body down for whatever fate was to come. Pain is one thing, fighting the inability to breath is another matter altogether. Unless and until you know what it is like to be locked up in a small cell by yourself for two years drugged up at a level where you cannot breathe, then you do not understand what it takes to get to this point. The dosages were measured and administered gradually as measured pain even if we were already trained to have a high tolerance for this.
The second prison was almost similar to the first one, physical threats and challenges. Imprisonment was intended to be some test of physical dominance and toughness. You have maniacs and gorillas who want to test themselves while embarrassing others who do not really care for bullies. You have felons and street thugs who do not understand one aspect of fighting or the mechanics of it, but they want to challenge soldiers who are trained to fight to the death. The Hollywood movie, “The Last Samurai” is a perfect depiction of bushido or “the spirit of the warrior” which tries to fuse military victory and moral victory by stressing honor and moral principle. Keep in mind, the history of Japan was based on a feudal system of rebellions and constant warfare. This constant warfare led to the rise of the samurai system to keep order; which then leads to World War II and the near fanatical suicidal bombers known as kamikazes. If this constant warfare continues, then military systems will also rise to leadership in order to keep order. As terrorism is rising, the police are also rising with it.
In the movie “The Last Samurai” the spirit of the warrior was not able to compete with the modern weaponry of warfare. What took years to perfect could now be extinguished in one easy moment of battle. Thus, the movie points out how the modern weaponry of the time caused rebellion to become more severe because feudal Japan was undergoing a period of internecine or continuous unremitting warfare. If you have ever studied World War II or taken formal courses on Japan, the leading consensus of academics attributes World War II in the rise of the samurai class and the formation of militarism. This movie examines the period of feudal conflict in Japan and the system of the samurai. Therefore, the terrorist will strap bombs or use planes because they lack the military hardware to equal the military presence. However, if terrorism is the enemy, then why is it causing a near love for liberalism and liberals? This cannot be our allies or the same military leadership.
On the battlefield, it is easy to shoot when you are shot at. It is very difficult when you are shot at but cannot shoot back while you are being hit day in and day out. You are both powerless and useless to the central control. This is the threat of liberalism, central control and the ability to strike with vengeance as they become angrier and more frustrated with lies. Some soldiers feel it is better to die then get captured. We know what real bullets feel like and we know how to react to this. This is very different. It is not one incident or once a day occurrences, it is almost day in and day out for very long periods of time. There are also politicians who would like to share their superior might as “sniper fire” and pinning someone down so they cannot look, move, or do anything. This also means that an impending force will be closing in. Nobody uses sniper fire or pins down someone unless something bigger is arriving.
In combat, you can vent and you are able to assess the risk involved and shoot back easily. However, the desk terrorist is a different breed and even more angry while having much less honor than the common soldier. The feeling is like having your hands tied while you are being beat up or shot over and over and over with no end in sight, day in and day out. In combat it is easier to accept your fate and assess the risk; here you have vengeance and rage boiling in you while your hands are tied and you must assess the situation. Try this for a full decade and explain how simple combat is dwarfed by this type of situation. It makes you want to explode, combust, go mad, induces violent impulses, escape, disgruntled, and very hateful. Some people surrender and some do not. Essentially, a transformation occurs and that change is uncontrolled liberalism and pride.
You have exposure to the worst of the worst and they are in an advantageous position because they are baiting you while telling you they are the police and authority. You know it is the left, you know they are purposefully trying to create as much trouble as possible so they can increase their own power and abuse the powers which are supposed to be entrusted in officials, elites and common citizens. Therefore, fear is easily managed and elite soldiers can easily overcome fear because they accept death. Grief can be conquered easily as well and is a process of time. It is the poison of the political left which takes so long and is so difficult that even hostage rescuers are incapable of dealing with. The poison and the toxic are so damaging to the soul; you begin to get almost as warped of a mindset and you begin to feel the same monster growing inside you. Maybe this was also the idea of the desk terrorist to inflict wounds and try to figure out how to destroy or kill someone without any evidence of such.
Not too many people in this world are this bold and have such destructive capability. We can narrow it down to a few groups and we can also understand where they get their power from. There are two reasons why someone would act this messed up or this destructive. First, knows the exits and the entrances are blocked. Second knows it is accepted or has wide approval. Those two reasons along encompass all the reasons we know of but the first one, having the entrances and exits blocked, is a legal matter. Is it clear and open or blocked and locked? The political left has a life based on legalism and they will only act in this fashion when they know with certainty the legal channels are both blocked and inaccessible. Legalism is a process of appointment which brings us to the second problem of how this situation was created or started. Somebody had to have created it and started it in order to get it rolling so fast it is unstoppable.
The way to stop this and the way to make a difference is to make the left go away. How do you make liberals go away when they turn around and claim terrorism? You are gagged there and labeled a terrorist or dangerous. However, the left has made it clear and has made it almost transparent, they are not going anywhere or anytime soon. Instead, they are using more and more rhetoric while suggesting they wish peace and are some force of peace in this world. We know this to be an absolute stretch of a lie but we know there are some intentions which are questionable as far as being intentional. How do you fix a problem when it does not go away?
How you make the left go away is a political problem which usually ends up a military one as history has shown. This is because fascists, dictators, thugs, criminals and the worst do not step down nor back down; never in history have we seen any single one do this to this living day. Perhaps there will be a precedence which the freest political leftists can set for the world to follow. These matters, like the space race is used by the political left to beat up the free world. In fact, the space race has been described as “socialism defeats capitalism” and it changed many minds. Like the people of this world who live in nothing, the best thing to ever happen to their life is a military victory because a moral one is simply out of reach. For the people who live in everything, you must recognize this is an opportunity for the left to prove its might and try to give some comfort to their loyal followers like the idea of perceiving a realistic involvement when it is a very “irritating” one to say the least.
The political left when all said and done will say, “You should really look into some anger management or clean your life up a bit.” This is the arrogance of a sputtering fool. The suicide part has more meanings when up in the face of the military and using them as hit men. Military people do not trust liberals because the technology always ends up in the hands of the enemies. It is sheer arrogance and ignorance which is nothing more than criminality of maniacs. Where combat ranks a two, this difficulty level ranks a ten. Fear can be controlled, anger can be vented, grief will surpass, death can be painless; this is day in and day out of sheer pain and suffering along with never ending injustices. These people feel they are very sophisticated and very special because they are so broken and have such a tolerance for sheer insanity; yet the exuberance of nothing are the same model of a machine gun which is everything.
That machine gun is more valuable then life itself as it is viciously attacked so that it can be seized and used on itself. This is the terrorist and hostage taker behind a desk while their security waits patiently for a shoot to kill authority. Keep in mind, more slaughter was committed under Stalin than any other and frequently turned on his own people to advance communism or weed out “weak” subjects. This is the peace they speak of and the gift the political left wishes to give to the world. We did not have to go looking for them or travel anywhere to find them; all we had to do was walk out of the front door before we got captured in the war of everything versus nothing. The worst part has yet to come because the question now is how this nothing is allowed to accomplish and achieve so much destruction on everything. Now you know and feel how sorcery and black magic is used to kill others like a parasite would.
Naturally, the Alias series begins in 2001 which is considered the “breaking point” of this book when we were forced to take drastic actions due to circumstances which we were not prepared for, vacation damnation. There cannot be an ounce of happiness in life when you are a hostage and when it is brought to a screeching halt. Naturally 2001 will also be the beginning of a three year prison sentence for being too competitive and being a working entity of national security, rather than some illogical exuberance of joyful misguidance we see so often. Somebody allowed snoopers and snuffers to hunt down the “Star Wars” project and they did not know who they were hunting down but it had official approval and the stamp of the United States and the President.
The claim was we were dangerous and defiant; not willing to cooperate or answer questions. The question in this book is how the political left took everything and made it nothing while they took nothing and tried to make it everything? How do you accomplish this and why does it feel like a cold war space race where one side is trying to beat the other to the punch? Again, the cyber and satellite warfare program is more value than life itself, this will be uncovered as time goes on, yet it exists in nothing. This nothing is trying to reduce everything into nothing also. The problem is political will and the inability to know or recognize an enemy. If you have no political will, then everyone is an enemy. The problem when you add liberalism and Democracy together is this lack of political will; that is Democracy and if you do not like it, you can leave or wait for some legal court martial and death sentence.
The series Alias only shows one side of the picture. It is a story about a man and a woman. It is a story about their career and one of the biggest challenges they will face while on a mission and holding onto a love which cannot be revealed or described; however, it is eternal and a fairy tale. It is a problem about how security and intelligence agencies are more dangerous than spoken. It is about the problem of Democracy and a lack of political will to produce these hunter killer teams, snuffers, snifters, sneakier, and wild escapades of delusion and tyranny. It is not a story of being powerless or deceitful.
Favorite quotes from Alias:
“You have made your obligations clear, now let me clarify mine. I am obliged to extract unimaginable pain from you the moment you are no longer a valuable source of intel for the CIA. Personally, I hope you do not help us out.” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“I am not going to kill you, that will be too easy, but I will leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street, people will pity you.” -Vaugh- Season 3, Episode 03
“If you want to arrest me, put me under the Patriot Act. We are through talking. I don’t care what you believe; this is a waste of time…” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“If Lauren really broke in using your identity, she would have to make sure you were out of the office.” -Inspector, CIA- Season 3, Episode 03
“If this is the location of the XXX artifact, then there will be a strong covenant presence.” -Mr. Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
On the other side is the story of the cyber and satellite warfare program and what was promised to the FBI and a government spy ring mole looking for the “Star Wars” program. They were informed that the full truth and the story would eventually be revealed for the public and no promises or lies. The BBC has produced a very special documentary series which traces this cold war race to be the masters in outer space. However, the race for space does not fully envelope the cyber and satellite warfare program because there are aspects of outer space that does not have anything to do with warfare on earth.
Satellites have come a long way since their first introduction and now they are smaller and cost much less to produce yet have capabilities ten to one hundred times what they used to. Maybe one day the poor man’s version of guerilla warfare will take place in outer space; however, for now it is a tremendous and also a terrorizing endeavor. Guerilla warfare, asymmetric warfare, unconventional warfare, high intensity conflicts, skirmishes, and secret wars have never been a clean record with the nastiest enemies and this is why it is such a different and difficult way to resolve power struggles and global conflict to dominate earth. It should be left to an honor system and the merits of thinking people but as we can clearly see; even the thinking man lies and weaves a web of deceit.
This chapter is going to use the Alias series to summarize many of the topics discussed in this book. It is not an attempt to sell the book; it is an attempt to knock on the door of consciousness for this exuberance of nothingness that has gone way beyond their abilities and way to create probably the biggest human made disaster ever seen on earth. Perhaps it will keeping growing and growing in size as they create new and different ways to produce the biggest and largest life mess by beating themselves. This mess is naturally the inability for the earth to support its inhabitants. Consequently, they get bolder and bolder, meaner and meaner, angrier and angrier, and more and more intrusive. It wills combust eventually or unless it keeps growing outwards but that is liberals. Liberalism is an organism and a virus which grows outwards and expands until it is in total control. It is a disease and it is carnage of a life by a human creature that is despised and hated.
It is almost the work of a perfect spy when the people behind this matter try and make an effort to make this transparent or real. Those planes hitting buildings and people buried alive are as real as anyone can get. Military forces attacked and viciously fought by homicidal maniacs is as real as it gets. However you see it, we will get rhetoric such as “this is just the political system at work, if you do not like it then you can find another place to live” or “people need choices and options and we give them a voice for this choice and option.” If every terrorist in this world said the same thing while they destroyed everything in their sights, then that would be an acceptable answer for everyone; similarly, if the left actually worked, then we would still be containing them as a foreign policy, rather than an immigration policy.
At the heart of the matter is this “we won and we are in control”, “we need change we can believe in”, “the voice of the people must be respected and heard”, “we want to spread democracy all over the world”, and various other rhetoric filled liberal ideals or infinite iconoclasts. This book is not about these matters, this book is about the cyber and satellite warfare program along with the duties of such. Can we agree that nothing needs to be contained while everything is free? If we can agree that nothing should be contained while everything is free, then maybe we can agree why everything has been contained while nothing is a problem; it just needs to expand and grow. What about the Star Wars program, the Generals, and those who remained after the Ronald Reagan years committed to a world without communism or terrorism, not split between one and the other?
This Is War: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 (Excerpt from the book, “How to Talk to Liberals” by Anne Coulter, pages 14-15)
Barbara Olson kept her cool. In the hysteria and terror of hijackers herding passengers to the rear of the plane, she retrieved her cell phone and called her husband, Ted, the solicitor general of the United States. She informed him that he had better call the FBI the plane had been hijacked.
According to reports, Barbara was still on the phone with Ted when her plane plunged in a fiery explosion directly into the Pentagon. Barbara risked having her neck slit to warn the country of a terrorist attack. She was a patriot to the very end. This is not to engage in the media's typical hallucinatory overstatement about anyone who is the victim of a horrible tragedy. The furtive cell phone call was an act of incredible daring and panache. If it were not, we'd be hearing reports of hundreds more cell phone calls. (Even people who swear to hate cell phones carry them for commercial air travel.)
The last time I saw Barbara in person was about three weeks ago. She generously praised one of my recent columns and told me I had really found my niche. Ted, she said, had taken to reading my columns aloud to her over breakfast. I mention that to say three things about Barbara. First, she was really nice. A lot of people on TV seem nice but aren't. (And some who don't seem nice are.) But Barbara was always her charming, graceful, ebullient self. "Nice" is an amazingly rare quality among writers. In the opinion business, bitter, jealous hatred is the norm. Barbara had reason to be secure.
Second, it was actually easy to imagine Ted reading political columns aloud to Barbara at the breakfast table. Theirs was a relationship that could only be cheaply imitated by Bill and Hillary the latter being a subject of Barbara's appropriately biting bestseller
Hell to Pay. Hillary claimed preposterously in a Talk magazine interview that she discussed policy with Bill while cutting his grapefruit in the morning. But when asked about Monica Lewinsky, Hillary kept insisting she was waiting for the facts to come out. Couldn't she have asked her husband about the facts while cutting his grapefruit? Ted and Barbara really did talk politics and really did have breakfast together. It's "Ted and Barbara" just like its Fred and Ginger, and George and Gracie. They were so perfect together, so obvious, that their friends were as happy as they were on their wedding
Day. This is more than the death of a great person and patriotic American. It's a human amputation.
Third, since Barbara's compliment, I'd been writing my columns for Ted and Barbara. I'm always writing to someone in my head. Now I don't know who to write to. Ted and Barbara were a good muse. Apart from hearing that this beautiful light has been extinguished from the world, only one other news flash broke beyond the numbingly omnipresent horror of the entire day. That evening, CNN reported that bombs were dropping in Afghanistan and then updated the report to say they weren't our bombs. They should have been ours. I wanted them to be ours.
This is no time to be precious about locating the exact individuals directly involved in this particular terrorist attack. Those responsible include anyone anywhere in the world who smiled in response to the annihilation of patriots like Barbara Olson. We don't need long investigations of the forensic evidence to determine with scientific accuracy the person or persons who ordered this specific attack. We don't need an "international coalition." We don't need a study on "terrorism." We certainly didn't need a congressional resolution condemning the attack this week.
The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling. People who want our country destroyed live here, work for our airlines, and are submitted to the exact same airport shakedown as a lumberman from Idaho. This would be like having the Wehrmacht immigrate to America and work for our airlines during World War II; except the Wehrmacht was not so bloodthirsty.
"All of our lives" don't need to change, as they keep prattling on TV. Every single time there is a terrorist attack or a plane crashes because of pilot error Americans allow their rights to be contracted for no purpose whatsoever. The airport kabuki theater of magnetometers, asinine questions about whether passengers "packed their own bags," and the hostile, lumpen mesomorphs ripping open our luggage somehow allowed over a dozen armed hijackers to board four American planes almost simultaneously on Bloody Tuesday. (Did those fabulous security procedures stop a single hijacker anywhere in America that day?)
Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet bombed German cities; We killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. – Anne Coulter -
In late 2005 to the present, things got even hotter but only online since we had learned the first time and were still waiting for some backup or help to arrive. In 2006 we find out an attempt was made to put the matter in stalemate when we were charged with yet another charge for defending against a home invasion. This led to another prison sentence. They get bolder and bolder even after millions in lawsuits. The pattern we are seeing is an increase in law suits and boldness of the political left. Keep in mind, this is one of the active Al Qu”Ida cells in the USA and if they would contact us again and pander, then where best and while we were trying to leave the country. Would it be the exact same methods and union tactics observed or even the same faces?
This new prison sentence did not have massive dosages of psychoactive drugs which were meant to break the threshold of pain. Elite soldiers have a tendency to have a massive tolerance for pain and that threshold was tested in federal prison. When it failed and after repeated complaints of extremely dangerous dosages; the federal government decided to comply and switched the drug to a new and less potent one which induced severe sinuses to the point where one could not breathe. The threshold of pain could not be broken so a new scare tactic was to isolate individuals in maximum security for two years with no human contact while a new drug produced severe whining and gasping of air for utter discomfort.
When you are in a cell with no human contact and you are sucking air down as no help or assistance is given, you have a tendency to accept your fate and blank the mind. Thus, an almost two year coma where an induced sleep and coma was needed to stave the discomfort of not being able to breath or communicate; we shut both our minds and body down for whatever fate was to come. Pain is one thing, fighting the inability to breath is another matter altogether. Unless and until you know what it is like to be locked up in a small cell by yourself for two years drugged up at a level where you cannot breathe, then you do not understand what it takes to get to this point. The dosages were measured and administered gradually as measured pain even if we were already trained to have a high tolerance for this.
The second prison was almost similar to the first one, physical threats and challenges. Imprisonment was intended to be some test of physical dominance and toughness. You have maniacs and gorillas who want to test themselves while embarrassing others who do not really care for bullies. You have felons and street thugs who do not understand one aspect of fighting or the mechanics of it, but they want to challenge soldiers who are trained to fight to the death. The Hollywood movie, “The Last Samurai” is a perfect depiction of bushido or “the spirit of the warrior” which tries to fuse military victory and moral victory by stressing honor and moral principle. Keep in mind, the history of Japan was based on a feudal system of rebellions and constant warfare. This constant warfare led to the rise of the samurai system to keep order; which then leads to World War II and the near fanatical suicidal bombers known as kamikazes. If this constant warfare continues, then military systems will also rise to leadership in order to keep order. As terrorism is rising, the police are also rising with it.
In the movie “The Last Samurai” the spirit of the warrior was not able to compete with the modern weaponry of warfare. What took years to perfect could now be extinguished in one easy moment of battle. Thus, the movie points out how the modern weaponry of the time caused rebellion to become more severe because feudal Japan was undergoing a period of internecine or continuous unremitting warfare. If you have ever studied World War II or taken formal courses on Japan, the leading consensus of academics attributes World War II in the rise of the samurai class and the formation of militarism. This movie examines the period of feudal conflict in Japan and the system of the samurai. Therefore, the terrorist will strap bombs or use planes because they lack the military hardware to equal the military presence. However, if terrorism is the enemy, then why is it causing a near love for liberalism and liberals? This cannot be our allies or the same military leadership.
On the battlefield, it is easy to shoot when you are shot at. It is very difficult when you are shot at but cannot shoot back while you are being hit day in and day out. You are both powerless and useless to the central control. This is the threat of liberalism, central control and the ability to strike with vengeance as they become angrier and more frustrated with lies. Some soldiers feel it is better to die then get captured. We know what real bullets feel like and we know how to react to this. This is very different. It is not one incident or once a day occurrences, it is almost day in and day out for very long periods of time. There are also politicians who would like to share their superior might as “sniper fire” and pinning someone down so they cannot look, move, or do anything. This also means that an impending force will be closing in. Nobody uses sniper fire or pins down someone unless something bigger is arriving.
In combat, you can vent and you are able to assess the risk involved and shoot back easily. However, the desk terrorist is a different breed and even more angry while having much less honor than the common soldier. The feeling is like having your hands tied while you are being beat up or shot over and over and over with no end in sight, day in and day out. In combat it is easier to accept your fate and assess the risk; here you have vengeance and rage boiling in you while your hands are tied and you must assess the situation. Try this for a full decade and explain how simple combat is dwarfed by this type of situation. It makes you want to explode, combust, go mad, induces violent impulses, escape, disgruntled, and very hateful. Some people surrender and some do not. Essentially, a transformation occurs and that change is uncontrolled liberalism and pride.
You have exposure to the worst of the worst and they are in an advantageous position because they are baiting you while telling you they are the police and authority. You know it is the left, you know they are purposefully trying to create as much trouble as possible so they can increase their own power and abuse the powers which are supposed to be entrusted in officials, elites and common citizens. Therefore, fear is easily managed and elite soldiers can easily overcome fear because they accept death. Grief can be conquered easily as well and is a process of time. It is the poison of the political left which takes so long and is so difficult that even hostage rescuers are incapable of dealing with. The poison and the toxic are so damaging to the soul; you begin to get almost as warped of a mindset and you begin to feel the same monster growing inside you. Maybe this was also the idea of the desk terrorist to inflict wounds and try to figure out how to destroy or kill someone without any evidence of such.
Not too many people in this world are this bold and have such destructive capability. We can narrow it down to a few groups and we can also understand where they get their power from. There are two reasons why someone would act this messed up or this destructive. First, knows the exits and the entrances are blocked. Second knows it is accepted or has wide approval. Those two reasons along encompass all the reasons we know of but the first one, having the entrances and exits blocked, is a legal matter. Is it clear and open or blocked and locked? The political left has a life based on legalism and they will only act in this fashion when they know with certainty the legal channels are both blocked and inaccessible. Legalism is a process of appointment which brings us to the second problem of how this situation was created or started. Somebody had to have created it and started it in order to get it rolling so fast it is unstoppable.
The way to stop this and the way to make a difference is to make the left go away. How do you make liberals go away when they turn around and claim terrorism? You are gagged there and labeled a terrorist or dangerous. However, the left has made it clear and has made it almost transparent, they are not going anywhere or anytime soon. Instead, they are using more and more rhetoric while suggesting they wish peace and are some force of peace in this world. We know this to be an absolute stretch of a lie but we know there are some intentions which are questionable as far as being intentional. How do you fix a problem when it does not go away?
How you make the left go away is a political problem which usually ends up a military one as history has shown. This is because fascists, dictators, thugs, criminals and the worst do not step down nor back down; never in history have we seen any single one do this to this living day. Perhaps there will be a precedence which the freest political leftists can set for the world to follow. These matters, like the space race is used by the political left to beat up the free world. In fact, the space race has been described as “socialism defeats capitalism” and it changed many minds. Like the people of this world who live in nothing, the best thing to ever happen to their life is a military victory because a moral one is simply out of reach. For the people who live in everything, you must recognize this is an opportunity for the left to prove its might and try to give some comfort to their loyal followers like the idea of perceiving a realistic involvement when it is a very “irritating” one to say the least.
The political left when all said and done will say, “You should really look into some anger management or clean your life up a bit.” This is the arrogance of a sputtering fool. The suicide part has more meanings when up in the face of the military and using them as hit men. Military people do not trust liberals because the technology always ends up in the hands of the enemies. It is sheer arrogance and ignorance which is nothing more than criminality of maniacs. Where combat ranks a two, this difficulty level ranks a ten. Fear can be controlled, anger can be vented, grief will surpass, death can be painless; this is day in and day out of sheer pain and suffering along with never ending injustices. These people feel they are very sophisticated and very special because they are so broken and have such a tolerance for sheer insanity; yet the exuberance of nothing are the same model of a machine gun which is everything.
That machine gun is more valuable then life itself as it is viciously attacked so that it can be seized and used on itself. This is the terrorist and hostage taker behind a desk while their security waits patiently for a shoot to kill authority. Keep in mind, more slaughter was committed under Stalin than any other and frequently turned on his own people to advance communism or weed out “weak” subjects. This is the peace they speak of and the gift the political left wishes to give to the world. We did not have to go looking for them or travel anywhere to find them; all we had to do was walk out of the front door before we got captured in the war of everything versus nothing. The worst part has yet to come because the question now is how this nothing is allowed to accomplish and achieve so much destruction on everything. Now you know and feel how sorcery and black magic is used to kill others like a parasite would.
Naturally, the Alias series begins in 2001 which is considered the “breaking point” of this book when we were forced to take drastic actions due to circumstances which we were not prepared for, vacation damnation. There cannot be an ounce of happiness in life when you are a hostage and when it is brought to a screeching halt. Naturally 2001 will also be the beginning of a three year prison sentence for being too competitive and being a working entity of national security, rather than some illogical exuberance of joyful misguidance we see so often. Somebody allowed snoopers and snuffers to hunt down the “Star Wars” project and they did not know who they were hunting down but it had official approval and the stamp of the United States and the President.
The claim was we were dangerous and defiant; not willing to cooperate or answer questions. The question in this book is how the political left took everything and made it nothing while they took nothing and tried to make it everything? How do you accomplish this and why does it feel like a cold war space race where one side is trying to beat the other to the punch? Again, the cyber and satellite warfare program is more value than life itself, this will be uncovered as time goes on, yet it exists in nothing. This nothing is trying to reduce everything into nothing also. The problem is political will and the inability to know or recognize an enemy. If you have no political will, then everyone is an enemy. The problem when you add liberalism and Democracy together is this lack of political will; that is Democracy and if you do not like it, you can leave or wait for some legal court martial and death sentence.
The series Alias only shows one side of the picture. It is a story about a man and a woman. It is a story about their career and one of the biggest challenges they will face while on a mission and holding onto a love which cannot be revealed or described; however, it is eternal and a fairy tale. It is a problem about how security and intelligence agencies are more dangerous than spoken. It is about the problem of Democracy and a lack of political will to produce these hunter killer teams, snuffers, snifters, sneakier, and wild escapades of delusion and tyranny. It is not a story of being powerless or deceitful.
Favorite quotes from Alias:
“You have made your obligations clear, now let me clarify mine. I am obliged to extract unimaginable pain from you the moment you are no longer a valuable source of intel for the CIA. Personally, I hope you do not help us out.” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“I am not going to kill you, that will be too easy, but I will leave you so disfigured that when you walk down the street, people will pity you.” -Vaugh- Season 3, Episode 03
“If you want to arrest me, put me under the Patriot Act. We are through talking. I don’t care what you believe; this is a waste of time…” -Sydney Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
“If Lauren really broke in using your identity, she would have to make sure you were out of the office.” -Inspector, CIA- Season 3, Episode 03
“If this is the location of the XXX artifact, then there will be a strong covenant presence.” -Mr. Bristow- Season 3, Episode 03
On the other side is the story of the cyber and satellite warfare program and what was promised to the FBI and a government spy ring mole looking for the “Star Wars” program. They were informed that the full truth and the story would eventually be revealed for the public and no promises or lies. The BBC has produced a very special documentary series which traces this cold war race to be the masters in outer space. However, the race for space does not fully envelope the cyber and satellite warfare program because there are aspects of outer space that does not have anything to do with warfare on earth.
Satellites have come a long way since their first introduction and now they are smaller and cost much less to produce yet have capabilities ten to one hundred times what they used to. Maybe one day the poor man’s version of guerilla warfare will take place in outer space; however, for now it is a tremendous and also a terrorizing endeavor. Guerilla warfare, asymmetric warfare, unconventional warfare, high intensity conflicts, skirmishes, and secret wars have never been a clean record with the nastiest enemies and this is why it is such a different and difficult way to resolve power struggles and global conflict to dominate earth. It should be left to an honor system and the merits of thinking people but as we can clearly see; even the thinking man lies and weaves a web of deceit.
This chapter is going to use the Alias series to summarize many of the topics discussed in this book. It is not an attempt to sell the book; it is an attempt to knock on the door of consciousness for this exuberance of nothingness that has gone way beyond their abilities and way to create probably the biggest human made disaster ever seen on earth. Perhaps it will keeping growing and growing in size as they create new and different ways to produce the biggest and largest life mess by beating themselves. This mess is naturally the inability for the earth to support its inhabitants. Consequently, they get bolder and bolder, meaner and meaner, angrier and angrier, and more and more intrusive. It wills combust eventually or unless it keeps growing outwards but that is liberals. Liberalism is an organism and a virus which grows outwards and expands until it is in total control. It is a disease and it is carnage of a life by a human creature that is despised and hated.
It is almost the work of a perfect spy when the people behind this matter try and make an effort to make this transparent or real. Those planes hitting buildings and people buried alive are as real as anyone can get. Military forces attacked and viciously fought by homicidal maniacs is as real as it gets. However you see it, we will get rhetoric such as “this is just the political system at work, if you do not like it then you can find another place to live” or “people need choices and options and we give them a voice for this choice and option.” If every terrorist in this world said the same thing while they destroyed everything in their sights, then that would be an acceptable answer for everyone; similarly, if the left actually worked, then we would still be containing them as a foreign policy, rather than an immigration policy.
At the heart of the matter is this “we won and we are in control”, “we need change we can believe in”, “the voice of the people must be respected and heard”, “we want to spread democracy all over the world”, and various other rhetoric filled liberal ideals or infinite iconoclasts. This book is not about these matters, this book is about the cyber and satellite warfare program along with the duties of such. Can we agree that nothing needs to be contained while everything is free? If we can agree that nothing should be contained while everything is free, then maybe we can agree why everything has been contained while nothing is a problem; it just needs to expand and grow. What about the Star Wars program, the Generals, and those who remained after the Ronald Reagan years committed to a world without communism or terrorism, not split between one and the other?
This Is War: SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 (Excerpt from the book, “How to Talk to Liberals” by Anne Coulter, pages 14-15)
Barbara Olson kept her cool. In the hysteria and terror of hijackers herding passengers to the rear of the plane, she retrieved her cell phone and called her husband, Ted, the solicitor general of the United States. She informed him that he had better call the FBI the plane had been hijacked.
According to reports, Barbara was still on the phone with Ted when her plane plunged in a fiery explosion directly into the Pentagon. Barbara risked having her neck slit to warn the country of a terrorist attack. She was a patriot to the very end. This is not to engage in the media's typical hallucinatory overstatement about anyone who is the victim of a horrible tragedy. The furtive cell phone call was an act of incredible daring and panache. If it were not, we'd be hearing reports of hundreds more cell phone calls. (Even people who swear to hate cell phones carry them for commercial air travel.)
The last time I saw Barbara in person was about three weeks ago. She generously praised one of my recent columns and told me I had really found my niche. Ted, she said, had taken to reading my columns aloud to her over breakfast. I mention that to say three things about Barbara. First, she was really nice. A lot of people on TV seem nice but aren't. (And some who don't seem nice are.) But Barbara was always her charming, graceful, ebullient self. "Nice" is an amazingly rare quality among writers. In the opinion business, bitter, jealous hatred is the norm. Barbara had reason to be secure.
Second, it was actually easy to imagine Ted reading political columns aloud to Barbara at the breakfast table. Theirs was a relationship that could only be cheaply imitated by Bill and Hillary the latter being a subject of Barbara's appropriately biting bestseller
Hell to Pay. Hillary claimed preposterously in a Talk magazine interview that she discussed policy with Bill while cutting his grapefruit in the morning. But when asked about Monica Lewinsky, Hillary kept insisting she was waiting for the facts to come out. Couldn't she have asked her husband about the facts while cutting his grapefruit? Ted and Barbara really did talk politics and really did have breakfast together. It's "Ted and Barbara" just like its Fred and Ginger, and George and Gracie. They were so perfect together, so obvious, that their friends were as happy as they were on their wedding
Day. This is more than the death of a great person and patriotic American. It's a human amputation.
Third, since Barbara's compliment, I'd been writing my columns for Ted and Barbara. I'm always writing to someone in my head. Now I don't know who to write to. Ted and Barbara were a good muse. Apart from hearing that this beautiful light has been extinguished from the world, only one other news flash broke beyond the numbingly omnipresent horror of the entire day. That evening, CNN reported that bombs were dropping in Afghanistan and then updated the report to say they weren't our bombs. They should have been ours. I wanted them to be ours.
This is no time to be precious about locating the exact individuals directly involved in this particular terrorist attack. Those responsible include anyone anywhere in the world who smiled in response to the annihilation of patriots like Barbara Olson. We don't need long investigations of the forensic evidence to determine with scientific accuracy the person or persons who ordered this specific attack. We don't need an "international coalition." We don't need a study on "terrorism." We certainly didn't need a congressional resolution condemning the attack this week.
The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult. And we welcome them. We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling. People who want our country destroyed live here, work for our airlines, and are submitted to the exact same airport shakedown as a lumberman from Idaho. This would be like having the Wehrmacht immigrate to America and work for our airlines during World War II; except the Wehrmacht was not so bloodthirsty.
"All of our lives" don't need to change, as they keep prattling on TV. Every single time there is a terrorist attack or a plane crashes because of pilot error Americans allow their rights to be contracted for no purpose whatsoever. The airport kabuki theater of magnetometers, asinine questions about whether passengers "packed their own bags," and the hostile, lumpen mesomorphs ripping open our luggage somehow allowed over a dozen armed hijackers to board four American planes almost simultaneously on Bloody Tuesday. (Did those fabulous security procedures stop a single hijacker anywhere in America that day?)
Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet bombed German cities; We killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. – Anne Coulter -
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About Me
- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.