Monday, December 29, 2008
12/29/2008 2:06:56 PM
Attacks by Israel: Christmas and December 27, 2008
Attacks by Israel: Christmas and December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
(From the Rush Limbaugh pages: cyber terrorism and the online attacks - hits): history
Sawma is the Indian or Pakistani cyber terrorist who has been harassing online a year ago has returned; I am sitting on an Al Qaeda cell; find Sawma and nab him; he was doing this before and now has come back recently. There are at least 5 of them now. It seems as if they are all coming out all the sudden and making some confession. Sawma is with Rush and spends all night watching us even if we choose 4am to process online. They were on guard twenty four hours a day to harass any emails and contact with Ann. He and "Sarah" were leaving cyber hits to see if anybody would stop them. Sarah is no longer here, only Sawma. Sawma was one of the ones who blocked internet access and email to Ann after the fiasco. When I went to the library daily, he stopped. Sawma had Sarah as a partner to prevent any emails and any internet access; they were also hacking into my system and my security detected them. Sawma is making a challenge right now as an online terrorist to see if we can unseat him or beat him at his game. When I got equipment to detect his location, he unplugged his system so I could not detect his proximity. I would have printed his address.
Only later did Rush get nabbed for the same thing, now Sawma is back again. Every time I bought my equipment outside to detect his location, he saw me coming and had me under surveillance; he is local and linked to Rush or Clinton. I believe Sawma was behind the Indian hit recently. These people are insane and they agitate even at DEAFCON 5. They remain hidden and will not come out for fear of prosecution; this is how they harass people and avoid prosecution while keeping them under surveillance. Of the five Sawma is who we are interested in because he and Sarah put up a block along with to deny any communications. Sawma is a professional hacker, he is very good. They were monitoring 24 hours a day and we changed to only nighttime work.
Sawma is the Indian or Pakistani cyber terrorist who has been harassing online a year ago has returned; I am sitting on an Al Qaeda cell; find Sawma and nab him; he was doing this before and now has come back recently. There are at least 5 of them now. It seems as if they are all coming out all the sudden and making some confession. Sawma is with Rush and spends all night watching us even if we choose 4am to process online. They were on guard twenty four hours a day to harass any emails and contact with Ann. He and "Sarah" were leaving cyber hits to see if anybody would stop them. Sarah is no longer here, only Sawma. Sawma was one of the ones who blocked internet access and email to Ann after the fiasco. When I went to the library daily, he stopped. Sawma had Sarah as a partner to prevent any emails and any internet access; they were also hacking into my system and my security detected them. Sawma is making a challenge right now as an online terrorist to see if we can unseat him or beat him at his game. When I got equipment to detect his location, he unplugged his system so I could not detect his proximity. I would have printed his address.
Only later did Rush get nabbed for the same thing, now Sawma is back again. Every time I bought my equipment outside to detect his location, he saw me coming and had me under surveillance; he is local and linked to Rush or Clinton. I believe Sawma was behind the Indian hit recently. These people are insane and they agitate even at DEAFCON 5. They remain hidden and will not come out for fear of prosecution; this is how they harass people and avoid prosecution while keeping them under surveillance. Of the five Sawma is who we are interested in because he and Sarah put up a block along with to deny any communications. Sawma is a professional hacker, he is very good. They were monitoring 24 hours a day and we changed to only nighttime work.
Monday, December 15, 2008
12/15/2008 8:56:15 PM Dear Pentagon or Secretary of Defense. Is there any possibility you can reinstate my military “retired” status back on duty due to emergency and critical crisis? I have a last ditch account with the Pentagon Federal Credit Union and you pretty know who I am considering I am running the country and I am delivering you the catch of a lifetime? I will accept either a Staff Sgt rank and pay or a Four Star General commission. Thank you. I have been having personal problems and had to accept an early retirement but can get those MF “bleeps” as my US Army commando training has allowed me superior motives. If world war was to erupt, I can bring the showboat up and running in less than 12 months and have everything in my ngugen. No training necessary okay, I have it already.
Ann Coulter is also my spouse and secretary, please reconsider it because Bush will never allow for this. She messed up our relationship but not deliberately, LOL. Laugh Ann! Thank you. I could use a pay raise above 400 a month and can go back on active duty for now or until things are over. I will deliver the goods and the people behind this. I will win you world war three if necessary, how about it? Do we have a deal? Any contracts can be legally reviewed or notarized by Ann Coulter and she will keep it in a safe place. I am waiting for her extraction and legal representations. Also, please educate those who are always making matters worse the difference between “support” and no how. A lot of people are ticked at the current guards. What is the value of the work performed and can I get some pay for it until retired again for personal problems?
Ann Coulter is also my spouse and secretary, please reconsider it because Bush will never allow for this. She messed up our relationship but not deliberately, LOL. Laugh Ann! Thank you. I could use a pay raise above 400 a month and can go back on active duty for now or until things are over. I will deliver the goods and the people behind this. I will win you world war three if necessary, how about it? Do we have a deal? Any contracts can be legally reviewed or notarized by Ann Coulter and she will keep it in a safe place. I am waiting for her extraction and legal representations. Also, please educate those who are always making matters worse the difference between “support” and no how. A lot of people are ticked at the current guards. What is the value of the work performed and can I get some pay for it until retired again for personal problems?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Letter to Sean Hannity about his "I am IRA" leader statement:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This video surveillance was before the events occurred. This is how both Ann and I sprung the stalker trap on them. If you know the full story, then you will notice Ann's side of the story. The tennis part is what occurred while in federal prison and fist fights. I play tennis like Ivan Lendl and Boris Becker and one of the most deadly one handed backhands. I hit the ball so hard and with my entire arm muscles. This is how they do it and gives you an idea of how the stalker trap was sprung. There are a lot of them and more on me. It is actual video footage encrypted to protect the identity of real characters but based on actual events. The movie is from the 2006 movie "School of Scoundrels." For more videos visit this site, they get deleted quickly based on another phantom on this site similar to the events on; no rational person out there will even get involved with Ann Coulter because her stalker problem is so severe and derranged it is oppressing and depressing. Ann does contribute to this and has 30 days to fix it immediately and to tell them to F off, leave her alone, and to die. THESE ARE VERY VIOLENT, OPPRESSIVE, AND DANGEROUS PEOPLE; DO NOT TAKE THEM LIGHTLY OR BE FOOLED. THEY ARE ANGRY AND INSANELY JEALOUS AND PROTECTIVE. THE SLIGHTEST CRITICISM OR ANGER DIRECTED AT THE DERRANGED STALKING AND THEY TURN VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS, SUCH SENSITIVITY AND TOUGHNESS.
This is the only footage of our side and what we did to capture them, lure them, and ensnare them while they watched and did not know. Read the entire sight, it is the most terrorifying and amazing thing you will ever see in your life! NOBODY with a level head will get involved with Ann and if they do they will be destroyed by her derranged stalkers who want her to love them in some sex orgy. Ann Coulter wants to risk and give her life to get close to them and play games with these stalkers and dangerous political nut cases. She will end up killing her love, her love of life, and killing her own mate by inaction and also flirting with them. She is going to get herself killed and her mate unless she chooses one of them. It is no way to live at all. I order her around and have to tell her, even order her screaming "if you want to get yourself killed, then leave me out of it okay and clean up your reputation and stop dating while professing love for another person." It pisses me off so much while Ann insists they have to be stopped. I can say this, she sucks on a battlefield which makes me so mad; it is like she has a death wish and is cute and cuddly with psychopaths.
It is so annoying, bragging about licking a dogs ass is the worst of all. It is the same thing they did to the Conservative movement, who the hell would join under these conditions? They are all leftist spies or stalkers who are so oppressive or insanely jealous. It feels like Ann wishes to go down with them in some suicidal kool-aid love for each other; and she knows it is happening. There are even salacious pictures of her at a get together with them. How many people do you know prosecute dangerous terrorists and stalkers with sexual harassment? Now it is her word against theirs about her having sex with them and dinner. There are so many guys, all with pictures around Ann, who claim to have sex with her and it is her word against all of them. Now she tells me she cares what I think of her. Insanity, hell or a death wish? Did I mention she vowed to fight and give her life for their conservative plight? My hero and my loving 20 year death wish. What man out there can turn down that offer? So I am fighting several thousand guys who claim she had sex with them and wants to die for them while she goes on television and says she will marry them or wants to go to church with them. Total lunacy and insanity; Ann's attitude is "You don't know a god damn thing about me." What a wonderful attitude and situation, who can turn it down. Do you have confidence in her management skills? (Banned and censored by her close friends and helpers)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
North Bollywood, India (Feb 28, 1997): Beginning to see something? Rodney King beating... racial and race.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
12/1/2008 11:41:50 AM
Bush has to explain what the link to Pakistan is. We were contacted during college in 1995 by Pakistan, Philippines, and several others. As always I ignore them, they must write down all contacts. Bush and Pakistan is a big question and Rush is fingering Bush. Does Bush wish to finger someone? I do not want to hear “back off” either; we follow all leads.
Bush has to explain what the link to Pakistan is. We were contacted during college in 1995 by Pakistan, Philippines, and several others. As always I ignore them, they must write down all contacts. Bush and Pakistan is a big question and Rush is fingering Bush. Does Bush wish to finger someone? I do not want to hear “back off” either; we follow all leads.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
11/30/2008 8:01:50 AM
Eventually, three events will occur. Rush will disclose his evil and death penalty secret, the federal authorities will, or my army of psychics will all the secrets of this world. When they do that, we will know and feel how badly life got for him because he stepped over this sacred invisible line. All his secrets might be known and leaked anonymously. Imagine that, all you’re junk on disk and for free. All your secrets can be leaked and you have to work hard to get them back. I have outlined how badly you messed up and what the feds want you to do now. I did not draft it, they did and they want you to turn yourself in peacefully and cooperate to dismantle this now. Do not make it grow or distract me like a hydra; this is the biggest diversion. When I am done with you, I will move to your next comrade. I am giving them a present to boost their career as good will; free no cost because I am so mad and tried so hard to be a reasonable person.
Eventually, three events will occur. Rush will disclose his evil and death penalty secret, the federal authorities will, or my army of psychics will all the secrets of this world. When they do that, we will know and feel how badly life got for him because he stepped over this sacred invisible line. All his secrets might be known and leaked anonymously. Imagine that, all you’re junk on disk and for free. All your secrets can be leaked and you have to work hard to get them back. I have outlined how badly you messed up and what the feds want you to do now. I did not draft it, they did and they want you to turn yourself in peacefully and cooperate to dismantle this now. Do not make it grow or distract me like a hydra; this is the biggest diversion. When I am done with you, I will move to your next comrade. I am giving them a present to boost their career as good will; free no cost because I am so mad and tried so hard to be a reasonable person.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
(Call yourself a General and I will puke cockroaches)
Friday, November 28, 2008
I am fed up with these cronies at the CIA and Pentagon. They know they are going against Reagan and the true power. I make not even 400 dollars a month because of these people; they make six figures. I do twice the work and have twice the fight and they torture me up to six hours a day to protest while they tell me how I make life harder for them criticizing them. Now they tell me how they are committed to getting Bin Laden they are which means something weird. The government is almost broken and shut down. The terrorist are almost done and completed their "stacking" of defenses. This is not the time to torture the ones who are fighting mad and not some club gitmo or some crazy failure club. We are looking for the best. I am even part royal by lineage and they torture me up to 4 to 6 hours a day. What a sewage of a god damn immigrant. I am fed up with the moles and this protest. Reagan fired them immediately. It is like a complete reversal. I am fed up with the lies and hollow promises. I do means I do not. We means I. Peace means war. War on poverty means socialism. I am fed up with this revolution by the moles. Take your protest back to mother Russia and get the hell out of this nation. I am fed up with this shit from government employees. They make six figures and I make not even 400 a month and I do their work while they tell me to work harder and faster because they are in charge and how they want my work or wish to protest. The same lunacy and "oops" we were wrong retards. Every body is fed up with the Nazis and liberals, go the hell home. I do not care what rank you have, I will drag you out and make you face the fire you god damn mole and liar. No General hides and lies to promote terrorism and torture of the good. I have never seen Generals who are flat out criminals and labor protestors. I have never witness a parade of misfits. Find your power and strength in hiding, you are nothing but a retard and a fraud. You want to come out and face the fire; but I make not even 400 a month and I get tortured 6 hours daily by your god damn failure cronies who wish to protest. I call it terrorism and you call it commited to going after Bin Laden. The Pentagon needs reorganization and the CIA may be infested and need to go away. WE ARE NOT THE SAME.
CIA Hayden (Air Force), Bush crony; and another Pentagon or some military official said they were 100 per cent committed to finding Bin Laden; made contact while my hand was being eviscerated. This is their protest. They feel my pen is my trigger finger and they wish to add duress and danger to this new love story of theirs. They are tough men. they are real soldiers. They are just too damn real for me and you. they are in charge but asleep, not knowing what the hell is going on while I do the work and are tortured by them now. Like I am involved with them? WTF. They are the cronies, not me. They should be torturing their ranks to make them get off their lazy lying ass and get the fuck to work. This is the stupid imbeciles we are talking about. Fire them and charge them with conspiracy and perjury via UCMJ. i am fed up with the lies and stupid shit by these so real soldiers. They are so real, charge them with perjury; torture is a bad way to protest.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
First beg. Second beg. Third stalk. Fourth target. Fifth take out or hit. Sixth when cannot do any longer, hit. Seventh imprison. Eight presidential pardon. Ninth, beg again when exposed. Tenth, does it repeat again? Do they start again or give up and surrender?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
10/30/2008 7:06:34 PM
Just so you do not freak out or loose your god damn mind. They do not have an implanted audible device in their ear like the SS. What they are using is a sub sonic frequency vibrator on anything with resonance. You will not catch them and they are as high of spy masters and moles you will ever see or run across. We have their HQ and all the goodies. We now are linking Rush, the stomping upstairs, Clinton, and the entire network, it is huge. They will only say one or two words once resonating on wood or some “speaker” device. That is as high of a spy as we have ever seen beyond surgical implants in the ear and removal before detection or relapse from abduction. They have their chance to give up and you need to bring in personnel who are qualified to handle this. They are up against psychics and commandos and as high as you witness. They are not aliens and taking orders from an alien, yet.
Just so you do not freak out or loose your god damn mind. They do not have an implanted audible device in their ear like the SS. What they are using is a sub sonic frequency vibrator on anything with resonance. You will not catch them and they are as high of spy masters and moles you will ever see or run across. We have their HQ and all the goodies. We now are linking Rush, the stomping upstairs, Clinton, and the entire network, it is huge. They will only say one or two words once resonating on wood or some “speaker” device. That is as high of a spy as we have ever seen beyond surgical implants in the ear and removal before detection or relapse from abduction. They have their chance to give up and you need to bring in personnel who are qualified to handle this. They are up against psychics and commandos and as high as you witness. They are not aliens and taking orders from an alien, yet.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
10/20/2008 2:16:22 PM
Weird set of events happening here with Limbaugh and feels like an ambush:
• 12,000 terrorist hits and he shows up in both my and Ann’s life (read reports back in 1990s and what they wanted or were doing) just would not stop.
• 1998 a rich Mulatto from Chicago moves in above my apartment and begins to try to be friends. We go out and have drinks several times. Never says his name only rich and parents from Chicago. Ask Ann, she has the full story and was being told everything during this. A list of people begins from Ann in 1998 as targets or who is behind this.
• Massive problem with banks from 1990 to 2008. Cannot open a bank account now due to so many problems and blamed for everything even though smarter than Ann Coulter.
• 2006 move to Canada, fed up and sick of this. April of 2006 book started, June 2006 a second arrest and massive legal problems, they are in my own home. Massive bills, bank steals money and shuts down account (M and T Bank), eBay and all employment shut down, bills and legal problems pour in.
• Limbaugh tries to play me while Ann closes in on him
• He does not want her to have the love of her life and does some mob like terrorist hit on both of us; Ann is not interested whatsoever she tells me
• Rush is linked to Hillary and has dinner with them
• Ann contacts me in 2008 prepares for reunion and in hostile climate, both of us being stalked and tracked by someone (we do not know yet only a church, it is a mystery stalker and huge spy ring who is pushing what was indicated)
• Rush claims he is some prince or some imaginary love or marriage with Ann (read reports of what he was feeding me)
• Blames us for everything (liberals, going against his success, etc… deranged)
• Law and Order show about Ann and Rush having drinks (Oct 17, 2007)
• Black veteran defends Ann (June 29, 2007) – (Rush and Snerdley say we live in a hut and she needs to send me a rice cooker because I am Asian. Tells Palin that Eskimos like to wife swap, both women married to American Indian heritages or Asian)
• Who is Bo Snerdley:
• Cornered me and checkmated me to say if I wish to survive, will save blacks, a terrorist hit while taking all credit and knowledge
• Aug. 2008 Ann is asked to write about Limbaugh the “inventor of the radio” and she volunteers.
• I am propositioned by prostitutes in S. Florida (summer 2007) for 5,000 a weekend, anything goes. Reports of massive prostitution problems in Palm Beach. Ann forces Franken to say she is a virgin and saving herself.
• Ann attacked by Palm Beach political machine
• Aug. 21, 2008 caller says Ann made them look like boobs
• Weird comment forwarded to Ann, “RUSH: Well, she listens to this program. She may not be listening to it now because she's book crunching, but if she's listening to it, she's agreeing with you.” (Oct 16, 2008) Something weird is now going on, another ambush. Ann calls Thursday to get on her ass. I rip her apart all weekend because she started shit and wanted to talk about past… says I am unfairly crucifying her on Sunday night and is totally in love, fully committed unlike any spouse. Ann has been pounded all weekend by me, she asked to be, and came out to make statements. Yes, Ann asked me to be jealous and to make those statements. She wanted to talk about… so I did and she is really crying. I rip her apart over the weekend.
• Ann website “Crushed… Dinner in NYC on McCain.” Asked if she can stop having drinks or dinner with men? Are they all homosexuals? Why are they all hitting on me, I am not a fag and with Ann? I tell Ann to beat them back and make them fear us.
• Upset about ratings? Must pull a hat trick now. Must isolate them and get them alone. Yes I am Asian. Yes I was in Saigon in 1975 and with vivid memory. The most important thing in my life was the Vietnam War and my military career. Now it is Ann and our life work that is the last 20 years, Ann and our life work. There is nothing more to my life. She has an identical life and we do everything together everything, even clothes. Everything is identical to a T.
• Monday Oct. 20, 2008 some phony story by Rush about romance and weekend with new girlfriend, plane rides to Green Bay for football game, Colin Powell, emails to David Martin at politico, etc… he knows now and he knows he has no chance in hell.
• Does anybody feel like a real slave? We have certified slave blood now, Maximus is a slave? It has to do with future policy, stealing our work, blaming us, and multiculturalism; and Islam or militant liberalism from the Midwest.
Does anybody get the feeling he tried to… and Ann sets him up while he tries to sneak around? So Rush is sneaking around and trying to say… lighten up all over My second job with Sprint PCS from Missouri was horror. The same thing and multiculturalism every single day being attacked; never wanted to work after that in 1999; look at the stock people in communications who went into wireless (Satellite, wireless, etc), they were stealing it from me in 1998. They thought I was building a wireless empire but had no clue what we were up to. So the Midwest plot was the families of wireless and telcom people who went broke look at Iridium where my father worked at also which made me suspicious while being attacked in 1999.
So we caught their god damn doughy pudgy blob of a leader. Is this some god damn joke? That was the conspiracy, they were all SDS 1960s kids and they wanted me but this goes back before high school even. In 1998 and 1999 they began a massive stock surge and were behind wireless, satellite, and communications companies in high tech. Then they thanked me by giving me a 23,000 dollar job at Sprint PCS to be attacked every single day for hours on end on the phone and in some customer service center. After that I never wanted to work again but had to. Then a massive surge and ambush came in 1999, 2000, and 2001. In 2002 another Midwest conspirator used the US Marshals to arrest me and silence me. I am the father of cyber and satellite warfare, the original and authenticated one. I told you he better start writing and naming names.
Weird set of events happening here with Limbaugh and feels like an ambush:
• 12,000 terrorist hits and he shows up in both my and Ann’s life (read reports back in 1990s and what they wanted or were doing) just would not stop.
• 1998 a rich Mulatto from Chicago moves in above my apartment and begins to try to be friends. We go out and have drinks several times. Never says his name only rich and parents from Chicago. Ask Ann, she has the full story and was being told everything during this. A list of people begins from Ann in 1998 as targets or who is behind this.
• Massive problem with banks from 1990 to 2008. Cannot open a bank account now due to so many problems and blamed for everything even though smarter than Ann Coulter.
• 2006 move to Canada, fed up and sick of this. April of 2006 book started, June 2006 a second arrest and massive legal problems, they are in my own home. Massive bills, bank steals money and shuts down account (M and T Bank), eBay and all employment shut down, bills and legal problems pour in.
• Limbaugh tries to play me while Ann closes in on him
• He does not want her to have the love of her life and does some mob like terrorist hit on both of us; Ann is not interested whatsoever she tells me
• Rush is linked to Hillary and has dinner with them
• Ann contacts me in 2008 prepares for reunion and in hostile climate, both of us being stalked and tracked by someone (we do not know yet only a church, it is a mystery stalker and huge spy ring who is pushing what was indicated)
• Rush claims he is some prince or some imaginary love or marriage with Ann (read reports of what he was feeding me)
• Blames us for everything (liberals, going against his success, etc… deranged)
• Law and Order show about Ann and Rush having drinks (Oct 17, 2007)
• Black veteran defends Ann (June 29, 2007) – (Rush and Snerdley say we live in a hut and she needs to send me a rice cooker because I am Asian. Tells Palin that Eskimos like to wife swap, both women married to American Indian heritages or Asian)
• Who is Bo Snerdley:
• Cornered me and checkmated me to say if I wish to survive, will save blacks, a terrorist hit while taking all credit and knowledge
• Aug. 2008 Ann is asked to write about Limbaugh the “inventor of the radio” and she volunteers.
• I am propositioned by prostitutes in S. Florida (summer 2007) for 5,000 a weekend, anything goes. Reports of massive prostitution problems in Palm Beach. Ann forces Franken to say she is a virgin and saving herself.
• Ann attacked by Palm Beach political machine
• Aug. 21, 2008 caller says Ann made them look like boobs
• Weird comment forwarded to Ann, “RUSH: Well, she listens to this program. She may not be listening to it now because she's book crunching, but if she's listening to it, she's agreeing with you.” (Oct 16, 2008) Something weird is now going on, another ambush. Ann calls Thursday to get on her ass. I rip her apart all weekend because she started shit and wanted to talk about past… says I am unfairly crucifying her on Sunday night and is totally in love, fully committed unlike any spouse. Ann has been pounded all weekend by me, she asked to be, and came out to make statements. Yes, Ann asked me to be jealous and to make those statements. She wanted to talk about… so I did and she is really crying. I rip her apart over the weekend.
• Ann website “Crushed… Dinner in NYC on McCain.” Asked if she can stop having drinks or dinner with men? Are they all homosexuals? Why are they all hitting on me, I am not a fag and with Ann? I tell Ann to beat them back and make them fear us.
• Upset about ratings? Must pull a hat trick now. Must isolate them and get them alone. Yes I am Asian. Yes I was in Saigon in 1975 and with vivid memory. The most important thing in my life was the Vietnam War and my military career. Now it is Ann and our life work that is the last 20 years, Ann and our life work. There is nothing more to my life. She has an identical life and we do everything together everything, even clothes. Everything is identical to a T.
• Monday Oct. 20, 2008 some phony story by Rush about romance and weekend with new girlfriend, plane rides to Green Bay for football game, Colin Powell, emails to David Martin at politico, etc… he knows now and he knows he has no chance in hell.
• Does anybody feel like a real slave? We have certified slave blood now, Maximus is a slave? It has to do with future policy, stealing our work, blaming us, and multiculturalism; and Islam or militant liberalism from the Midwest.
Does anybody get the feeling he tried to… and Ann sets him up while he tries to sneak around? So Rush is sneaking around and trying to say… lighten up all over My second job with Sprint PCS from Missouri was horror. The same thing and multiculturalism every single day being attacked; never wanted to work after that in 1999; look at the stock people in communications who went into wireless (Satellite, wireless, etc), they were stealing it from me in 1998. They thought I was building a wireless empire but had no clue what we were up to. So the Midwest plot was the families of wireless and telcom people who went broke look at Iridium where my father worked at also which made me suspicious while being attacked in 1999.
So we caught their god damn doughy pudgy blob of a leader. Is this some god damn joke? That was the conspiracy, they were all SDS 1960s kids and they wanted me but this goes back before high school even. In 1998 and 1999 they began a massive stock surge and were behind wireless, satellite, and communications companies in high tech. Then they thanked me by giving me a 23,000 dollar job at Sprint PCS to be attacked every single day for hours on end on the phone and in some customer service center. After that I never wanted to work again but had to. Then a massive surge and ambush came in 1999, 2000, and 2001. In 2002 another Midwest conspirator used the US Marshals to arrest me and silence me. I am the father of cyber and satellite warfare, the original and authenticated one. I told you he better start writing and naming names.
Friday, October 3, 2008
10/3/2008 11:00:14 PM
For the god damn son of a bitch faggot who has been pointing that high frequency satellite on my right hand for 20 second for the past 3 months while I sat quiet and mad; if I ever catch your shit head Marxist terrorist coward ass I will kill you. You better take a shot while you have a chance because when I find you, I will kill your Marxist and terrorist ass. You hear me? The one who has been pointing the satellite and who did this 3 times this week, I know you are aligned with Bush and Obama and you are a Marxist in hiding. America is falling apart because of your ghetto NOBAMA gone wild and nuts in America smug campaign and it is crumbling. Soon, we will have to wage war on you or else face the brink of extinction or communism. Soon we will wake up in tyranny and have a satellite our hand because some Marxist is smug and bold with their masters. Nobody is playing games with you while you push this nation into civil war and communism or socialism; then lie about it to win debates. It is Nobama gone nuts in America and loot the government. This bail out is worse than Enron and the people will go to jail. I have no idea how high it is and it is about time these people are behind bars; Clinton, Raines, and the whole Nobama gone wild in America church.
If I ever find that son of a bitch who keeps numbing my god damn hand, I will unleash my smug attitude back. The satellite warfare program and the father of it is at war with you. You are a mole and a spy and I will find you, you god damn thief. I do not care if you are living grand in the Soviet territory, in Afghanistan, or here; I will find you. You have violated every rule in the book with your god damn smug gone nuts in America attitude. I created it and you are a god damn illegal alien in it wishing clemency and rights.
Cyber Warfare HQ
For the god damn son of a bitch faggot who has been pointing that high frequency satellite on my right hand for 20 second for the past 3 months while I sat quiet and mad; if I ever catch your shit head Marxist terrorist coward ass I will kill you. You better take a shot while you have a chance because when I find you, I will kill your Marxist and terrorist ass. You hear me? The one who has been pointing the satellite and who did this 3 times this week, I know you are aligned with Bush and Obama and you are a Marxist in hiding. America is falling apart because of your ghetto NOBAMA gone wild and nuts in America smug campaign and it is crumbling. Soon, we will have to wage war on you or else face the brink of extinction or communism. Soon we will wake up in tyranny and have a satellite our hand because some Marxist is smug and bold with their masters. Nobody is playing games with you while you push this nation into civil war and communism or socialism; then lie about it to win debates. It is Nobama gone nuts in America and loot the government. This bail out is worse than Enron and the people will go to jail. I have no idea how high it is and it is about time these people are behind bars; Clinton, Raines, and the whole Nobama gone wild in America church.
If I ever find that son of a bitch who keeps numbing my god damn hand, I will unleash my smug attitude back. The satellite warfare program and the father of it is at war with you. You are a mole and a spy and I will find you, you god damn thief. I do not care if you are living grand in the Soviet territory, in Afghanistan, or here; I will find you. You have violated every rule in the book with your god damn smug gone nuts in America attitude. I created it and you are a god damn illegal alien in it wishing clemency and rights.
Cyber Warfare HQ
Monday, September 22, 2008
9/22/2008 12:17:20 PM
All of them not a few or the other side, that is the trick; all of them are Liberals with no fight only criticism to fit in:
Who is this? What do they want? Beyond the point of redemption, dirty bomb?
• Big act and act even bigger
• Until they came along “argument” we
• Cost 30 trillion to make 10 trillion (who gets the final bill)
• Don’t worry its just their money
• Don’t worry its another endorsement
• The big ones always get away
• Do they anticipate a fight or not
• Nothing going on but an imaginary threat (politicians)
• Debt or Rich? Creating success or massive debt? Liberal or Conservatives?
• When another Osama reemerges and pops out of nowhere
• Immunity from whose church? Immunity because of whose church?
• Penchant for lying and immunity? Murder?
• Wishes military advantage except an official one?
• We will stop if you give up or stop?
• Don’t know anything but worse refuse to ask? Stalk us to help and on our side and nation to help?
• Will not win?
• Accent even when behind enemy lines? Who are you listening to for “burph-day.”
• A problem is “this problem is huge?” Who is not interested or aren’t?
• We need puppet governments still
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on and Ann Coulter “friends”:
• an “imaginary threat”; helping by stalking us and no choice?
• “Ann isn’t you interested?” Also, “you won the dung heap, how can you resist now, you win?” Why make this harder? How can you say no?
• Immunity from criticism when an imaginary threat? Just blame or all of this church?
• Banks acting risky and debt driven? Nobody is to blame? Nobody is guilty? Just too stupid to catch all the puppet regimes?
• They have a lot of fight in them? Don’t care about nonsense? Guilty? Powerful and those powerless?
• You know you want it also?
All of them not a few or the other side, that is the trick; all of them are Liberals with no fight only criticism to fit in:
Who is this? What do they want? Beyond the point of redemption, dirty bomb?
• Big act and act even bigger
• Until they came along “argument” we
• Cost 30 trillion to make 10 trillion (who gets the final bill)
• Don’t worry its just their money
• Don’t worry its another endorsement
• The big ones always get away
• Do they anticipate a fight or not
• Nothing going on but an imaginary threat (politicians)
• Debt or Rich? Creating success or massive debt? Liberal or Conservatives?
• When another Osama reemerges and pops out of nowhere
• Immunity from whose church? Immunity because of whose church?
• Penchant for lying and immunity? Murder?
• Wishes military advantage except an official one?
• We will stop if you give up or stop?
• Don’t know anything but worse refuse to ask? Stalk us to help and on our side and nation to help?
• Will not win?
• Accent even when behind enemy lines? Who are you listening to for “burph-day.”
• A problem is “this problem is huge?” Who is not interested or aren’t?
• We need puppet governments still
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on and Ann Coulter “friends”:
• an “imaginary threat”; helping by stalking us and no choice?
• “Ann isn’t you interested?” Also, “you won the dung heap, how can you resist now, you win?” Why make this harder? How can you say no?
• Immunity from criticism when an imaginary threat? Just blame or all of this church?
• Banks acting risky and debt driven? Nobody is to blame? Nobody is guilty? Just too stupid to catch all the puppet regimes?
• They have a lot of fight in them? Don’t care about nonsense? Guilty? Powerful and those powerless?
• You know you want it also?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
9/20/2008 3:27:46 AM
We have to go little by little to see how stupid and uneducated these takers are threatening. What is their breaking point or do they even have one? The kidnapping part and how it exists right under their watch is the most incredible thing you will ever hear.
I will make this real clear, when things go wrong for them, they strike. They do not get out of your life or abide by the rules or even consider they may have an obligation instead of others, what they do is strike out. That is existentialism and the basis of it. We been playing this game for over 10 years now and it is time we get some real answers and results. We can start with both my life and Ann Coulter's life. Stop saying how we are set, we are trapped and stuck in a war which has surrounded us and striking the nation. You cannot come in or come out. They are doing this to Ann at this time and we can give examples. We will keep playing this game to see how long it is going to last and who is so blind and so out of reality; they are just sitting there on their desk while all of this goes down.
They will strike when things do not go right and things are not going right. You see recently with Ann site being down and the error message. You see this with 40 deactivated accounts on while they made her beg to return to win their wet t shirt contest for the conservative bunch. You see this with the use of a tazer satellite for 3 months on my hand and how painful that is, but that is nothing. Sometimes 20 seconds and when you cannot even feel your hand and hold anything. Then you cannot even work a mouse. Now try getting hit and pretending it is not happening 10 times a day for 3 months. Mr. President are you aware of what is happening and who has a gun to our head or what they want?
You see this problem with being buried by legal problems and monthly subpoenas. You see this with stomping on the floor and have it traced to Rush and Hillary or Osama; those three get a floor stomping. Now we get the entire state of California deciding they will block the server of Ann Coulter to be a protest against me.
We will make this real clear for the President, the public, the state of California, the liberals, the left wing, the communist, and anybody else who wishes to step forward and take responsibility; we know. It is so blatant; we want names and coordinates that is if we do not keep on getting arrested or having our personal life turned upside down by the same stalkers wishing to scare our family. They know and are confident on a battle with the military. They do not even fear it. You want to remove and get our troops as far away from the military bases as you can. The FBI has told us they have a strike plan. They will be kept in the dark and this game is going to drag on and on while these politicians and president makes these hollow speeches.
They got and are using the latest satellites on us at this time. That is how far up they are. That is how big this is. They are not scared of military intervention for a reason and that reason is they have a strike plan and a first strike. They will take the first strike when moved on. You better put your foot down and start getting rid of each and every one of them. They will take the first strike or block and torture us with the latest weapons in order to block unofficially this political plot. Their problem is they are undedicated and are hiding. They are angry they cannot reproduce even if we can agree they should not until we see improvement and vast improvements.
We have never seen so much insanity in ten years of a human life either in Ann Coulter's life or my life. Every single day they feel you are a messiah and obligated to them. This is why they must be interned unless we get the militant wing and the operation center of this plot. We also see President Bush working day and night on this but nothing. We cannot seem to break them or get them out of our life; we are obligated to their stupidity and are being judged for being smarter and more perfect. It is a form of harassment and they will take the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on for ten to twenty years if necessary. Their militant wing has already hit. They will hit again and as hard as they are official. This means their hail marry is a last minute dirty word. Want to know who is going to get blamed?
Certainly not the people behind this, it’s been 10 years and 2 false arrests, 8 stolen years and a life so worthless it’s insane. Ann and I have seen more insanity in our life than an entire lifetime. What does that tell you about these people and what they are up to? Superior? Can do better? We are obligated? Say military and then say dirty bomb. Think they are worried one bit? I did not see this or felt it; they just took out and are reading our emails. They are still banning us all over the web sites and reading our emails and love letters while getting so jealous and full of rage. Scared of the military and criminally insane? Someone needs to do a drug test immediately to find out what is in the drinking water.
Ask why they are not even scared of the military or the least bit scared of being caught? Ask why they feel they got the military beat already when the facts are clear and so obvious. The FBI is right; they got the dirty bomb and plan a first strike. This is the only thing which will equalize a domestic threat of an official nature. This is not an official threat. None of it is written down or able to be traced. It is like dealing with the Klan but this is about liberalism and communism. This is about jobs. This is about free health care.
They will keep this up until we break and "stop" opposing them. They did hit Ann also with a satellite once to spook her and she told me while talking to me. That means we both got it at the same time. How in the world is the President going to explain that one and all these reports before he says what Ann says, "you can rape me but you will never take me alive trying." They are not going to stop or get out of our life obviously but they are not willing to tell the truth or give the coordinates and names we need to focus on. We know we are walking into a trap and that is why they are kept in the dark about this. Well, lights on, what now? Keep lying and do nothing and blame it on the right wing or the conservatives? That just occurred but they never got a pardon only worse off now.
I am glad you are fixing your side. What about our side and fixing the strikes when we tell you to get your act together? Fix your side and leave us in a state of disrepair or being tortured by liberal churches who feel we are the messiah and are obligated to them. That is almost rape and most will say you will not take us alive so long as you are a traitor. I do not see much fixed but I do not have the coordinates or name I am asking for, yet. I need names and I need coordinates of this strike on us and the nation so we can have commandos check it out and investigate this dirty bomb, we know. Don’t be playing any game or lie to our face and torture us or read our emails. That is a traitor of the worst kind.
Cyber Warfare HQ
Ann will say the same thing and she knows their game, but she does not have a dirty bomb or is threatening this nation, she is a military spouse. She is already in a relationship so her family life is being threatened by people blocking and torturing us to advance this dirty bomb and coming strike. Move the commandos in place and be real quiet about it and do it quickly so I can email her please. Do you think they will just roll over or be captured if they are already over their heads? Where are they going to go? Fire all of them if you have to, not some scapegoat. You know it is that church and you know they have help from all over the world.
For more on the dirty bomb, click on the Rush Limbaugh section on profile.
We have to go little by little to see how stupid and uneducated these takers are threatening. What is their breaking point or do they even have one? The kidnapping part and how it exists right under their watch is the most incredible thing you will ever hear.
I will make this real clear, when things go wrong for them, they strike. They do not get out of your life or abide by the rules or even consider they may have an obligation instead of others, what they do is strike out. That is existentialism and the basis of it. We been playing this game for over 10 years now and it is time we get some real answers and results. We can start with both my life and Ann Coulter's life. Stop saying how we are set, we are trapped and stuck in a war which has surrounded us and striking the nation. You cannot come in or come out. They are doing this to Ann at this time and we can give examples. We will keep playing this game to see how long it is going to last and who is so blind and so out of reality; they are just sitting there on their desk while all of this goes down.
They will strike when things do not go right and things are not going right. You see recently with Ann site being down and the error message. You see this with 40 deactivated accounts on while they made her beg to return to win their wet t shirt contest for the conservative bunch. You see this with the use of a tazer satellite for 3 months on my hand and how painful that is, but that is nothing. Sometimes 20 seconds and when you cannot even feel your hand and hold anything. Then you cannot even work a mouse. Now try getting hit and pretending it is not happening 10 times a day for 3 months. Mr. President are you aware of what is happening and who has a gun to our head or what they want?
You see this problem with being buried by legal problems and monthly subpoenas. You see this with stomping on the floor and have it traced to Rush and Hillary or Osama; those three get a floor stomping. Now we get the entire state of California deciding they will block the server of Ann Coulter to be a protest against me.
We will make this real clear for the President, the public, the state of California, the liberals, the left wing, the communist, and anybody else who wishes to step forward and take responsibility; we know. It is so blatant; we want names and coordinates that is if we do not keep on getting arrested or having our personal life turned upside down by the same stalkers wishing to scare our family. They know and are confident on a battle with the military. They do not even fear it. You want to remove and get our troops as far away from the military bases as you can. The FBI has told us they have a strike plan. They will be kept in the dark and this game is going to drag on and on while these politicians and president makes these hollow speeches.
They got and are using the latest satellites on us at this time. That is how far up they are. That is how big this is. They are not scared of military intervention for a reason and that reason is they have a strike plan and a first strike. They will take the first strike when moved on. You better put your foot down and start getting rid of each and every one of them. They will take the first strike or block and torture us with the latest weapons in order to block unofficially this political plot. Their problem is they are undedicated and are hiding. They are angry they cannot reproduce even if we can agree they should not until we see improvement and vast improvements.
We have never seen so much insanity in ten years of a human life either in Ann Coulter's life or my life. Every single day they feel you are a messiah and obligated to them. This is why they must be interned unless we get the militant wing and the operation center of this plot. We also see President Bush working day and night on this but nothing. We cannot seem to break them or get them out of our life; we are obligated to their stupidity and are being judged for being smarter and more perfect. It is a form of harassment and they will take the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on for ten to twenty years if necessary. Their militant wing has already hit. They will hit again and as hard as they are official. This means their hail marry is a last minute dirty word. Want to know who is going to get blamed?
Certainly not the people behind this, it’s been 10 years and 2 false arrests, 8 stolen years and a life so worthless it’s insane. Ann and I have seen more insanity in our life than an entire lifetime. What does that tell you about these people and what they are up to? Superior? Can do better? We are obligated? Say military and then say dirty bomb. Think they are worried one bit? I did not see this or felt it; they just took out and are reading our emails. They are still banning us all over the web sites and reading our emails and love letters while getting so jealous and full of rage. Scared of the military and criminally insane? Someone needs to do a drug test immediately to find out what is in the drinking water.
Ask why they are not even scared of the military or the least bit scared of being caught? Ask why they feel they got the military beat already when the facts are clear and so obvious. The FBI is right; they got the dirty bomb and plan a first strike. This is the only thing which will equalize a domestic threat of an official nature. This is not an official threat. None of it is written down or able to be traced. It is like dealing with the Klan but this is about liberalism and communism. This is about jobs. This is about free health care.
They will keep this up until we break and "stop" opposing them. They did hit Ann also with a satellite once to spook her and she told me while talking to me. That means we both got it at the same time. How in the world is the President going to explain that one and all these reports before he says what Ann says, "you can rape me but you will never take me alive trying." They are not going to stop or get out of our life obviously but they are not willing to tell the truth or give the coordinates and names we need to focus on. We know we are walking into a trap and that is why they are kept in the dark about this. Well, lights on, what now? Keep lying and do nothing and blame it on the right wing or the conservatives? That just occurred but they never got a pardon only worse off now.
I am glad you are fixing your side. What about our side and fixing the strikes when we tell you to get your act together? Fix your side and leave us in a state of disrepair or being tortured by liberal churches who feel we are the messiah and are obligated to them. That is almost rape and most will say you will not take us alive so long as you are a traitor. I do not see much fixed but I do not have the coordinates or name I am asking for, yet. I need names and I need coordinates of this strike on us and the nation so we can have commandos check it out and investigate this dirty bomb, we know. Don’t be playing any game or lie to our face and torture us or read our emails. That is a traitor of the worst kind.
Cyber Warfare HQ
Ann will say the same thing and she knows their game, but she does not have a dirty bomb or is threatening this nation, she is a military spouse. She is already in a relationship so her family life is being threatened by people blocking and torturing us to advance this dirty bomb and coming strike. Move the commandos in place and be real quiet about it and do it quickly so I can email her please. Do you think they will just roll over or be captured if they are already over their heads? Where are they going to go? Fire all of them if you have to, not some scapegoat. You know it is that church and you know they have help from all over the world.
For more on the dirty bomb, click on the Rush Limbaugh section on profile.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ann, hi sweetheart;
ok I do not get it, the Palin in church speech had the volume all messed up and it seemed as if she was yelling in my ear and if I turned it down I would not hear what she was saying. So the audio was just crap.
I personally need to read the speech, haven't got a clue what that was about and never saw an old preacher cry while saying a prayer about Jesus Christ. That was strange. I think she was trying to say that Jesus was oil and therefore, Jesus was Alaska. Is this right? Is that what you wanted me to listen to or see?
Lisa De Pasquale is your enemy and stalker Ann. There is no doubt her and Rush Limbaugh got some diabolical plot to take you hostage or something. Read her stuff, every single article is something about you:
1. Moonbat = criticizing bush
2. Phyllis scholarly is about you
3. Deja view is about how she kicked you out of cpac or "gone too far" or third base with her
4. Then there was her interview where I was struck by an image of her as a cute college cutie or a soft cutie hogtie
5. It is like a deranged stalker who is John Hinckley' in you... but do not like you because she is not welcomed (Rush Liberal syndrome)... these people do not believe in domestic problems, only external problems or international enemies, that is why they are deranged.
If you read her recent articles, they are all about Osama. Who else do we know does this? Rush Liberal. Now, who have I been having so much trouble with and is obsessed with you like a leather with apple in mouth dominatrix hiding behind a BBW mask? Yes, our trusty friends who likes to hold us down because we revolt against their success while we scream insults such as "loser get lost and leave us alone you damn stalker, nobody is interested."
I would be very careful and understand they are in striking distance. Also, my first problem at work was with Sprint PCS, when cell phones hit big in 1999. Where are they from? The entire staff was black, the entire staff and they are all fat, ugly, and very determined to prove themselves as "superior" and friends to any minority cause.
Lisa does not know you are writing to me also. I am your pen pal which is similar to how Phyllis met her bubba. This is scary and freaks me out and these people freak me out, are they from the Ozarks and like the movie "Deliverance?" These people are offended very easily and will not accept no. Yet they are domineering and grow on you. Why in the world would they think you are their toy?
This is nuts. Now Rush is lying and making all kinds of excuses on his show. He is not being properly challenged. It all ends up making the left look bright and shiny that is the end result. This is why I said this is nothing but a pain in the ass. These people are jackasses or some cannibal colony. My Midwest theory was correct and they were linked somehow to the eastern liberals; but I could not figure out how or why.
So if we have to sue for the victory of World War III and not satisfied with these people or why they are on our team, who do we complain to or sue? Why is my life so badly missing and yours so badly out of place also? If they mess me up, they mess us up. If they mess us up, they mess up World War III and we have a problem. So why are they messing with either of us and why is no not good enough? Can you tell me or anybody tell me what the hell is the problem with these people and why they kicked us off and is promoting it now? 35 accounts is the total number of times they said "get lost" just so they could prevent you and me from emailing and now they are bragging about it on their shows and Lisa De Pasquale is also bragging on her columns. It is like a giant monster who is breathing down our necks and an ugly one also. This is scary stuff...
Cyber Warfare HQ
ok I do not get it, the Palin in church speech had the volume all messed up and it seemed as if she was yelling in my ear and if I turned it down I would not hear what she was saying. So the audio was just crap.
I personally need to read the speech, haven't got a clue what that was about and never saw an old preacher cry while saying a prayer about Jesus Christ. That was strange. I think she was trying to say that Jesus was oil and therefore, Jesus was Alaska. Is this right? Is that what you wanted me to listen to or see?
Lisa De Pasquale is your enemy and stalker Ann. There is no doubt her and Rush Limbaugh got some diabolical plot to take you hostage or something. Read her stuff, every single article is something about you:
1. Moonbat = criticizing bush
2. Phyllis scholarly is about you
3. Deja view is about how she kicked you out of cpac or "gone too far" or third base with her
4. Then there was her interview where I was struck by an image of her as a cute college cutie or a soft cutie hogtie
5. It is like a deranged stalker who is John Hinckley' in you... but do not like you because she is not welcomed (Rush Liberal syndrome)... these people do not believe in domestic problems, only external problems or international enemies, that is why they are deranged.
If you read her recent articles, they are all about Osama. Who else do we know does this? Rush Liberal. Now, who have I been having so much trouble with and is obsessed with you like a leather with apple in mouth dominatrix hiding behind a BBW mask? Yes, our trusty friends who likes to hold us down because we revolt against their success while we scream insults such as "loser get lost and leave us alone you damn stalker, nobody is interested."
I would be very careful and understand they are in striking distance. Also, my first problem at work was with Sprint PCS, when cell phones hit big in 1999. Where are they from? The entire staff was black, the entire staff and they are all fat, ugly, and very determined to prove themselves as "superior" and friends to any minority cause.
Lisa does not know you are writing to me also. I am your pen pal which is similar to how Phyllis met her bubba. This is scary and freaks me out and these people freak me out, are they from the Ozarks and like the movie "Deliverance?" These people are offended very easily and will not accept no. Yet they are domineering and grow on you. Why in the world would they think you are their toy?
This is nuts. Now Rush is lying and making all kinds of excuses on his show. He is not being properly challenged. It all ends up making the left look bright and shiny that is the end result. This is why I said this is nothing but a pain in the ass. These people are jackasses or some cannibal colony. My Midwest theory was correct and they were linked somehow to the eastern liberals; but I could not figure out how or why.
So if we have to sue for the victory of World War III and not satisfied with these people or why they are on our team, who do we complain to or sue? Why is my life so badly missing and yours so badly out of place also? If they mess me up, they mess us up. If they mess us up, they mess up World War III and we have a problem. So why are they messing with either of us and why is no not good enough? Can you tell me or anybody tell me what the hell is the problem with these people and why they kicked us off and is promoting it now? 35 accounts is the total number of times they said "get lost" just so they could prevent you and me from emailing and now they are bragging about it on their shows and Lisa De Pasquale is also bragging on her columns. It is like a giant monster who is breathing down our necks and an ugly one also. This is scary stuff...
Cyber Warfare HQ
Thursday, September 4, 2008
9/4/2008 10:53:27 PM
To Kristen Breitweiser: “Kudos to Ann Coulter”
After watching the interview on Good Morning America, “What she is doing is… why I wrote the book, to inspire every American… to have your voice heard… doesn’t feel you have a right to an opinion… I hope she never knows what it is like, to watch your husband get murdered on live television… to be barred to having access to answers… that is why we did what we did… that was what our goals were and our motives pure.”
Ms. Breitweiser, as the person with Ann Coulters’ dossier; you owe her a simple thank you by singling you out and making you fight. Ann knows exactly what it feels like and how it all crashes down in a snap of a finger. To be on the other end during an attack and to hear screaming and yelling or battle plans. You cannot do what we do if you do not know what it is like or how to fight. Read this page and do not throw yourself at someone, her motive is to get you to defend yourself and fight for yourself when nobody else will or can.
Cyber Warfare HQ
You will find the answers on this blog and remember it is an insult to throw you at the feet of professional soldiers; it makes them angry. Take what you need to do what you must, and the rest can be taken to the grave when you are done. You will find that Ann is three times the woman you are; so leave it there. You will find that in hell, your best friend is yourself and silence is both your friend and enemy. Ann is as professional as they come and has over 20 years in this; understand you are only a rank amateur who may need a little help from the almighty himself.
To Kristen Breitweiser: “Kudos to Ann Coulter”
After watching the interview on Good Morning America, “What she is doing is… why I wrote the book, to inspire every American… to have your voice heard… doesn’t feel you have a right to an opinion… I hope she never knows what it is like, to watch your husband get murdered on live television… to be barred to having access to answers… that is why we did what we did… that was what our goals were and our motives pure.”
Ms. Breitweiser, as the person with Ann Coulters’ dossier; you owe her a simple thank you by singling you out and making you fight. Ann knows exactly what it feels like and how it all crashes down in a snap of a finger. To be on the other end during an attack and to hear screaming and yelling or battle plans. You cannot do what we do if you do not know what it is like or how to fight. Read this page and do not throw yourself at someone, her motive is to get you to defend yourself and fight for yourself when nobody else will or can.
Cyber Warfare HQ
You will find the answers on this blog and remember it is an insult to throw you at the feet of professional soldiers; it makes them angry. Take what you need to do what you must, and the rest can be taken to the grave when you are done. You will find that Ann is three times the woman you are; so leave it there. You will find that in hell, your best friend is yourself and silence is both your friend and enemy. Ann is as professional as they come and has over 20 years in this; understand you are only a rank amateur who may need a little help from the almighty himself.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
SDI: was the largest and most influential radical student organization of the 1960s. At its inception in 1960, there were just a few dozen members, inspired by the civil rights movement and initially concerned with equality, economic justice, peace, and participatory democracy. With the escalation of the Vietnam War, SDS grew rapidly as young people protested the destruction wrought by the US government and military. Polite protest turned into stronger and more determined resistance as rage and frustration increased all across the country.
• Documents
• Vietnam War
• Free Speech Movement (Berkeley), 1964. Extensive archives collection.
• Columbia University
• Kent State
• Other locations
• Weatherman/Weather Underground
• Books
• Movies
• SDS Graphics
• German SDS
* Radical student group during the 1960s
* Spearheaded the Anti-Vietnam War movement
* Was transformed into Weatherman, a terrorist cult
Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America's democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America's enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy.
Established in late 1959 by Aryeh Neier (Director of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy), SDS held its first meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1960. Its first President was Alan Haber, and its first impress on the political landscape was the Port Huron Statement of 1962, drafted principally by Tom Hayden, a former editor of the University of Michigan's student newspaper. The Port Huron Statement adopted the position of "anti-anti-Communism," refusing to support the West in the Cold War. The statement denounced bigotry in the United States, world hunger and American abundance, materialism, personal alienation, industrialization, the threat of nuclear war, military spending, and the Cold War. Its prescribed solution to Cold War tensions reads as follows:
"Universal controlled disarmament must replace deterrence and arms control as the [American] national defense goal. ... It is necessary that America make disarmament, not nuclear deterrence, 'credible' to the Soviets and to the world. That is, disarmament should be continually avowed as a national goal; concrete plans should be presented at conference tables."
Calling for "participatory democracy," the Port Huron Statement continued: "[The] allocation of resources must be based on social needs. A truly 'public sector' must be established, and its nature debated and planned. At present the majority of America's 'public sector,' the largest part of our public spending is for the military. When great social needs are so pressing, our concept of 'government spending is wrapped up in the 'permanent war economy.'" The Statement promoted the politicization of the University, a call that was answered in Berkeley's Free Speech Movement of 1964, which permanently altered the political atmosphere on college campuses.
SDS's initial efforts at the promotion of civil rights, voting rights, and urban reform were gradually overshadowed by its focus on the Vietnam War. In April 1965, SDS advertised its opposition to the War by participating in the March on Washington.
Many key SDS members were "red-diaper babies," children of parents who were Communist Party members or Communist activists in the 1930s. In 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson abolished student draft deferments, some 300 new SDS chapters were formed. Among the organization's activities were: disrupting ROTC classes, staging draft card burnings, and harassing campus recruiters for the CIA and for firms that conducted research tied in some way to national defense. SDS also occupied buildings at universities such as Columbia and destroyed draft records.
At the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, SDS protestors, organized by Tom Hayden, created a riot in order to destroy the electoral chances of the pro-war liberal Hubert Humphrey, and thereby set the stage for a confrontation with the Nixon Administration over the Vietnam War. Hayden and his cohorts -- including Jerry Rubin, Abby Hoffman and Black Panther Bobby Seale -- were arrested and indicted for crossing state lines to incite a riot. They became known as The Chicago Seven. In a celebrated trial (whose guilty verdict was subsequently overturned on a technicality), they were given token sentences.
In 1969 SDS began imploding into factions. One of them, a group calling itself Weatherman, was elected to SDS leadership and proclaimed that the time had come to launch a race war on behalf of the Third World and against the United States. The new entity dissolved SDS and formed a terrorist cult in its place, which was given the name Weather Underground.
SDS: Students for Democratic Society
Students for Democratic Society (SDS) were part of the New Left, the student political movement that protested the Vietnam War in the United States.
Related Terms:
RED DIAPER BABIES--The children of people who had been active members of progressive, sometimes even radical, social movements during the 1930s (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.)
NEW LEFT--A political movement originating in the United States in the 1960s that actively advocated (as by demonstrations and education efforts) radical changes in prevailing social, political, and educational practices (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY--A socialist organization whose youth branch developed into Students for a Democratic Society (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT (FSM)--Student movement at the University of California, Berkeley, formed in 1964 to protest limitations on political activities on campus (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
COUNTERCULTURE--Various alternatives to mainstream values and behaviors that became popular in the 1960s, including experimentation with psychedelic drugs, communal living, a return to the land, Asian religions, and experimental art (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
WEATHER UNDERGROUND (WEATHERMEN)--Hardline, terroristic faction that split off from SDS in 1969 and went underground.
CHICAGO SEVEN-Seven young men who were arrested and tried as leaders of the antiwar protests at the Democratic National Convention in 1968.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a radical youth group established in the United States in 1959, developed out of the youth branch of an older socialist educational organization, the League for Industrial Democracy. The newly formed SDS held its first organizational meeting in 1960 at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Robert Alan Haber was elected president.
The political manifesto for SDS, the Port Huron Statement, was written for the most part by Tom Hayden, a twenty-two-year-old former editor of the student newspaper at the University of Michigan. The document, adopted in 1962 by the sixty or so founding members of SDS, criticized the American political system for failing to achieve international peace or to effectively address a myriad of social ills, including racism, materialism, militarism, poverty, and exploitation. The Port Huron Statement called for a fully “participatory democracy,” which would empower citizens to share in the social decisions that directly affected their lives and well-being. It was the founders’ fervent, if somewhat naĂŻve, belief that a nonviolent youth movement could transform U.S. society into a model political system in which the people, rather than just the social elite, would control social policy.
At first SDS focused its efforts on helping to promote the civil rights movement and on efforts to improve conditions in urban ghettoes. In April of 1965, SDS organized a national march on Washington, D.C., and from that point on the movement grew increasingly militant, especially in its opposition to the Vietnam War, employing such tactics as rowdy (though not violent) demonstrations and occupation of administration buildings on college campuses. After 1965, SDS became known primarily for its leading role in the youth movement against the Vietnam War.
SDS was part of a more general youth movement aimed at correcting social injustice in the United States. The civil rights movement that led to the formation of SDS also precipitated another politicized youth movement, the Berkeley Free Speech Movement (FSM), led by a junior philosophy major named Mario Savio. Savio urged his generation to fight against the educational-corporate machine, “There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick to heart that . . . you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop.”
The Free Speech Movement arose as a reaction against the heavy-handed attempts by Berkeley officials, under pressure by prominent local conservatives, to prevent students from collecting donations and recruiting other students for work in the civil rights movement in the segregated South. Official overreaction to mild student resistance led to massive sit-ins and occupation of the university administration building. The arrest of over five hundred demonstrators led to several weeks of even more massive demonstrations and a strike by nearly 70 percent of the Berkeley student body.
The “countercultural” youth movement that SDS and the Free Speech Movement were such a prominent part of was driven by a radical minority of liberal-arts majors and graduate students attending some of the country’s most elite educational institutions. This campus political awakening, dubbed the “New Left,” developed around a core of “red-diaper babies,” the children of parents who were themselves politically active and who had participated in progressive, and even radical, social movements in the 1930s. It was, after all, the youth branch of a socialist organization that had evolved into SDS, and most of SDS’s early recruits were red-diaper babies.
The somewhat vague idealism and altruism of the early SDS is captured in the ringing declarations of the Port Huron Statement: “We would replace power rooted in possession, privilege or circumstances, with power rooted in love, reflectiveness, reason and creativity.” The Port Huron Statement also decried “the permeating and victimizing fact of human degradation, symbolized by the Southern struggle against racial bigotry. . . . [and] the enclosing fact of the Cold War, symbolized by the presence of the Bomb,” which drove the younger generation “as individuals to take responsibility for encounter and resolution.”
The campus activism heralded by the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and SDS’s Port Huron Statement soon spread to colleges and universities all over the United States. Even students who never joined SDS heeded the call to action embodied in the Port Huron Statement and other SDS manifestos. SDS also used a small grant from the United AutoWorkers union to initiate a campaign for grassroots political awakening in working-class neighborhoods. In Hayden’s and Savio’s rhetoric, thousands of students found the vision of a just society that motivated their resistance to what they saw as the impersonality, insensitivity, and rigidity of America’s educational institutions and of the society those institutions served.
Student protesters targeted many perceived injustices, focusing at first on loosening up the university culture itself. They demonstrated against racial discrimination in sororities and fraternities, dress codes, course requirements, and the grading system. They especially protested against university research that benefited the military-industrial complex.
When in January of 1966 President Lyndon Johnson’s administration announced it would abolish automatic student deferments from the draft, student anger over the escalation of the war in Vietnam became more personal and intense. SDS, as a leader of the New Left student movement, seized on antiwar sentiment to kindle a mass student movement. By the end of 1966, over three hundred new SDS chapters had been formed on campuses across the country.
The most popular of SDS’s rallying cries, “Make Love--Not War!” became the motto for the antiwar movement. SDS organized draft-card burnings and disruptions of ROTC classes. Campus recruiters for the military were hounded and harassed by large groups of student protesters. A massive SDS-orchestrated demonstration in New York’s Central Park, the Spring Mobilization to end the War in Vietnam (1969), drew half a million antiwar protesters. Chanting, “Burn cards, not people,” and “Hell, no we won’t go!” hundreds of young men threw their draft cards into a large bonfire.
In 1968, about forty thousand students on nearly a hundred campuses across the country demonstrated against the Vietnam War and against racism. Protest against one often morphed into protest against the other, as at Columbia University, where an antiracist demonstration developed into a huge protest against the war and against military research at the university. The administration building and other campus buildings were occupied by nearly a thousand angry students, who set up barricades and established “revolutionary communes” behind the barricades. When the police stormed the buildings and brutalized the occupying students, the moderate majority of students at Columbia joined in a boycott of classes that shut down the university.
During the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, Mayor Daley’s police attacked five thousand antiwar demonstrators in what investigators would later term a “police riot.” Unfortunately, worse violence was yet to come. The most shocking incident was the unprovoked shooting by Ohio National Guardsmen of four students at Kent State University on 4 May 1970. Also in May, Mississippi state highway patrolmen investigating a student protest fired into a women’s dormitory at Jackson State College, killing two students and wounding eleven. These two incidents led to even more protests on college campuses, though by the time school resumed in the fall, the wave of protests had pretty much burned itself out.
As student activism subsided on the nation’s college campuses, SDS itself began to fall victim to its own internal divisions. Within the SDS organization, highly disciplined factions of hard-line followers of the revolutionary philosophies of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara began to take over the movement. By 1969 these factions were already in evidence. The most notorious of them was the Weather Underground, or Weathermen, which went underground to employ terrorist violence, thus providing the justification the FBI and other government agencies wanted to crack down on the New Left.
Other SDS factions withdrew from the national organization to focus their efforts on the Third World or on the now radicalized Black Power movement. As the Vietnam War began to enter its closing stages, SDS lost much of its rationale for national activism, and by the mid-1970s the organization was essentially dead.
Tom Hayden, the main author of the Port Huron Statement and one of the Chicago Seven, became a progressive politician and to this day remains active in California state politics. His political career is one of the few lasting effects of the movement SDS initiate to make the United States a more just and more humane society. Ironically, one other lasting effect was the right-wing backlash of the late 1970s and 1980s, in which newly politicized social and religious conservatives made use of grassroots organizing techniques borrowed from SDS to propel Ronald Reagan into the presidency and to enact a conservative agenda that rolled back many of the liberal programs and policies of the 1960s and early 1970s.
Early life and career
Main article: Early life and career of Barack Obama
Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Obama, Sr., a Black Kenyan of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a White American from Wichita, Kansas. His parents met while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[4] They separated when he was two years old and later divorced.[5] Obama's father returned to Kenya and saw him only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[6] After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro's home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[7] Obama's mother returned to Hawaii in 1972 for several years and then back to Indonesia for her fieldwork. She died of ovarian cancer in 1995.[8]
Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[9] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[10] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[11] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[12][13]
After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side.[12][14] During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[15] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[16] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks then Kenya for five weeks where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[17]
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[18] In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.[19] Obama's election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[19] He graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago where he had worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[18][20]
The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.[21] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[21] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published as Dreams from My Father in mid-1995.[21]
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• Documents
• Vietnam War
• Free Speech Movement (Berkeley), 1964. Extensive archives collection.
• Columbia University
• Kent State
• Other locations
• Weatherman/Weather Underground
• Books
• Movies
• SDS Graphics
• German SDS
* Radical student group during the 1960s
* Spearheaded the Anti-Vietnam War movement
* Was transformed into Weatherman, a terrorist cult
Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America's democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America's enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy.
Established in late 1959 by Aryeh Neier (Director of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy), SDS held its first meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1960. Its first President was Alan Haber, and its first impress on the political landscape was the Port Huron Statement of 1962, drafted principally by Tom Hayden, a former editor of the University of Michigan's student newspaper. The Port Huron Statement adopted the position of "anti-anti-Communism," refusing to support the West in the Cold War. The statement denounced bigotry in the United States, world hunger and American abundance, materialism, personal alienation, industrialization, the threat of nuclear war, military spending, and the Cold War. Its prescribed solution to Cold War tensions reads as follows:
"Universal controlled disarmament must replace deterrence and arms control as the [American] national defense goal. ... It is necessary that America make disarmament, not nuclear deterrence, 'credible' to the Soviets and to the world. That is, disarmament should be continually avowed as a national goal; concrete plans should be presented at conference tables."
Calling for "participatory democracy," the Port Huron Statement continued: "[The] allocation of resources must be based on social needs. A truly 'public sector' must be established, and its nature debated and planned. At present the majority of America's 'public sector,' the largest part of our public spending is for the military. When great social needs are so pressing, our concept of 'government spending is wrapped up in the 'permanent war economy.'" The Statement promoted the politicization of the University, a call that was answered in Berkeley's Free Speech Movement of 1964, which permanently altered the political atmosphere on college campuses.
SDS's initial efforts at the promotion of civil rights, voting rights, and urban reform were gradually overshadowed by its focus on the Vietnam War. In April 1965, SDS advertised its opposition to the War by participating in the March on Washington.
Many key SDS members were "red-diaper babies," children of parents who were Communist Party members or Communist activists in the 1930s. In 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson abolished student draft deferments, some 300 new SDS chapters were formed. Among the organization's activities were: disrupting ROTC classes, staging draft card burnings, and harassing campus recruiters for the CIA and for firms that conducted research tied in some way to national defense. SDS also occupied buildings at universities such as Columbia and destroyed draft records.
At the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, SDS protestors, organized by Tom Hayden, created a riot in order to destroy the electoral chances of the pro-war liberal Hubert Humphrey, and thereby set the stage for a confrontation with the Nixon Administration over the Vietnam War. Hayden and his cohorts -- including Jerry Rubin, Abby Hoffman and Black Panther Bobby Seale -- were arrested and indicted for crossing state lines to incite a riot. They became known as The Chicago Seven. In a celebrated trial (whose guilty verdict was subsequently overturned on a technicality), they were given token sentences.
In 1969 SDS began imploding into factions. One of them, a group calling itself Weatherman, was elected to SDS leadership and proclaimed that the time had come to launch a race war on behalf of the Third World and against the United States. The new entity dissolved SDS and formed a terrorist cult in its place, which was given the name Weather Underground.
SDS: Students for Democratic Society
Students for Democratic Society (SDS) were part of the New Left, the student political movement that protested the Vietnam War in the United States.
Related Terms:
RED DIAPER BABIES--The children of people who had been active members of progressive, sometimes even radical, social movements during the 1930s (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.)
NEW LEFT--A political movement originating in the United States in the 1960s that actively advocated (as by demonstrations and education efforts) radical changes in prevailing social, political, and educational practices (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY--A socialist organization whose youth branch developed into Students for a Democratic Society (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
FREE SPEECH MOVEMENT (FSM)--Student movement at the University of California, Berkeley, formed in 1964 to protest limitations on political activities on campus (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
COUNTERCULTURE--Various alternatives to mainstream values and behaviors that became popular in the 1960s, including experimentation with psychedelic drugs, communal living, a return to the land, Asian religions, and experimental art (Webster's Dictionary, 9th ed.).
WEATHER UNDERGROUND (WEATHERMEN)--Hardline, terroristic faction that split off from SDS in 1969 and went underground.
CHICAGO SEVEN-Seven young men who were arrested and tried as leaders of the antiwar protests at the Democratic National Convention in 1968.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a radical youth group established in the United States in 1959, developed out of the youth branch of an older socialist educational organization, the League for Industrial Democracy. The newly formed SDS held its first organizational meeting in 1960 at Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Robert Alan Haber was elected president.
The political manifesto for SDS, the Port Huron Statement, was written for the most part by Tom Hayden, a twenty-two-year-old former editor of the student newspaper at the University of Michigan. The document, adopted in 1962 by the sixty or so founding members of SDS, criticized the American political system for failing to achieve international peace or to effectively address a myriad of social ills, including racism, materialism, militarism, poverty, and exploitation. The Port Huron Statement called for a fully “participatory democracy,” which would empower citizens to share in the social decisions that directly affected their lives and well-being. It was the founders’ fervent, if somewhat naĂŻve, belief that a nonviolent youth movement could transform U.S. society into a model political system in which the people, rather than just the social elite, would control social policy.
At first SDS focused its efforts on helping to promote the civil rights movement and on efforts to improve conditions in urban ghettoes. In April of 1965, SDS organized a national march on Washington, D.C., and from that point on the movement grew increasingly militant, especially in its opposition to the Vietnam War, employing such tactics as rowdy (though not violent) demonstrations and occupation of administration buildings on college campuses. After 1965, SDS became known primarily for its leading role in the youth movement against the Vietnam War.
SDS was part of a more general youth movement aimed at correcting social injustice in the United States. The civil rights movement that led to the formation of SDS also precipitated another politicized youth movement, the Berkeley Free Speech Movement (FSM), led by a junior philosophy major named Mario Savio. Savio urged his generation to fight against the educational-corporate machine, “There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick to heart that . . . you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop.”
The Free Speech Movement arose as a reaction against the heavy-handed attempts by Berkeley officials, under pressure by prominent local conservatives, to prevent students from collecting donations and recruiting other students for work in the civil rights movement in the segregated South. Official overreaction to mild student resistance led to massive sit-ins and occupation of the university administration building. The arrest of over five hundred demonstrators led to several weeks of even more massive demonstrations and a strike by nearly 70 percent of the Berkeley student body.
The “countercultural” youth movement that SDS and the Free Speech Movement were such a prominent part of was driven by a radical minority of liberal-arts majors and graduate students attending some of the country’s most elite educational institutions. This campus political awakening, dubbed the “New Left,” developed around a core of “red-diaper babies,” the children of parents who were themselves politically active and who had participated in progressive, and even radical, social movements in the 1930s. It was, after all, the youth branch of a socialist organization that had evolved into SDS, and most of SDS’s early recruits were red-diaper babies.
The somewhat vague idealism and altruism of the early SDS is captured in the ringing declarations of the Port Huron Statement: “We would replace power rooted in possession, privilege or circumstances, with power rooted in love, reflectiveness, reason and creativity.” The Port Huron Statement also decried “the permeating and victimizing fact of human degradation, symbolized by the Southern struggle against racial bigotry. . . . [and] the enclosing fact of the Cold War, symbolized by the presence of the Bomb,” which drove the younger generation “as individuals to take responsibility for encounter and resolution.”
The campus activism heralded by the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and SDS’s Port Huron Statement soon spread to colleges and universities all over the United States. Even students who never joined SDS heeded the call to action embodied in the Port Huron Statement and other SDS manifestos. SDS also used a small grant from the United AutoWorkers union to initiate a campaign for grassroots political awakening in working-class neighborhoods. In Hayden’s and Savio’s rhetoric, thousands of students found the vision of a just society that motivated their resistance to what they saw as the impersonality, insensitivity, and rigidity of America’s educational institutions and of the society those institutions served.
Student protesters targeted many perceived injustices, focusing at first on loosening up the university culture itself. They demonstrated against racial discrimination in sororities and fraternities, dress codes, course requirements, and the grading system. They especially protested against university research that benefited the military-industrial complex.
When in January of 1966 President Lyndon Johnson’s administration announced it would abolish automatic student deferments from the draft, student anger over the escalation of the war in Vietnam became more personal and intense. SDS, as a leader of the New Left student movement, seized on antiwar sentiment to kindle a mass student movement. By the end of 1966, over three hundred new SDS chapters had been formed on campuses across the country.
The most popular of SDS’s rallying cries, “Make Love--Not War!” became the motto for the antiwar movement. SDS organized draft-card burnings and disruptions of ROTC classes. Campus recruiters for the military were hounded and harassed by large groups of student protesters. A massive SDS-orchestrated demonstration in New York’s Central Park, the Spring Mobilization to end the War in Vietnam (1969), drew half a million antiwar protesters. Chanting, “Burn cards, not people,” and “Hell, no we won’t go!” hundreds of young men threw their draft cards into a large bonfire.
In 1968, about forty thousand students on nearly a hundred campuses across the country demonstrated against the Vietnam War and against racism. Protest against one often morphed into protest against the other, as at Columbia University, where an antiracist demonstration developed into a huge protest against the war and against military research at the university. The administration building and other campus buildings were occupied by nearly a thousand angry students, who set up barricades and established “revolutionary communes” behind the barricades. When the police stormed the buildings and brutalized the occupying students, the moderate majority of students at Columbia joined in a boycott of classes that shut down the university.
During the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, Mayor Daley’s police attacked five thousand antiwar demonstrators in what investigators would later term a “police riot.” Unfortunately, worse violence was yet to come. The most shocking incident was the unprovoked shooting by Ohio National Guardsmen of four students at Kent State University on 4 May 1970. Also in May, Mississippi state highway patrolmen investigating a student protest fired into a women’s dormitory at Jackson State College, killing two students and wounding eleven. These two incidents led to even more protests on college campuses, though by the time school resumed in the fall, the wave of protests had pretty much burned itself out.
As student activism subsided on the nation’s college campuses, SDS itself began to fall victim to its own internal divisions. Within the SDS organization, highly disciplined factions of hard-line followers of the revolutionary philosophies of Mao Zedong and Che Guevara began to take over the movement. By 1969 these factions were already in evidence. The most notorious of them was the Weather Underground, or Weathermen, which went underground to employ terrorist violence, thus providing the justification the FBI and other government agencies wanted to crack down on the New Left.
Other SDS factions withdrew from the national organization to focus their efforts on the Third World or on the now radicalized Black Power movement. As the Vietnam War began to enter its closing stages, SDS lost much of its rationale for national activism, and by the mid-1970s the organization was essentially dead.
Tom Hayden, the main author of the Port Huron Statement and one of the Chicago Seven, became a progressive politician and to this day remains active in California state politics. His political career is one of the few lasting effects of the movement SDS initiate to make the United States a more just and more humane society. Ironically, one other lasting effect was the right-wing backlash of the late 1970s and 1980s, in which newly politicized social and religious conservatives made use of grassroots organizing techniques borrowed from SDS to propel Ronald Reagan into the presidency and to enact a conservative agenda that rolled back many of the liberal programs and policies of the 1960s and early 1970s.
Early life and career
Main article: Early life and career of Barack Obama
Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Obama, Sr., a Black Kenyan of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a White American from Wichita, Kansas. His parents met while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was a foreign student.[4] They separated when he was two years old and later divorced.[5] Obama's father returned to Kenya and saw him only once more before dying in an automobile accident in 1982.[6] After her divorce, Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and the family moved to Soetoro's home country of Indonesia in 1967, where Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he was ten years old. He then returned to Honolulu to live with his maternal grandparents while attending Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979.[7] Obama's mother returned to Hawaii in 1972 for several years and then back to Indonesia for her fieldwork. She died of ovarian cancer in 1995.[8]
Following high school, Obama moved to Los Angeles, where he studied at Occidental College for two years.[9] He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations.[10] Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983, then worked for a year at the Business International Corporation[11] and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.[12][13]
After four years in New York City, Obama moved to Chicago to work as a community organizer for three years from June 1985 to May 1988 as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago's far South Side.[12][14] During his three years as the DCP's director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[15] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[16] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time to Europe for three weeks then Kenya for five weeks where he met many of his Kenyan relatives for the first time.[17]
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[18] In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.[19] Obama's election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[19] He graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago where he had worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[18][20]
The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.[21] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[21] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published as Dreams from My Father in mid-1995.[21]
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Reports which were the original reports on SDI (Students for a Democratic Soceity) and the 1960s Counter Coulter and anti-Vietnam and anti-Pentagon sentiments are MIA. Here is what they analyzed and were about. The date on these reports were 1989 while in night school.
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962
Courtesy Office of Sen. Tom Hayden.
Introductory Note: This document represents the results of several months of writing and discussion among the membership, a draft paper, and revision by the Students for a Democratic Society national convention meeting in \cf2 Port Huron\cf0 , Michigan, June 11-15, 1962. It is represented as a document with which SDS officially identifies, but also as a living document open to change with our times and experiences. It is a beginning: in our own debate and education, in our dialogue with society.
published and distributed by Students for a Democratic Society 112 East 19 Street New York 3, New York GRamercy 3-2181
We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit.
When we were kids the United States was the wealthiest and strongest country in the world: the only one with the atom bomb, the least scarred by modern war, an initiator of the United Nations that we thought would distribute Western influence throughout the world. Freedom and equality for each individual, government of, by, and for the people -- these American values we found good, principles by which we could live as men. Many of us began maturing in complacency.
As we grew, however, our comfort was penetrated by events too troubling to dismiss. First, the permeating and victimizing fact of human degradation, symbolized by the Southern struggle against racial bigotry, compelled most of us from silence to activism. Second, the enclosing fact of the Cold War, symbolized by the presence of the Bomb, brought awareness that we ourselves, and our friends, and millions of abstract "others" we knew more directly because of our common peril, might die at any time. We might deliberately ignore, or avoid, or fail to feel all other human problems, but not these two, for these were too immediate and crushing in their impact, too challenging in the demand that we as individuals take the responsibility for encounter and resolution.
While these and other problems either directly oppressed us or rankled our consciences and became our own subjective concerns, we began to see complicated and disturbing paradoxes in our surrounding America. The declaration "all men are created equal . . . rang hollow before the facts of Negro life in the South and the big cities of the North. The proclaimed peaceful intentions of the United States contradicted its economic and military investments in the Cold War status quo.
We witnessed, and continue to witness, other paradoxes. With nuclear energy whole cities can easily be powered, yet the dominant nationstates seem more likely to unleash destruction greater than that incurred in all wars of human history. Although our own technology is destroying old and creating new forms of social organization, men still tolerate meaningless work and idleness. While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment, our own upper classes revel amidst superfluous abundance. Although world population is expected to double in forty years, the nations still tolerate anarchy as a major principle of international conduct and uncontrolled exploitation governs the sapping of the earth's physical resources. Although mankind desperately needs revolutionary leadership, America rests in national stalemate, its goals ambiguous and tradition-bound instead of informed and clear, its democratic system apathetic and manipulated rather than "of, by, and for the people."
Not only did tarnish appear on our image of American virtue, not only did disillusion occur when the hypocrisy of American ideals was discovered, but we began to sense that what we had originally seen as the American Golden Age was actually the decline of an era. The worldwide outbreak of revolution against colonialism and imperialism, the entrenchment of totalitarian states, the menace of war, overpopulation, international disorder, supertechnology -- these trends were testing the tenacity of our own commitment to democracy and freedom and our abilities to visualize their application to a world in upheaval.
Our work is guided by the sense that we may be the last generation in the experiment with living. But we are a minority -- the vast majority of our people regard the temporary equilibriums of our society and world as eternally-functional parts. In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present. Beneath the reassuring tones of the politicians, beneath the common opinion that America will "muddle through", beneath the stagnation of those who have closed their minds to the future, is the pervading feeling that there simply are no alternatives, that our times have witnessed the exhaustion not only of Utopias, but of any new departures as well. Feeling the press of complexity upon the emptiness of life, people are fearful of the thought that at any moment things might thrust out of control. They fear change itself, since change might smash whatever invisible framework seems to hold back chaos for them now. For most Americans, all crusades are suspect, threatening. The fact that each individual sees apathy in his fellows perpetuates the common reluctance to organize for change. The dominant institutions are complex enough to blunt the minds of their potential critics, and entrenched enough to swiftly dissipate or entirely repel the energies of protest and reform, thus limiting human expectancies. Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change.
Some would have us believe that Americans feel contentment amidst prosperity -- but might it not better be called a glaze above deeplyfelt anxieties about their role in the new world? And if these anxieties produce a developed indifference to human affairs, do they not as well produce a yearning to believe there is an alternative to the present, that something can be done to change circumstances in the school, the workplaces, the bureaucracies, the government? It is to this latter yearning, at once the spark and engine of change, that we direct our present appeal. The search for truly democratic alternatives to the present, and a commitment to social experimentation with them, is a worthy and fulfilling human enterprise, one which moves us and, we hope, others today. On such a basis do we offer this document of our convictions and analysis: as an effort in understanding and changing the conditions of humanity in the late twentieth century, an effort rooted in the ancient, still unfulfilled conception of man attaining determining influence over his circumstances of life.
Cyber_Warfare_HQ - BIOGRAPHY (
Ann Coulter – BIOGRAPHY (
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962
Courtesy Office of Sen. Tom Hayden.
Introductory Note: This document represents the results of several months of writing and discussion among the membership, a draft paper, and revision by the Students for a Democratic Society national convention meeting in \cf2 Port Huron\cf0 , Michigan, June 11-15, 1962. It is represented as a document with which SDS officially identifies, but also as a living document open to change with our times and experiences. It is a beginning: in our own debate and education, in our dialogue with society.
published and distributed by Students for a Democratic Society 112 East 19 Street New York 3, New York GRamercy 3-2181
We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit.
When we were kids the United States was the wealthiest and strongest country in the world: the only one with the atom bomb, the least scarred by modern war, an initiator of the United Nations that we thought would distribute Western influence throughout the world. Freedom and equality for each individual, government of, by, and for the people -- these American values we found good, principles by which we could live as men. Many of us began maturing in complacency.
As we grew, however, our comfort was penetrated by events too troubling to dismiss. First, the permeating and victimizing fact of human degradation, symbolized by the Southern struggle against racial bigotry, compelled most of us from silence to activism. Second, the enclosing fact of the Cold War, symbolized by the presence of the Bomb, brought awareness that we ourselves, and our friends, and millions of abstract "others" we knew more directly because of our common peril, might die at any time. We might deliberately ignore, or avoid, or fail to feel all other human problems, but not these two, for these were too immediate and crushing in their impact, too challenging in the demand that we as individuals take the responsibility for encounter and resolution.
While these and other problems either directly oppressed us or rankled our consciences and became our own subjective concerns, we began to see complicated and disturbing paradoxes in our surrounding America. The declaration "all men are created equal . . . rang hollow before the facts of Negro life in the South and the big cities of the North. The proclaimed peaceful intentions of the United States contradicted its economic and military investments in the Cold War status quo.
We witnessed, and continue to witness, other paradoxes. With nuclear energy whole cities can easily be powered, yet the dominant nationstates seem more likely to unleash destruction greater than that incurred in all wars of human history. Although our own technology is destroying old and creating new forms of social organization, men still tolerate meaningless work and idleness. While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment, our own upper classes revel amidst superfluous abundance. Although world population is expected to double in forty years, the nations still tolerate anarchy as a major principle of international conduct and uncontrolled exploitation governs the sapping of the earth's physical resources. Although mankind desperately needs revolutionary leadership, America rests in national stalemate, its goals ambiguous and tradition-bound instead of informed and clear, its democratic system apathetic and manipulated rather than "of, by, and for the people."
Not only did tarnish appear on our image of American virtue, not only did disillusion occur when the hypocrisy of American ideals was discovered, but we began to sense that what we had originally seen as the American Golden Age was actually the decline of an era. The worldwide outbreak of revolution against colonialism and imperialism, the entrenchment of totalitarian states, the menace of war, overpopulation, international disorder, supertechnology -- these trends were testing the tenacity of our own commitment to democracy and freedom and our abilities to visualize their application to a world in upheaval.
Our work is guided by the sense that we may be the last generation in the experiment with living. But we are a minority -- the vast majority of our people regard the temporary equilibriums of our society and world as eternally-functional parts. In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present. Beneath the reassuring tones of the politicians, beneath the common opinion that America will "muddle through", beneath the stagnation of those who have closed their minds to the future, is the pervading feeling that there simply are no alternatives, that our times have witnessed the exhaustion not only of Utopias, but of any new departures as well. Feeling the press of complexity upon the emptiness of life, people are fearful of the thought that at any moment things might thrust out of control. They fear change itself, since change might smash whatever invisible framework seems to hold back chaos for them now. For most Americans, all crusades are suspect, threatening. The fact that each individual sees apathy in his fellows perpetuates the common reluctance to organize for change. The dominant institutions are complex enough to blunt the minds of their potential critics, and entrenched enough to swiftly dissipate or entirely repel the energies of protest and reform, thus limiting human expectancies. Then, too, we are a materially improved society, and by our own improvements we seem to have weakened the case for further change.
Some would have us believe that Americans feel contentment amidst prosperity -- but might it not better be called a glaze above deeplyfelt anxieties about their role in the new world? And if these anxieties produce a developed indifference to human affairs, do they not as well produce a yearning to believe there is an alternative to the present, that something can be done to change circumstances in the school, the workplaces, the bureaucracies, the government? It is to this latter yearning, at once the spark and engine of change, that we direct our present appeal. The search for truly democratic alternatives to the present, and a commitment to social experimentation with them, is a worthy and fulfilling human enterprise, one which moves us and, we hope, others today. On such a basis do we offer this document of our convictions and analysis: as an effort in understanding and changing the conditions of humanity in the late twentieth century, an effort rooted in the ancient, still unfulfilled conception of man attaining determining influence over his circumstances of life.
Cyber_Warfare_HQ - BIOGRAPHY (
Ann Coulter – BIOGRAPHY (
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Slander and dime store Khmer Rouge is the new killing season in political circles. Apparently, slander is no longer the business of liberals. Let me see if anyone can define conservatism and if so, please correct “US” at your freedom and constitutionality. “We” apologize if education slanders liberals but that is the basis of conservatism and liberalism. Conservatism is the affirmation that liberalism is nothing more than slander and in order to prove slander there are two ingredients. The first is the truth and the second is a negative impact or action. Conservatism does not anger the truth nor slanders the principle, quite the contrary; it is liberalism that is the dumbest act in history and the dividing line between conservatives and the idea behind conservatism. The business of liberals is to slander conservatives and capitalism, not the reverse. They hijack the movement and this is how they got the party started.
Website (Note: the sight of former President Ronald Reagan and last bastion of conservatives). The entire movement has been hijacked and is being occupied by fakes or some rogue and they lack the understanding to either argue or espouse conservative ideas. If and when the conservatives loose touch with the truth or resort to low IQ conservatism, then slander will become their BS also. Slander is the business of liberals and it is profitable, now it is the staple of conservatism or so they are trying to rewrite it. So we get the dumbest act on the planet now on this other side. (Are this Rush, GW, Rove, and the straight talk express behind this or who is behind it?) Who are the sales people who are making such a forcible entry similar to a dime store Khmer Rouge conservative? This will define the last ten years and the seepage of this problem or the inability to contain it because it is getting bigger and larger.
Threatening the idea of conservatism or hijacking it? In two days, two "Super Moderators (Hane, Liberty, Fuzzball, and Andophiroxia) on a conservative sight send some warning message of banning." All sent a message about coming to the sight and how it was not able to pull off an act. Apparently, the conservatives are in the business of Slander now and not just liberals. These are the top moderators on the site and also this ongoing battle with conservatives who only have a High School education. The entire conservative movement is a “dime store Khmer Rouge” party of overweight and flawed fakes who are now in the business of slandering others which is the business of liberals. They are too weak for the movement itself and wish to only control and turn it into a “dime store Khmer Rouge” liberal party where they judge favoritism on the lower form of IQ, thus labor and unions.
You have been banned for the following reason: (Two days and 4 super moderators)
Banned for one year for lying and for wearing tin foil hats in the house.
Date the ban will be lifted: 08-03-2009, 05:30 PM
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This is who we were dealing with and why they are implicated as a spy ring and a terrorist cell that we had implicated and wanted us gone. We can now put all the pieces together and all the experience of living under and so close to this breed of inferior human we know as liberals who created a new political class of human beings called the political breed of jackasses. This slander express and cannibal express is not only full of hate and deceit, but they want to be acknowledged as your friendly and peaceful libel liberal. Is coming to a local, state, and federal box office near you and they will reveal their next best slander and scam. When all is said and done, the one who will be holding the bag of liberal scrotum will be the conservatives and the Republican, what we know to be the bastion of right wing and the last line of defense against the cannibal express.
That bag of liberal scrotum is dangerous and it can cost this nation the inability to mobilize the best and the brightest. In other words, this could have cost many defections and squandering of talent while their brand of affirmative action refuses the merits of breathing in what their Mayflower Compact cost this nation in terms of the unborn. Their slander prevented talent from eradicating the enemy which we know to be a breed of coward who ambush us with a slanderous game of “who likes who or who made you.”
Their brand of inferior religion washed on these shores to breed, feed, rumor and gossip, and take a sweeping negation of capitalism while our enemies began to swarm and surround this ambush of anti-communism. We know the liberals to be excellent cowards and excellent traders and now we have a first class ticket on their slander express and cannibal-balls express. This is your slandering trader and who we know to be a coward and weak on communism. We have a first hand view of their Mayflower Compact and their little plot of the political future.
Once again, they will end up preventing our best and brightest from defeating the enemies while they set up the slander express to ambush the next best thing their scams and hoax can feed on like a predator. This is the coward, this is the slander express, this is your inferior breed, this is your elite jackass liberal predator, this is your friendly peaceful hateful slug, and this is your trader now is wishing to fight and have been implicated as not considering any means to their ends. Not even homicidal cold blooded murder. To they deny this or do they wish to perpetuate it so the world can see and to spread this liberal express which is ambushing the future and the way history is written? This could have cost priceless lives.
Website (Note: the sight of former President Ronald Reagan and last bastion of conservatives). The entire movement has been hijacked and is being occupied by fakes or some rogue and they lack the understanding to either argue or espouse conservative ideas. If and when the conservatives loose touch with the truth or resort to low IQ conservatism, then slander will become their BS also. Slander is the business of liberals and it is profitable, now it is the staple of conservatism or so they are trying to rewrite it. So we get the dumbest act on the planet now on this other side. (Are this Rush, GW, Rove, and the straight talk express behind this or who is behind it?) Who are the sales people who are making such a forcible entry similar to a dime store Khmer Rouge conservative? This will define the last ten years and the seepage of this problem or the inability to contain it because it is getting bigger and larger.
Threatening the idea of conservatism or hijacking it? In two days, two "Super Moderators (Hane, Liberty, Fuzzball, and Andophiroxia) on a conservative sight send some warning message of banning." All sent a message about coming to the sight and how it was not able to pull off an act. Apparently, the conservatives are in the business of Slander now and not just liberals. These are the top moderators on the site and also this ongoing battle with conservatives who only have a High School education. The entire conservative movement is a “dime store Khmer Rouge” party of overweight and flawed fakes who are now in the business of slandering others which is the business of liberals. They are too weak for the movement itself and wish to only control and turn it into a “dime store Khmer Rouge” liberal party where they judge favoritism on the lower form of IQ, thus labor and unions.
You have been banned for the following reason: (Two days and 4 super moderators)
Banned for one year for lying and for wearing tin foil hats in the house.
Date the ban will be lifted: 08-03-2009, 05:30 PM
Posting Rules
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You may not edit your posts
This is who we were dealing with and why they are implicated as a spy ring and a terrorist cell that we had implicated and wanted us gone. We can now put all the pieces together and all the experience of living under and so close to this breed of inferior human we know as liberals who created a new political class of human beings called the political breed of jackasses. This slander express and cannibal express is not only full of hate and deceit, but they want to be acknowledged as your friendly and peaceful libel liberal. Is coming to a local, state, and federal box office near you and they will reveal their next best slander and scam. When all is said and done, the one who will be holding the bag of liberal scrotum will be the conservatives and the Republican, what we know to be the bastion of right wing and the last line of defense against the cannibal express.
That bag of liberal scrotum is dangerous and it can cost this nation the inability to mobilize the best and the brightest. In other words, this could have cost many defections and squandering of talent while their brand of affirmative action refuses the merits of breathing in what their Mayflower Compact cost this nation in terms of the unborn. Their slander prevented talent from eradicating the enemy which we know to be a breed of coward who ambush us with a slanderous game of “who likes who or who made you.”
Their brand of inferior religion washed on these shores to breed, feed, rumor and gossip, and take a sweeping negation of capitalism while our enemies began to swarm and surround this ambush of anti-communism. We know the liberals to be excellent cowards and excellent traders and now we have a first class ticket on their slander express and cannibal-balls express. This is your slandering trader and who we know to be a coward and weak on communism. We have a first hand view of their Mayflower Compact and their little plot of the political future.
Once again, they will end up preventing our best and brightest from defeating the enemies while they set up the slander express to ambush the next best thing their scams and hoax can feed on like a predator. This is the coward, this is the slander express, this is your inferior breed, this is your elite jackass liberal predator, this is your friendly peaceful hateful slug, and this is your trader now is wishing to fight and have been implicated as not considering any means to their ends. Not even homicidal cold blooded murder. To they deny this or do they wish to perpetuate it so the world can see and to spread this liberal express which is ambushing the future and the way history is written? This could have cost priceless lives.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
This world is facing some of the most difficult and hardest times it will see in the history of mankind. Whenever you have crisis and emergency, you have to have a way to obtain solutions. You have to have someone, something, or some way to practice the ability to think, identify problems, propose ideas and science, and then take swift or necessary action. When you get Al Qaeda; some cell; some rogue; some con man; or some insane political atmosphere so venomous they are in hiding. We call this the ski mask debates and the ability to dodge the cynicism and the scornful appraisals. No solutions will ever be met. No explanation will ever be met. If this is the case, then go ahead and put a warrant out for their arrest and that will speed up, expedite, and forward the need for solutions. This is about control and what this control is for. This is about jurisdiction and legal challenges which have no benefit but legal merit. This is about the honor system to this process of solution and the merits acquired on the way.
We know now the goal of Al Qaeda and that is to form a political circle or to seek entry into the political circle and one of the cards was the terrorism card. You have to be near in the center core if you want to feel, taste, experience, and consider the heat. We also know why the rash or the outbreak of incidents. The funds are running out and the need to locate a host is part of the search. The approach is very subtle and even the best in the world are not even able to detect, notice, or become aware of it. There is no way for communism to survive in a post communist world and with new analysis which has changed the game finally. The game has changed wholly, why would they bring back the need for funds or militarism in order to complete it?
The liberals and the left have two wings; the political wing and the militant wing and it does not seem like they notice. It does not seem as if they care one way or the other. We need solutions to a post communist world and not the rebirth of it. We need political leaders who do not have two or three thoughts living in the same moment of time and space. We need real solutions and not this return to communism or the appeals we are hearing. Let us make this real understandable, this is about freedom, and when you stack the liberal alongside the conservatives, you have two incompatible creatures that are both going nuts or loosing their minds. We need to bring back this process of solutions and seeking solutions. That is going to involve responsibility, accountability, and truth telling. We know when and if they have abandoned it or will abandon it. We know it yet they want others to acknowledge it, maybe in a pre communist world but unquestionably not a post communist world.
If the liberals have decided to become dependent on the conservatives to give them change they can believe in, then it should be very evident it will not be compatible and never will be compatible to the return to communism which they are stuck in. We need a process to deal with very difficult crisis and emergencies, not this pollution and what has been documented or observed. They still have not paid their debt and already they wish to expand it more. Let us address the problem before we go and figure out an empty solution. They have not paid their debt. They have not met their goals. They have not cringed to anything but the past and now they want change we both can believe in. This change is not compatible simply because we have two thoughts existing in one time and space. In this world, the capacity for the earth and the economic system to support its population has been exceeded already, it is too late. There is no return and there is no need to exacerbate or worsen the problem. We need to know how far they will or can take it. Once we know, then we can bring back the process of figuring out solutions and being compatible to the change we all can believe in. We can plan and we can actually make a difference, but we need to know what the problem is.
The setback is not how we “think” the liberals are guilty; the problem is how we “know” they are guilty. The worst problem is how they adapt, acclimate, immerse, or assimilate others to this standoff for their way of life, “what the hell are you going to do about it?” Ignore us. Then “they” go one more step to declare how better they are and can do it better, “not a damn thing.” They are one hundred percent conscious and act with lethal precision which they attribute to the “faith” and “family values.” This “bow to your masters” is not a suicide pact to offer the head for an upward swing but instead a downward swing and gravity. If nothing works, its time to call a mob hit to “help make it better” and “improve business relations.”
Al Qaeda knows that people would never sit there and do a damn thing and this is why they brag and strut their stuff before their wounded and even go so far as to show how they operate. It could be true and you could be right; so just answer our questions before you go crazy. You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
Let me sum this up the legality. Here is the legality. You do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or ignore the issue? Or do you? That is the power to turn into a bag of crap overnight; you do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or the issue before? You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
We know now the goal of Al Qaeda and that is to form a political circle or to seek entry into the political circle and one of the cards was the terrorism card. You have to be near in the center core if you want to feel, taste, experience, and consider the heat. We also know why the rash or the outbreak of incidents. The funds are running out and the need to locate a host is part of the search. The approach is very subtle and even the best in the world are not even able to detect, notice, or become aware of it. There is no way for communism to survive in a post communist world and with new analysis which has changed the game finally. The game has changed wholly, why would they bring back the need for funds or militarism in order to complete it?
The liberals and the left have two wings; the political wing and the militant wing and it does not seem like they notice. It does not seem as if they care one way or the other. We need solutions to a post communist world and not the rebirth of it. We need political leaders who do not have two or three thoughts living in the same moment of time and space. We need real solutions and not this return to communism or the appeals we are hearing. Let us make this real understandable, this is about freedom, and when you stack the liberal alongside the conservatives, you have two incompatible creatures that are both going nuts or loosing their minds. We need to bring back this process of solutions and seeking solutions. That is going to involve responsibility, accountability, and truth telling. We know when and if they have abandoned it or will abandon it. We know it yet they want others to acknowledge it, maybe in a pre communist world but unquestionably not a post communist world.
If the liberals have decided to become dependent on the conservatives to give them change they can believe in, then it should be very evident it will not be compatible and never will be compatible to the return to communism which they are stuck in. We need a process to deal with very difficult crisis and emergencies, not this pollution and what has been documented or observed. They still have not paid their debt and already they wish to expand it more. Let us address the problem before we go and figure out an empty solution. They have not paid their debt. They have not met their goals. They have not cringed to anything but the past and now they want change we both can believe in. This change is not compatible simply because we have two thoughts existing in one time and space. In this world, the capacity for the earth and the economic system to support its population has been exceeded already, it is too late. There is no return and there is no need to exacerbate or worsen the problem. We need to know how far they will or can take it. Once we know, then we can bring back the process of figuring out solutions and being compatible to the change we all can believe in. We can plan and we can actually make a difference, but we need to know what the problem is.
The setback is not how we “think” the liberals are guilty; the problem is how we “know” they are guilty. The worst problem is how they adapt, acclimate, immerse, or assimilate others to this standoff for their way of life, “what the hell are you going to do about it?” Ignore us. Then “they” go one more step to declare how better they are and can do it better, “not a damn thing.” They are one hundred percent conscious and act with lethal precision which they attribute to the “faith” and “family values.” This “bow to your masters” is not a suicide pact to offer the head for an upward swing but instead a downward swing and gravity. If nothing works, its time to call a mob hit to “help make it better” and “improve business relations.”
Al Qaeda knows that people would never sit there and do a damn thing and this is why they brag and strut their stuff before their wounded and even go so far as to show how they operate. It could be true and you could be right; so just answer our questions before you go crazy. You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
Let me sum this up the legality. Here is the legality. You do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or ignore the issue? Or do you? That is the power to turn into a bag of crap overnight; you do not have a clue what right and wrong is so why would you ignore the question or the issue before? You won’t do a damn thing, that is, unlike liberals who sit there and do not do a damn thing. So if you are a liberal, then we know you will not do a damn thing. Al Qaeda will never do a damn thing about it. We know they will not do a damn thing and will never surrender. That is the magic of liberals.
If it is not so obvious how toxic and pollutant the liberals and the left wing is; then there is another facet which they are not telling others. These people are nothing more than a pure unadulterated swine and communist. They know how the exposure to them is so debilitating to the human soul and how paralyzing depressing their presence is. Now amplify this over and over in a thunderous bolt of ambition and political conquest. The former communist forces do not see these changes and spending cuts as change or a new peace, they see it as a simple disagreement. They do not see their dependency and vicious barbaric attacks as a problem, they see it as only a disagreement and a mutual benefit.
They do not see liberals and left wing politics as incompatible to conservatives or freedom; they feel both sides are guilty but the other side is guiltier. We do not know what they will or will not agree or disagree with, they simply wish control and made it clear they are in control; we do not know what will make them pass the needed legislation to begin internment (much like the Japanese internment during World War II) and the removal of the liberals and the left wing; we do not know how far they want to take this or will take this or what they are up to. These are people who are incompatible to life, freedom, conservatives, angry, upset, and the most powerful and gigantic spy ring anyone has ever witness or were attacked by.
The liberals and the left wing know how to split the human being into two pieces. It is a psychological warfare developed by the former Soviet Union to torture and to increase the propensity for conformity and benevolence. This can also be scientifically proven because if you have ever been exposed to the left wing and their vicious attacks, then you will know and feel the transformation. This is not the problem or the real problem.
The real problem is when they call in crack teams and special spy ring leaders to become handlers and puppet masters. They split the human soul in two and if you are not aware or prepared, they will split you in half. You will begin to hate yourself because everything you do and say will be held against you. Regardless of the substance or truth, regardless of the lack of any mistruth, regardless of any plea for mercy; they are beyond vicious and beyond barbaric.
These are part of their face off and stand off, to produce an alter ego. When they have their presence inside someone it grows and they can begin to grow it. The minute the alter ego takes over and goes on a lunatic fringe, it begins to overpower the weaker or the less violence. That in itself is the entire backbone of the communist revolution; it is also the backbone of the liberal revolution. They choose people based on their resumes and their ability to fit into the party agenda. This is by far, the largest and most ostensible spy ring in the history of mankind and to distance the knowledge by describing them as “huge” is an understatement. They are beyond huge and what their goal is, to equal the military power and to stay competitive with the conservatives and right wing. They are vulnerable to attack and toppling their power is at a whim unless they can shore up this divide. The gap is also tremendous; however, when they concentrate all their resources on only a few targets, it gives the appearance of invincible might.
At this time, the liberals and the left wing are desperate for government aid and funds. The end of communism has drained them of all funding and resources which has left them vulnerable to attack. They must get military aid to prevent either mutiny or toppling in their hierarchy. Insofar as the use of the terrorism card, Al Qaeda will do things and be able to keep it continuous due to their political reach and political influence. They are present and in charge in both party systems and claim they can also be right wing leaders. It is the most deceptive spies and spy ring we have ever witnessed, stared down, or fought. From 1995 and even during the 1980s, we believe they had sat in waiting for the opportunity to contact and communicate to us. From 1995 to 2008 they put us under attack and kept this up to the maximum degree until 2008 and ongoing. This is how powerful and how much presence they have.
What they do not know or understand was the idea that in a post communist world, we also had to determine what they are up to. We never went to them; they came to us looking for inclusion into the political circle. They also say how mutual the situation is and begin to advance the idea of massive funding and aid for their forces. This is when they are the most dangerous and most lethal. If you resist, then you will have the collapsing effect of one of the most ostensible and large spy networks ever. They have seized massive portions of the police state and use what they control back onto the resistance to level and flatten them. It feels like a nuclear bomb underneath you which lifts you up and throws you onto another area of earth.
The communist forces do not feel the end of communism must necessarily mean the end to their funds. They are angry with the decision. Due to the total lack of security, massive foreign and military aid had flowed to the communist and socialist forces. In the post Cold War world, they want more. They are checking and targeting specific new candidates on the political scene to determine how much of threat they are or will be. The penetration by this huge spy ring was so successful and deceptive; they were panicked, angry, and seeking revenge. They saw it as an attempt to kill them or deny them. They saw it as an insult and a mistake.
So in the Cold War, payments were made to some areas to quell the communist. The people who advocated this were liberals and the left wing. This was a very effective way to fight communism. When you introduce a post communist world, you change the variable and we were leveled by this changing variable. The liberals and the left wing did a probe. They threw out bills. They implemented cost spending. They began to hire and influence people. It was not a celebration, it was a set up; it was a trap to cut them down and call in Al Qaeda and doctors who wanted to split the human being in two. It is not one or two people; it is the entire liberal movement and the entire left wing. This is why it was and is way overdue to intern them and they are blocking this as their defense in order to attack and injure our forces more and continuous.
Had the left wing and the liberals not penetrated the government system through pluralism and immigration, then the internment of enemy combatants would have been a reality and on course 50 years ago. The fact is it came too late and it will be met with tremendous opposition. We do not know if it is going to take a legal or a more forceful challenge but we know the communist will not injure themselves or propose change they cannot believe in. This is also why we have moved aggressively to move the management and funding of the satellite warfare or military to a new level and pin it to a new currency. The liberals, the left wing, and the communist are too dependent and they want this dependency to determine peace in the world.
Our funding strategy is being used as foreign aid to the same people who we are fighting. Al Qaeda is using our funds to level us and finish it off. Our funding is being used to “promote peace” and it is funding the liberals and the communist who are vicious. They have to be interned and they are the enemy combatants just like Al Qaeda or any other who refuse to give us information which we can exploit to prevent attacks and ambushes on our forces. It is not as if they are cooperating, it is the case they are increasing it to its maximum levels, we saw and witnessed this from 2000 to 2008 under a right wing administration. They follow and stalk us to fool us or trick us to come closer. Then all hell breaks loose because they are too dependent and too vicious to stop or stop stalking us.
None of this was known until 2008 and the increase of the attacks under the Bush Administration. The effort had been kicked up to a maximum level and doubled under a Republican and right wing administration. Their legal teams brought federal charges on our forces being leveled by Al Qaeda and were able to fulfill a three year federal sentence and a local three year house arrest. The problem is deeply rooted in the internment of the liberals and the left wing and the problem with political will. The political will is in the favor of arming and militarizing Al Qaeda. To say all hell has broken out on earth is an understatement.
Let the historians record the true record. On this day, Sunday, June 22, 2008; the world was notified of the crisis and emergency with the former communists and their use of terrorism to keep the lights on and put food on the table. That aid is then used to fund militaries and future attacks. The liberals, the left, and the “thems” woke up one morning and figured out the “birds” were coming to peck them down and they at slowly and obstinately decided to play along at the very last minute. They were caught putting seeds in feeders and pretending to be bird handlers. Ha, one guy was caught taking pictures and telling his friend who was getting pecked “very hard” by a bird, “look how violent they are.” Even while the birds were pecking their best friends and pooping on them, they were laughing and joking as if the world had ended.
“I’m in this fight, tell me what to do” is their slogan. “Wait, we will not do that, it goes against our party line and our beliefs.” Then when they were asked what they are good at or wish to do, “we want to go after ‘high value targets’, do you know any. Do you know where they keep their things?” That is the spirit because this is the reason why we are in this fight to begin with. Welcome to our team. So they may not want to help, they may be worthless, but at least they know why we are fighting and why we are going to drive Al Qaeda off this planet.
Why in the world are they breaking the equipment if they do not have the money to fix it or buy it? Who does this sound like and who is behind it? Right now Al Qaeda is not worth a penny and is actually more valuable dead than alive. Why would they try to get the head of a real life SDI General and then say they can pay for it or pay to fix it? Al Qaeda has enough money to buy the program and the people itself? If so, lets start with one General, 12 trillion dollars and that is for one. We can train or hide, then send up a second one for them to play with; or see how much things have changed we can believe them.
We do not see any need to lock them up or see any need to begin the legal proposals to intern the liberals and the left wing as enemy combatants who have attacked the nation, the leaders, the world, and are holding us hostage and viciously attacking us. We do not see why they would oppose the idea how vicious and problematic they are or will be. We do not see any disagreements here unless they see some disagreements or perhaps some mistruths, disinformation, propaganda, or blatant baseless lies. Yet they tell us and keep repeating to us how they want and demand a shooting war. No, we do not see any reason to disagree or why they need to be interned as an enemy combatant. There are no disagreements.
The liberals and the left wing cannot be enemy combatants enough to abandon the entire debate process and the idea that solutions need to be produced. They neither disagree nor agree and from what we know, they are intent and willing to go all the way to the end defiant and shooting. We do not see them; that is, we do not see them as serious. We feel, document, and have witnessed their attacks and attempts to cut us down day in and day out from 1995 to 2008 in the most unrelenting and nonstop manner. How can they disagree or agree when they have already abandoned the process and are on a suicide mission to shoot and be defiant to the end.
We already know this is Al Qaeda; they already know we know it is Al Qaeda but refuse to cooperate or break their backs. Under the rule of the Clintons and the Bushes, Al Qaeda almost assassinated our best people and stole our best equipment or pretty near destroyed it all so it would not and could not be used on them. The public was made to think and believe that the disagreement to intern the liberals was a good and positive step but what it did instead was produce a growth, increased confidence, and even political will for both the liberals and the communists. Now, with the smoke clear and the utter horror of the past eight years, the public is forced to and has no other option but to support the Democrats or the left wing to intern or chase the former communist off this earth. If this is not a clear cut example of weak on communism than what is? If this is a disagreement over the weak on terrorism and strong on liberals, then what is?
They way you fight communism has proven to be on the battlefield and up until 9-11 this battlefield was very elusive. Was it an act of war, a simple mistake, a disagreement, or a spy operation gone badly? The cover up says all the above and the legality of trying to sort out the mess gets worse and worse because in 2008 we are no wear near closer than we were in 1995 when we did not even know they wanted us to write policy and encourage foreign aid or political inclusion for them. We are left with the idea that it was just a disagreement and not an act of war yet the legality is still being challenged and leveled for some reason.
The way we have chosen to fight communism in a post communist world is the use of the internment camps which were readily available and an effective way to scurry enemy combatants off to peace and get them off the battlefield so they do not injure our forces any more then they have or take over the world. It is not an issue of or about “political will” because political will only is a legislative tool to determine accounting and spending allocation which we are trying to move away from and establish a higher hierarchy in a post communist world. If there is a disagreement then the people who disagree must take the initiative to put a foot down and organize to a process of solution instead of abandoning it and forcing others into a shooting war while they tell them this is what they want and will be defiant and vicious to the end of the world. That is communism and that is liberals at work.
We are committed to peace and prosperity ten times more than the liberals and the leftist cause; therefore, they need to refute, dispute, provide any disagreements, or further any other agenda and lie. This is how we will show them and make it known to the world we are committed to peace and prosperity, a process of truth telling and solution solving, and the creation of a new world with vicious and venerable terrorists chased off this planet and not simply some local watering hole. We learned from Vietnam what the price of peace really means to a weak on communism spy ring. We also know what it will mean in the coming years with the advent of technology and satellite warfare. This was just training and an exercise to prepare for what is to come. Truly, all hell has broken loose on earth.
This peace they speak of and this legal superiority the liberals, left wing, and communist speak of feels they are so powerful and legal; they do not have to abandon cynicism and rhetoric. What is even more legal and superior is they feel they can stalk us for over a full decade, call the most vicious terrorists on earth, attack the nation, and put us in jail while never once showing a specific identification. These people feel they are so superior they owe no explanation, show no requirement for id, show no remorse or any sense of apology, no regret, nothing whatsoever except telling others to “go home” and how they own and possess everything.
If this is not the most deceptive, despicable, vile, worthless, and weakest barbaric cannibal on this earth; then please show us another who can compare. They feel they owe everything and everyone and we are some slave to their wishes and authority. They feel above the law and above truth. They feel they need not explain or even show identification while they storm across the borders and invade the nation without any uniform or id. We already know and knew it was Al Qaeda who did it but we never expected them to decry “peace.” Next time you kidnap, debate, or storm the nation, bring a uniform and identification so we can at least complain or fight back.
The only way is to intern and seek internment for these enemy combatants and do not hesitate with any delay. They will put forth the most fierce and most deadly defiance you will ever see because in the post communist world, they have no way to continue their operations and they are desperate to the point of homicidal dependence. They will even turn it back on you and split you in two and send you into a free fall of depression. The problem is not how they contribute or are a part of the show; the problem is how they are not. The immigration policies of the past were a failure and attributed to forming the largest opposition and deadliest defiance we have yet seen to anti communist forces and they are claiming superior and ownership to everything. They need not explain or show identification either.
They do not see liberals and left wing politics as incompatible to conservatives or freedom; they feel both sides are guilty but the other side is guiltier. We do not know what they will or will not agree or disagree with, they simply wish control and made it clear they are in control; we do not know what will make them pass the needed legislation to begin internment (much like the Japanese internment during World War II) and the removal of the liberals and the left wing; we do not know how far they want to take this or will take this or what they are up to. These are people who are incompatible to life, freedom, conservatives, angry, upset, and the most powerful and gigantic spy ring anyone has ever witness or were attacked by.
The liberals and the left wing know how to split the human being into two pieces. It is a psychological warfare developed by the former Soviet Union to torture and to increase the propensity for conformity and benevolence. This can also be scientifically proven because if you have ever been exposed to the left wing and their vicious attacks, then you will know and feel the transformation. This is not the problem or the real problem.
The real problem is when they call in crack teams and special spy ring leaders to become handlers and puppet masters. They split the human soul in two and if you are not aware or prepared, they will split you in half. You will begin to hate yourself because everything you do and say will be held against you. Regardless of the substance or truth, regardless of the lack of any mistruth, regardless of any plea for mercy; they are beyond vicious and beyond barbaric.
These are part of their face off and stand off, to produce an alter ego. When they have their presence inside someone it grows and they can begin to grow it. The minute the alter ego takes over and goes on a lunatic fringe, it begins to overpower the weaker or the less violence. That in itself is the entire backbone of the communist revolution; it is also the backbone of the liberal revolution. They choose people based on their resumes and their ability to fit into the party agenda. This is by far, the largest and most ostensible spy ring in the history of mankind and to distance the knowledge by describing them as “huge” is an understatement. They are beyond huge and what their goal is, to equal the military power and to stay competitive with the conservatives and right wing. They are vulnerable to attack and toppling their power is at a whim unless they can shore up this divide. The gap is also tremendous; however, when they concentrate all their resources on only a few targets, it gives the appearance of invincible might.
At this time, the liberals and the left wing are desperate for government aid and funds. The end of communism has drained them of all funding and resources which has left them vulnerable to attack. They must get military aid to prevent either mutiny or toppling in their hierarchy. Insofar as the use of the terrorism card, Al Qaeda will do things and be able to keep it continuous due to their political reach and political influence. They are present and in charge in both party systems and claim they can also be right wing leaders. It is the most deceptive spies and spy ring we have ever witnessed, stared down, or fought. From 1995 and even during the 1980s, we believe they had sat in waiting for the opportunity to contact and communicate to us. From 1995 to 2008 they put us under attack and kept this up to the maximum degree until 2008 and ongoing. This is how powerful and how much presence they have.
What they do not know or understand was the idea that in a post communist world, we also had to determine what they are up to. We never went to them; they came to us looking for inclusion into the political circle. They also say how mutual the situation is and begin to advance the idea of massive funding and aid for their forces. This is when they are the most dangerous and most lethal. If you resist, then you will have the collapsing effect of one of the most ostensible and large spy networks ever. They have seized massive portions of the police state and use what they control back onto the resistance to level and flatten them. It feels like a nuclear bomb underneath you which lifts you up and throws you onto another area of earth.
The communist forces do not feel the end of communism must necessarily mean the end to their funds. They are angry with the decision. Due to the total lack of security, massive foreign and military aid had flowed to the communist and socialist forces. In the post Cold War world, they want more. They are checking and targeting specific new candidates on the political scene to determine how much of threat they are or will be. The penetration by this huge spy ring was so successful and deceptive; they were panicked, angry, and seeking revenge. They saw it as an attempt to kill them or deny them. They saw it as an insult and a mistake.
So in the Cold War, payments were made to some areas to quell the communist. The people who advocated this were liberals and the left wing. This was a very effective way to fight communism. When you introduce a post communist world, you change the variable and we were leveled by this changing variable. The liberals and the left wing did a probe. They threw out bills. They implemented cost spending. They began to hire and influence people. It was not a celebration, it was a set up; it was a trap to cut them down and call in Al Qaeda and doctors who wanted to split the human being in two. It is not one or two people; it is the entire liberal movement and the entire left wing. This is why it was and is way overdue to intern them and they are blocking this as their defense in order to attack and injure our forces more and continuous.
Had the left wing and the liberals not penetrated the government system through pluralism and immigration, then the internment of enemy combatants would have been a reality and on course 50 years ago. The fact is it came too late and it will be met with tremendous opposition. We do not know if it is going to take a legal or a more forceful challenge but we know the communist will not injure themselves or propose change they cannot believe in. This is also why we have moved aggressively to move the management and funding of the satellite warfare or military to a new level and pin it to a new currency. The liberals, the left wing, and the communist are too dependent and they want this dependency to determine peace in the world.
Our funding strategy is being used as foreign aid to the same people who we are fighting. Al Qaeda is using our funds to level us and finish it off. Our funding is being used to “promote peace” and it is funding the liberals and the communist who are vicious. They have to be interned and they are the enemy combatants just like Al Qaeda or any other who refuse to give us information which we can exploit to prevent attacks and ambushes on our forces. It is not as if they are cooperating, it is the case they are increasing it to its maximum levels, we saw and witnessed this from 2000 to 2008 under a right wing administration. They follow and stalk us to fool us or trick us to come closer. Then all hell breaks loose because they are too dependent and too vicious to stop or stop stalking us.
None of this was known until 2008 and the increase of the attacks under the Bush Administration. The effort had been kicked up to a maximum level and doubled under a Republican and right wing administration. Their legal teams brought federal charges on our forces being leveled by Al Qaeda and were able to fulfill a three year federal sentence and a local three year house arrest. The problem is deeply rooted in the internment of the liberals and the left wing and the problem with political will. The political will is in the favor of arming and militarizing Al Qaeda. To say all hell has broken out on earth is an understatement.
Let the historians record the true record. On this day, Sunday, June 22, 2008; the world was notified of the crisis and emergency with the former communists and their use of terrorism to keep the lights on and put food on the table. That aid is then used to fund militaries and future attacks. The liberals, the left, and the “thems” woke up one morning and figured out the “birds” were coming to peck them down and they at slowly and obstinately decided to play along at the very last minute. They were caught putting seeds in feeders and pretending to be bird handlers. Ha, one guy was caught taking pictures and telling his friend who was getting pecked “very hard” by a bird, “look how violent they are.” Even while the birds were pecking their best friends and pooping on them, they were laughing and joking as if the world had ended.
“I’m in this fight, tell me what to do” is their slogan. “Wait, we will not do that, it goes against our party line and our beliefs.” Then when they were asked what they are good at or wish to do, “we want to go after ‘high value targets’, do you know any. Do you know where they keep their things?” That is the spirit because this is the reason why we are in this fight to begin with. Welcome to our team. So they may not want to help, they may be worthless, but at least they know why we are fighting and why we are going to drive Al Qaeda off this planet.
Why in the world are they breaking the equipment if they do not have the money to fix it or buy it? Who does this sound like and who is behind it? Right now Al Qaeda is not worth a penny and is actually more valuable dead than alive. Why would they try to get the head of a real life SDI General and then say they can pay for it or pay to fix it? Al Qaeda has enough money to buy the program and the people itself? If so, lets start with one General, 12 trillion dollars and that is for one. We can train or hide, then send up a second one for them to play with; or see how much things have changed we can believe them.
We do not see any need to lock them up or see any need to begin the legal proposals to intern the liberals and the left wing as enemy combatants who have attacked the nation, the leaders, the world, and are holding us hostage and viciously attacking us. We do not see why they would oppose the idea how vicious and problematic they are or will be. We do not see any disagreements here unless they see some disagreements or perhaps some mistruths, disinformation, propaganda, or blatant baseless lies. Yet they tell us and keep repeating to us how they want and demand a shooting war. No, we do not see any reason to disagree or why they need to be interned as an enemy combatant. There are no disagreements.
The liberals and the left wing cannot be enemy combatants enough to abandon the entire debate process and the idea that solutions need to be produced. They neither disagree nor agree and from what we know, they are intent and willing to go all the way to the end defiant and shooting. We do not see them; that is, we do not see them as serious. We feel, document, and have witnessed their attacks and attempts to cut us down day in and day out from 1995 to 2008 in the most unrelenting and nonstop manner. How can they disagree or agree when they have already abandoned the process and are on a suicide mission to shoot and be defiant to the end.
We already know this is Al Qaeda; they already know we know it is Al Qaeda but refuse to cooperate or break their backs. Under the rule of the Clintons and the Bushes, Al Qaeda almost assassinated our best people and stole our best equipment or pretty near destroyed it all so it would not and could not be used on them. The public was made to think and believe that the disagreement to intern the liberals was a good and positive step but what it did instead was produce a growth, increased confidence, and even political will for both the liberals and the communists. Now, with the smoke clear and the utter horror of the past eight years, the public is forced to and has no other option but to support the Democrats or the left wing to intern or chase the former communist off this earth. If this is not a clear cut example of weak on communism than what is? If this is a disagreement over the weak on terrorism and strong on liberals, then what is?
They way you fight communism has proven to be on the battlefield and up until 9-11 this battlefield was very elusive. Was it an act of war, a simple mistake, a disagreement, or a spy operation gone badly? The cover up says all the above and the legality of trying to sort out the mess gets worse and worse because in 2008 we are no wear near closer than we were in 1995 when we did not even know they wanted us to write policy and encourage foreign aid or political inclusion for them. We are left with the idea that it was just a disagreement and not an act of war yet the legality is still being challenged and leveled for some reason.
The way we have chosen to fight communism in a post communist world is the use of the internment camps which were readily available and an effective way to scurry enemy combatants off to peace and get them off the battlefield so they do not injure our forces any more then they have or take over the world. It is not an issue of or about “political will” because political will only is a legislative tool to determine accounting and spending allocation which we are trying to move away from and establish a higher hierarchy in a post communist world. If there is a disagreement then the people who disagree must take the initiative to put a foot down and organize to a process of solution instead of abandoning it and forcing others into a shooting war while they tell them this is what they want and will be defiant and vicious to the end of the world. That is communism and that is liberals at work.
We are committed to peace and prosperity ten times more than the liberals and the leftist cause; therefore, they need to refute, dispute, provide any disagreements, or further any other agenda and lie. This is how we will show them and make it known to the world we are committed to peace and prosperity, a process of truth telling and solution solving, and the creation of a new world with vicious and venerable terrorists chased off this planet and not simply some local watering hole. We learned from Vietnam what the price of peace really means to a weak on communism spy ring. We also know what it will mean in the coming years with the advent of technology and satellite warfare. This was just training and an exercise to prepare for what is to come. Truly, all hell has broken loose on earth.
This peace they speak of and this legal superiority the liberals, left wing, and communist speak of feels they are so powerful and legal; they do not have to abandon cynicism and rhetoric. What is even more legal and superior is they feel they can stalk us for over a full decade, call the most vicious terrorists on earth, attack the nation, and put us in jail while never once showing a specific identification. These people feel they are so superior they owe no explanation, show no requirement for id, show no remorse or any sense of apology, no regret, nothing whatsoever except telling others to “go home” and how they own and possess everything.
If this is not the most deceptive, despicable, vile, worthless, and weakest barbaric cannibal on this earth; then please show us another who can compare. They feel they owe everything and everyone and we are some slave to their wishes and authority. They feel above the law and above truth. They feel they need not explain or even show identification while they storm across the borders and invade the nation without any uniform or id. We already know and knew it was Al Qaeda who did it but we never expected them to decry “peace.” Next time you kidnap, debate, or storm the nation, bring a uniform and identification so we can at least complain or fight back.
The only way is to intern and seek internment for these enemy combatants and do not hesitate with any delay. They will put forth the most fierce and most deadly defiance you will ever see because in the post communist world, they have no way to continue their operations and they are desperate to the point of homicidal dependence. They will even turn it back on you and split you in two and send you into a free fall of depression. The problem is not how they contribute or are a part of the show; the problem is how they are not. The immigration policies of the past were a failure and attributed to forming the largest opposition and deadliest defiance we have yet seen to anti communist forces and they are claiming superior and ownership to everything. They need not explain or show identification either.
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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.